[01:23] https://pastebin.com/ZYSGQTM8 [01:23] I cant get it to install ^ [01:23] what version? where did you get it from? did you check the hashes as instructed by the manual? [01:24] does it need to be in legacy mode [01:24] newest md5 matches [01:24] if newest is your answer to the first question, that doesn't tell me the exact answer because there are two currently supported versions [01:24] and you didn't answer the one in the middle [01:26] Got it from torrent that the site suggested idk how to see version [01:28] from what site? [01:28] the lubuntu site [01:28] bruh [01:28] I have the right iso lol [01:28] there's multiple sites out there but one official one [01:29] lubuntu.me? meway? [01:29] md5sums are depreciated; so I'd suggest checking the site [01:29] yea I think so. [01:30] I just checked, no MD5sums are available for any supported release (b/c they are depreciated) [01:31] alright does anyone have a link to what I need? [01:31] SHA256SUMS & SHA256SUMS.gpg are the validation keys, even for legacy bionic [01:31] https://lubuntu.me/downloads/ [01:32] my bad it was sha256 [01:42] got this one now downloaded [01:42] 1a4586a246498fdb08dcdb6eddc13f7ac621ccfb4206e040d010cf6cae716fb4 [01:49] meway: that matches the sum of the iso you downloaded? [01:49] meway, that appears to match https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/20.10/release/SHA256SUMS so you have 20.10/groovy [01:59] I'm now getting "you need to load the kernel first" [02:03] meway: I can't say that I have seen that message before. Can you give us some context as to what lead to that? [02:04] I plugged the live disk in, I booted. It loads into gnu grub version 2.04 when I press "lubuntu" it tells me "you need to load the kernel first" [02:04] error: file '/casper/vmlinuz' not found [02:05] My guess is you had a bad write to your thumb-drive (installation media). If it doesn't boot & verify itself, I try booting in another box, it if fails there I usually assume bad write (but may boot in a different type of box; eg. if first two were uEFI, 3rd will be BIOS to confirm) [02:07] I've also seen issues with USB ports. If you have another that you can try it might be good too. [02:07] ? [02:08] * meway puts foot through laptop [02:08] https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html is the manual page on writing media [02:08] not a problem guys solved my own issue Kek [02:08] well done meway ! [02:08] was kidding lol [02:12] alright so I'm going to try installing with my other machine [02:13] Is there a way to directly install the iso without it being a live disk? [02:14] No, you have to boot the live disk to start the installer. [02:14] what if I boot live disk in a vm and install in it? [02:16] lubuntu going to give me a stroke I swear xD [02:16] You can boot the iso in a VM and install it to a virtual disk. [02:16] no no no I want to install it to a HDD [02:16] thats on a usb? [02:17] Your only option is to run the live disk then. [02:17] can I run a live disk on a vm and install to usb hdd? [02:18] Technically it may be possible. [02:19] It isn't a method we support however [02:19] I just need what works lol... [02:20] meway, I've successfully installed bionic to external drive and/or thumb-drive, not using calamares or 18.10 or later (haven't really tried though.. options aren't obvious is all I noted) === me is now known as Guest91887 [09:08] Hi/.  I was curious if Wayland is planned for next Lubuntu release 21.04 ? [09:11] I was curious if Wayland can be easily installed on Lubuntu with option on grub or before GUI loads to pick X or Wayland ? [10:10] anyone experiencing -> Requires installation of untrusted packages. This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources. [10:10] while upgrading? [10:26] strywgr, I would open a terminal and `apt-cache policy ' and it's likely the package is from a 3rd party source; that's all the comes to mind [10:27] it just upgraded ;/ i didnt even tried anything in terminal. [10:27] found some solutions was going to try them before i tried upgrading one more time and it worked [10:28] :) [10:32] ty [13:51] hi [13:51] hi [16:29] [telegram] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RXAsxSGQLIkIgRl0a_wZkrdNOKPezkD3/view?usp=sharing [16:30] [telegram] Guys [16:30] [telegram] Spotify flatpak dropdown menue doesn't work (re @Michaël: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RXAsxSGQLIkIgRl0a_wZkrdNOKPezkD3/view?usp=sharing) [16:30] [telegram] It appears something to be with lxqt [16:30] [telegram] Where do I report this on github? [16:32] very strange https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rSgmMcNfXk/ 20.04.2 [16:35] [telegram] that's why i want to report it 😆 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) very strange https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rSgmMcNfXk/ 20.04.2) [16:36] [telegram] I already showed this on flathub but they redirected me to lxqt [17:46] [telegram] You need to report to the ones that make the flatpak (re @Michaël: Where do I report this on github?) [17:52] [telegram] they redirected me to lxqt [17:52] [telegram] https://discourse.flathub.org/t/spotify-drop-down-menu/902 (re @HMollerCl: You need to report to the ones that make the flatpak) [17:53] [telegram] I guess you could start a discussion on the LXQt GitHub to see if they want you to file a bug. I would link to the flathub bug. https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/discussions (re @Michaël: I already showed this on flathub but they redirected me to lxqt) [17:53] [telegram] thank you (re @kc2bez: I guess you could start a discussion on the LXQt GitHub to see if they want you to file a bug. I would link to the flathub bug. https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/discussions) === root is now known as Guest30737 [18:08] [telegram] Why do you use a flatpak when there are .Deb and snap? [18:08] [telegram] Flatpack is a repackage of the .deb [18:34] [telegram] 😂 [18:34] [telegram] You're right [18:34] [telegram] But at the time I installed it [18:34] [telegram] I had Nu pubkeys errors [18:34] [telegram] I posted an other tread for that 😂 [18:34] [telegram] always something with me (re @HMollerCl: Why do you use a flatpak when there are .Deb and snap?) [18:38] [telegram] for the .deb version [18:38] [telegram] Warning: apt-key is deprecated [18:38] [telegram] But I'm not installing snap on my system [18:41] [telegram] I'm guessing Discover gave you that message? (re @Michaël: for the .deb version [18:41] [telegram] Warning: apt-key is deprecated [18:41] [telegram] But I'm not installing snap on my system) [18:41] [telegram] came right from ther terminal (re @kc2bez: I'm guessing Discover gave you that message?) [18:43] [telegram] ok, it is just a warning so I think you can safely ignore it as long as everything is working properly. [18:53] [telegram] It's installed now [18:53] [telegram] I removed the flatpak app [18:53] [telegram] But with the .deb package [18:53] [telegram] I have exactly the same result [18:53] [telegram] Dropdown menu doesn't work [19:30] [telegram] I get latest sportify .deb from here https://repository-origin.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify-client/ it closes connection a lot soy ou have to resume (re @Michaël: It's installed now [19:30] [telegram] I removed the flatpak app [19:30] [telegram] But with the .deb package [19:30] [telegram] I have exactly the same result [19:30] [telegram] Dropdown menu doesn't work) [20:10] [telegram] Thank you for your help [20:10] [telegram] I installed it [20:10] [telegram] And yet [20:10] [telegram] dropdownmenu doesn't work (re @HMollerCl: I get latest sportify .deb from here https://repository-origin.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify-client/ it closes connection a lot soy ou have to resume) [20:12] [telegram] does it work for you @HMollerCl ? [22:11] test === daniel is now known as Guest35177 [23:35] [telegram] I'm not sure, I'm not in linux right now, thelinux spotify forum is this https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux (re @Michaël: does it work for you @HMollerCl ?) [23:35] not in linux??? how could you! [23:40] I use the snap 😱 and that seems ok.