
kazlockHi, I'm trying to figure out why I don't have terminal colors by default when I ssh into an ubuntu vm. It has the standard skeleton bashrc that looks at the $TERM varaible to set PS1, aliases, etc. My $TERM is xterm-256color. The weird part: if I `exec bash` after connecting the new shell has colors.00:16
mwillcwith the new deb822-style repo definitions, is it expected that apt will support an rpm distro style option such as apt --enable-repo=my_normally_disabled_repo?00:18
oerheksapt gives --allow-unauthenticated00:21
oerheksor deb [trusted=yes] http://www something00:22
oerheksthen again; what is the reason for disabling a repo...00:23
mwillcon rpm based distros, i will have a prod, test, and staging repo, that contain the same pkgs, but at different points in time, where staging is sync'd with upstream, test is a snapshot of staging at some point in time.  Both would be disabled by default, so that apt/dnf/yum update would ignore these repos, unless yum/dnf --enablerepo=staging/test was used on the cmdline00:25
oerhekswe do have proposed,00:26
mwillcin my experience it provides more flexibility.  the same can be done on ubuntu, but I'd have to sed comment out repo defs, update, etc...00:26
mwillcnow that deb822 style looks to be the future, i'd find it convenient to not have to hack my repo files00:27
mwillcand instead rely on an option like enablerepo=* or disablerepo=* much like yum/dnf00:27
oerheksapt now directs private  repositories to the r /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder to avoid clutter00:28
oerheksneat and clean, i say00:29
mwillci agree. with deb822 repo.sources files they have a Enabled: yes parameter.  Maybe this exists already on U20, i'll have to rtfm, but if not and for my purposes it would be nice to have staging.sources with Enabled: no, available if I did apt update --enablerepo=staging, rather than edit this file myself00:32
mwillcin my examples above, i should have said for example "apt upgrade --enablerepo=test sudo" NOT apt update, i apologize for confusing the 200:36
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unixbsdhi guys,02:22
unixbsdbug fix... on dhewm3:   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf2) [0x7f88eea38cb2]  Segmentation fault (core dumped)02:22
unixbsdthis comes from the base.so02:22
unixbsd apt-get install -y    dhewm3-doom3  dhewm3  will have a big issue with : ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dhewm3/base.so02:23
unixbsdplease recompile from source the package to have a correct base.so ! thank you.02:23
oerheks!info dhewm302:25
ubottudhewm3 (source: dhewm3): GPL Doom 3 game engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0+git20181221+dfsg-2 (focal), package size 1255 kB, installed size 3485 kB02:25
sarnoldhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhewm3 -- focal's dhewm3 was rebuilt a few days before focal was released02:26
sarnoldit'll probably take more than a rebuild to fix whatever is broken02:26
sarnoldyou could run ubuntu-bug dhewm3  and fill out the bug report, that'll give you and whoever else is interested in fixing it a place to communicate02:27
oerhekshttps://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/releases/tag/1.5.0 .. 1.5.1 is in RC02:28
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lotuspsychjeit works chev03:46
SneakyNickquestion. You know the trick for stop crying, to pinch yourself. What is the rough scientific explanation for it? Does it have a term, a lingo? Anyone here familiar with a physiological/biological explanation for it?04:08
geniiThis does not seem like strictly an Ubuntu support question04:09
SneakyNickI realize this chan got a state purpose, but not that everything besides it is strictly banned. It's interesting and general.04:19
SneakyNickNot arguing btw, merely saying I thought OT is okay to some extent. That its not ehehe binary.04:20
Bashing-om!ubuntu-offtopic | SneakyNick However - there is for this:04:21
tycelhey there, Ubuntu isn't detecting my 2nd monitor04:45
tycelI'm trying to figure out how to get it to do so.04:45
hmir_my ALT key is dead. Is there another shortcut for cTRL+ALT+F1 to get to the virtual console?04:48
Newttycel https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/display-dual-monitors.html04:53
Newthmir you cant just remap the keys?04:53
tycelHi there, so I realized something weird. I disconnected my 2nd monitor and linux isn't detecting my laptop monitor04:55
tycelis there a way to force nvidia to rewrite a xorg file?04:55
tycelI'm assuming so04:55
Bashing-omtycel: There used to be ' sudo nvidia-xconfig ' - but I have not seen the use in years.05:00
tycelYeah, I rebooted the computer without my 2nd monitor05:00
tyceland linux just..ignored it.05:00
tycelNever seen that before.05:00
