
JackFrostbluesabre: Sorry to ask, but thoughts on calamares?00:14
JackFrostOh, well nevermind.  I forgot.00:21
JackFrostI forgot it was Qt, but the problems with ubiquity can be really annoying..00:26
bluesabreJackFrost: never used calamares, so no opinion there :)01:12
JackFrostbluesabre: Emery is having issues with Ubiquity, we've been having them since 20.10 really.  My thought was "Another installer option, sounds great", but Qt/QML sooo...01:13
JackFrostSome people have the issues, some don't.  It's complicated..01:14
bluesabreI'm not opposed to using it if it makes our installation more reliable. Having QT just on live isn't the worst experience.01:17
bluesabreThough, the new installer might exist by 21.1001:17
JackFrostIt'd be nice if we can create the initial bit, then forget about it.01:20
bluesabreLooks like it shouldn't be too hard to implement01:23
JackFrostAlso, I can maybe try a build of it in Core if you want?  Pre-upload/merge too.01:24
bluesabreGo for it, happy to help where I can if I can01:25
JackFrosthttps://thumbs.gfycat.com/GenuineGoldenBelugawhale-size_restricted.gif :301:30
bluesabreJackFrost:, jphilips, where's the bug report / meh fix for gnome-software replacing itself with a snap?01:35
JackFrosthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1879318 well that's fun...01:41
ubot3Launchpad bug 1879318 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Removing gnome software snap plugin breaks gnome software storefront on Xubuntu 20.04" [Low, Confirmed]01:41
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Merge pull request #9 from philipzae/settings-manager-sound @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/d3c7297ea55092d200c5e9b94917f63d97cb8e26 (by bluesabre)01:47
JackFrost↑ could be confusing if pavucontrol isn't installed.01:49
bluesabreOh good point01:49
JackFrostAlso, haha!  calamares would install vlc. :P01:49
bluesabreShould add TryExec to that01:49
JackFrostNo idea how Xfce treats tryexec, just figured I'd point it out.  We likely seed it in both Desktop and Core.01:50
JackFrostOuch....That's a *lot* of Qt...01:50
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Add TryExec key to verify installation of pavucontrol @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/fd6d67193e2085d64d2840a0158d1b4714111924 (by bluesabre)01:57
bluesabreAlrighty, I'm out for the night, back tomorrow02:02
JackFrostSleep fine!02:03
jphilipsbluesabre: didn't file a bug report for it. we've been discussing how to fix it here in IRC.02:07
JackFrostI don't think there's any good options, unfortunately. :/02:08
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jphilipsbluesabre: libreoffice math is in the office menu, so duplicating it in the education menu, when its the only entry in there was what i was getting at19:39

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