
IrcsomeBots_9_8_d was added by: s_9_8_d01:41
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killa_fr0ggMaik: because it's not as well-integrated as it is in kubuntu04:42
killa_fr0gghello all, can someone help me figure out why my computer is sending out mDLNA without my having set any such thing up?04:44
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IrcsomeBott t was added by: t t05:44
=== robert__ is now known as BlackWolfie
BlackWolfie /msg NickServ identify 200206:31
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Kalovi always feare06:46
Kalovfeared that06:46
viewer|1wen is 21.04 released06:54
BluesKajHowdy folks13:19
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> Hello there.13:20
=== samfisher is now known as jaruthe
=== eduardo is now known as Guest72368
canurabusHi all. I'm having audio issues with Kubuntu. I've installed Kubuntu 20.10 directly on my computer. The sound card is integrated on my Asus TUF X570 motherboard. There are two problems: 1. The audio doesn't play without selecting the correct output (the wrong output is always selected on boot),  2. The available outputs are not consistent after booting. Sometimes the required output is simply not available, and I can never get audio to play in19:19
canurabusthis case. Does anyone know how I can troubleshoot this (esp problem 2)19:19
canurabusI check the available outputs using pavucontrol19:19
canurabusOk, restarting pulse audio (`pulseaudio -k`) seems to refresh the available outputs list and make the ones I need show up... still wish I didn't have to explicitly do this19:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I had the similar audio issues on 20.10 and "resolved" them by uninstalling pipewire.  If you are not using Wayland and OBS, pipewire removal should not be a problem.19:31
canurabusI do use OBS... but not Wayland (at least I don't think I'm using Wayland, I didn't explicitly select it so I'm assuming I'm still on X)19:35
canurabusJust some cursory google seems to indicate there's an issue with X570 motherboards. Couldn't find anything for my specific one though, I'm hoping its resolved in a kernel update19:36
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> check for kwin_x11 on your tasklist. Wayland is still a manual "opt-in" user choice on KDE (not default on any kde distro that I have seen).19:37
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=== rileyreid is now known as isnessness_
=== isnessness_ is now known as isnessness
IrcsomeBotAP_XD was added by: AP_XD22:37
falkomatguten abend22:50
falkomatich bin neu hier22:50
Maik!de | falkomat22:52
ubottufalkomat: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:52
IrcsomeBotRyan Bethem | Chintai | EOS42 was added by: Ryan Bethem | Chintai | EOS4222:55

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