tycelbrb, going to try that; it wrote a new one.05:01
tycelThat didn't work.05:05
* tycel sighs05:05
* tycel loves the bootspeeds from SSDs though05:05
tycelSo, I don't know what the problem is05:06
Bashing-omtyteen4a03: Mind ya I do not have any dual monitor experience - I can try and muddle with you - does "xrandr" see the 2nd display: xrandr --listproviders .05:14
Newttycel have you tried rebootong lightdm?05:25
Newtwait thats debian05:25
tycelI cant even tell if Ubuntu is recognizing my laptop's main display.06:20
NitrousoxideI'm trying to make SSHD start when my system boots but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried `sudo systemctl enable sshd`.06:27
tycelSo, I don't think my system is finding the actual laptop monitor. Even when unplugging the current one. Just stays black.06:37
tycelWhen I reboot it unplugged, it shows up until the GUI appears.. the just blacks out and waits for me to connect my current monitor.06:38
tycelhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/r5NJmgJMpK/ is my lspci list.06:38
Newtim booting from a presistant usb, why does it take a wail to launch apps? some times they dont even launch07:02
tscopprun one from the terminal and see what it says when it gets stuck07:12
Newtim trying to launch the software center and it does not launch07:26
Newtwhen i run from terminal its comes back [software-center not found]07:26
tscoppWhat kind of persistent USB is this?07:27
Newti made it in rufus. actually when i first did it i noticed that even though it still asked me to install it would save all my data so i just turned off the "please install" window07:35
Newtso im not sure what you would call that07:35
tscopphm, fraid I'm not sure what rufus is. is this a bootable ubuntu USB you tried to make?07:36
Newtthis is rufus iv used it for a wail i like it more than unetbootin for what ever reason07:37
tscoppah, I've only ever used unetbootin07:37
Newtit does much the same thing07:38
Newtlet me reboot and see if i can put a bandaid on this problem07:38
tscoppI'd try making a new stick if it were me07:39
Newti just spent allday makeing this one exactly how i want it, i want to avoid that if i can07:39
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unixbsdI installed xserver-xorg only and clang. I compiled my X. If I install whatever involves X, it will install the whole UBUNTU suitee, e.g. bluetooth, ubuntu wallpapers, login man...09:08
unixbsdIs that possible that that crap goes out from most packages?09:08
unixbsd(note: I installed the minimal system with debootstrap first).09:08
ThinkT510why did you compile your own X?09:09
unixbsdI could have.09:09
unixbsdI have compiled my own kernel and modules.09:09
unixbsdYour packages are very dirty.09:09
ThinkT510Please don't assume they are my packages09:10
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CsC1984SpHello everyone09:45
CsC1984SpI'm new here in this channel09:45
CsC1984SpI come here to see if someone could help me09:46
CsC1984SpIs there any one?09:46
CsC1984SpI have a trouble with my internet config. I can just connect to https, not http, so apt doesn't work09:49
CsC1984Spany help?09:49
CsC1984SpI've tried ping over and it works. I also checked ufw and it's ok09:49
CsC1984Spany idea?09:49
nikolamLinux with Firefox on it is in really sad state today.. I am thinking of dropping Linux for desktop.. Every time Firefox fills up the RAM (I suppose because of Linux memory overcommit), whole desktop freezes and system goes to swapping and goes to a near halt.10:14
nikolamit doesn't matter if it is 4G, 8G, 12G, 16G of RAM, it happens when RAM if filled with Firefox processes.10:15
nikolamShouldnt an OS in 2021 be able to handle misbehaving apps against freezing of the rest of the desktop and rest of the user UI?10:16
mat_czI managed to lunch startx as root, but as user I still got : waiting for X server to shutdown (II) Server terminated succesfully (0). Closing log file.ializing kms color map for depth 24, 8 bpc.xinit: connection to X server lost10:19
mat_czbut Xorg.log.0 dont have any (ee)10:19
mat_czfor what mistake should i look for?10:22
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nikolammat_cz, maybe using ubuntu-bug to create and send bug report?10:50
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abhijitHi All. can I sign multiple kernerls with same key? I created a key at installation time but now at each new kernel upgrade it ask me to sign manually.11:59
abhijitanyone can read me?12:09
MonkeyDustabhijit  yes12:10
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finishвсем привет13:15
finishНе могу найти канал #ubuntu-ru13:15
lotuspsychje!ru | finish13:15
ubottufinish: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:15
AmigoRedhy guys13:19
BluesKajHowdy folks13:20
