
phibsanyone know why building a package is giving me this error00:16
sarnoldphibs: my wild guess is things that package was built to do may have passed the lintian tests that were in place when it was created, but new tests have been added since then00:24
phibshmm it won't even isntall00:33
phibsnot even sure where it gets that from....00:37
phibsany tips would be gr800:39
phibslooks like it's in the Makefile....00:40
phibsso what is the proper dir to use i guess00:41
phibs          $(INSTALL) -m 644 etc/conman.service \00:41
phibs            $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/systemd/system/conman.service; \00:41
phibsmaybe /etc/systemd/system00:42
sarnoldthat's more for local admins00:43
sarnold$ ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/system/ | wc -l00:43
sarnoldphibs: hmm, I wonder if it's that stupid /lib symlink.. check out namei -l /lib/systemd/system00:44
phibsso it wants /usr/lib ?00:45
sarnoldI found it slightly funny that the lintian output had both /lib/systemd/ and /usr/lib/systemd/ paths..00:46
phibsle sigh00:46
phibsafaik this is just the focal conman pkg00:46
phibsw/ newer sources (for 0.3.0)00:46
phibsamazing deb/ubuntu haven't packaged newer00:47
phibshow should i try to fix00:47
phibslooks like it's already trying to use /usr/lib/systemd00:48
phibs          $(INSTALL) -m 644 etc/conman.service \00:48
phibs            $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/systemd/system/conman.service; \00:48
phibsbut yeah I dun care about linter, I just want it to install ;000:49
sarnoldthat bit of the makefile is newer than the newest package in ubuntu00:53
sarnoldI'd be tempted to patch that bit out :)00:53
phibsof course00:53
phibsubuntu/deb are old here00:53
phibswhich bit00:53
sarnoldmaybe the right answer is to edit the debian/conman.install.in file in package and remove the /lib/ .. version of the thing00:54
phibstried that00:54
phibsthis has 1990s written all over it ;000:55
phibsI don't miss doing this stuff for a living00:55
sarnoldtry deleting those four lines from install-systemd  from the Makefile, and remove the 'install-systemd' from the install-data-local: line?00:55
phibsthat was it00:57
phibs(removing $prefix)00:58
phibsit wanted /lib00:58
phibsfun times thanks sir00:59
sarnoldwoot :)00:59
phibsI thought you hung in ##ubnt01:03
sarnoldthis is the first I"m hearing of it, thanks :)01:04
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HamidrezaHi guys, I want to put a command to ubuntu and when system startup and rebooting it should run, in centos we have /etc/rc.local13:41
Hamidrezawhat does we have in ubutnu ?13:42
Hamidrezashould I put it in .bashrc?13:42
Posterthe modern mechanism would be to write a systemd unit, you can also restore the /etc/rc.local functionality via systemd https://www.linuxbabe.com/linux-server/how-to-enable-etcrc-local-with-systemd13:47
Poster.bashrc is going to run on login, not startup, so you probably don't want to go that route13:47
HamidrezaPoster, it is just a command that should run on start up like bellow: echo 0 > /sys/block/sda/queue/add_random14:02

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