[03:13] good morning [08:03] good morning [17:32] TJ-: i always practice here https://hackertyper.net/ [17:33] lotuspsychje: ! :D [17:33] :p [17:33] * TJ- fires a bluetooth guided missle at lotuspsychje [17:33] lol [17:33] be carefull i bought a new dronegun [17:34] I used quantum mode [17:35] Maik: I hope they get convinced [17:36] me too [17:37] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/poll-about-possible-netboot-mini-iso-revival-in-future-ubuntu-releases/19457 === jckfrst is now known as jckfrst1 [21:50] why.....just...why ? [21:53] Maybe just a version without the Nvidia proprietary drivers? I wouldn't mind seeing a ISO at 1.5GB again [21:58] I guess for a desktop....mabey, but for a server I see no need [22:10] people really want to install the server image and then a desktop like say Unity or Cinnamon on it? I wouldn't. That's where such a mini iso is handy. [22:11] different strokes for different folks [22:12] Whatch you talkin about willis? [22:14] meh.....I never use desktops on any of my systems, they are all servers [22:15] Why bother with a mini, if all youre going to do is install a desktop ? [22:16] and as a matter of fact, when I do have need for a desktop, I install server then a custom desktop, I mean, its a two liner [22:20] yes, no, some want a clean desktop, i3 or cinnamon [22:21] no gnome or kde cruft after install [22:21] so..install em ? [22:22] again, that hardly begs for a mini iso [22:22] I dont use gnome or KDE BTW [22:22] Tux racers everywhere [22:22] ZOOM ZOOM [22:23] I mean the DE folks already fucked up the server ISO's with that snap crap that belongs NO WHERE near servers [22:23] cloud init? [22:24] no, snaps [22:24] Why in the name of anything would a server admin what software on their system that auto updates whenever the hell it wants [22:25] if one wants Livepatch, you need snapd [22:25] oh, updates can be scheduled [22:25] Did I say anything about livepatcch ? [22:25] No, they can not, they can be postponed [22:25] i say it, to explain why i want it on my server [22:25] but eventually will happen [22:26] snaps are a HORRIBLE idea, and live patch could have been easilly implimented without snaps [22:27] snaps , in an enterprise env are just nuts, I am looking at dropping Ubuntu totally over them.