lotuspsychjehow can we help you AmigoRed13:20
blb439320.04.02 comes with 5.8 kernel but this kernel is eol. Will ubu backport patches nevertheless?13:35
jeremy31blb4393: That kernel is supported by Ubuntu until August, by then it should update to the supported kernel from 21.0413:38
blb4393ah, this is how it works. good to know13:42
Surkow|laptopHello, I've been trying to dump a DVD with PDFs (store bought) to ISO with the disks utility (both ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 20.04). It complains about errors while reading the data. In one computer the same DVD gives a few MB of unreadable data, in another it fails to read hundreds of megabytes. The disc itself is new and unused. The resulting image is mountable/readable, but some data zeroed out. Are there any alternative progr14:01
Surkow|laptopams that do multiple reads like with CD dumping programs to make sure the data is 100% correct?14:01
Surkow|laptopSadly enough most of the results on the internet are about dumping movie DVDs with protection on them. All involving VLC in some way. For me I only require the data to be read from an unprotected disc.14:04
TJ-Surkow|laptop: have you done the simple thing first, and run a a head-cleaner in the DVD drives to clean the lens?14:31
TJ-Surkow|laptop: the lens is upward facing and easily collects humidity and dust14:31
Surkow|laptopOne laptop has a slot loading drive, so it's not possibe with that. For the other I cleaned both the disc and the entire tray with a can of pressured air.14:32
Surkow|laptophopefully that was sufficient to rule out any dust issues.14:32
TJ-Surkow|laptop: in my experience running disk duplicators it isn't14:33
Surkow|laptopI do have a head cleaner disc somewhere in my collection - but it's been 20 years since I last had to use one. It'll be hard to locate it. ;)14:33
Surkow|laptopit has bristles on the disc14:33
Surkow|laptopoh well14:34
TJ-I get serious usually and use a cleaning bud with IPA on it :)14:36
Surkow|laptopI do have that, but wouldn't that affect the the disc itself? or do you mean the lens itself?14:36
Surkow|laptopI'll probably just use a micro fiber cloth to clean the disc later today.14:37
Surkow|laptopand simply retry14:37
TJ-the lens - I take the drives out - usually is much longer lasting than those little brush head cleaners14:37
Surkow|laptopah, it's odd though that disc drives don't give a peep if the data they read is faulty14:37
TJ-but for you need, head cleaners run repeatedly might help14:37
Surkow|laptopI expected that data integrity on dvds would actually be a thing...14:37
=== _Pokey_ is now known as [Pokey]
Surkow|laptopI might use IPA on my disc drive lens when I have time to take apart both of my laptops.14:38
Surkow|laptopI figured there'd be a way to simply reread the data with dd_rescue for example. But perhaps it is indeed hardware related.14:39
swenssonSooo. I'm using Oracle's virtualbox and just ran seamless mode, trying to get the menu back... Any ideás?14:48
swenssonSeems to be Right CTRL, my bad.....14:49
tycelHey there, would know why Ubuntu isn't finding my laptop's actual monitor?15:30
tycelI can only load up my 2nd monitor.15:30
tycelEven after rebooting, when the GUI comes up the laptop monitor just turns itself off and waits for this one to be connected.15:30
tycelI cannot tell with lspci if it's working either15:30
tycel[09:27:02] [~/Desktop] ❱❱❱ xrandr -q15:31
tycelScreen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 3276715:31
tycelHDMI-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 708mm x 398mm15:31
tycel   1920x1080     60.00*+  59.94    50.00    29.97    23.98    60.00    50.0415:31
tycel   4096x2160     24.0015:31
tycel   3840x2160     29.97    25.00    23.9815:31
SayantanI had installed ubuntu 20.04 but it wont load into gui and a black screen would appear stating:15:32
Sayantanskl_dsp_hda_generic skl_dsp_hda_generic: Acpi error: failed to init link iDisp1 -51715:32
SayantanP.S. : I have Nvidia MX350 graphics card and I tried using nomodset kernel parameter15:32
tycelHey there, would know why Ubuntu isn't finding my laptop's actual monitor?15:53
tycelI can only load up my 2nd monitor.15:53
tycelEven after rebooting, when the GUI comes up the laptop monitor just turns itself off and waits for this one to be connected.15:53
tycelI cannot tell with lspci if it's working either15:53
tycelhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Syzp8QTcp4/  is my xrandy15:53
tycelhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DkyBvR3bJJ/ is my lspci15:53
kyonsalttycel, look at your keyboard15:54
kyonsalttycel, fn+ LCD/Screen key.15:55
tycelcause I'm assuming that'd be F915:57
kyonsalttycel, Fn+F1 or else.15:57
tycellet me see my key layout16:00
tycelseems my fn key isn't bount; but it is working for some things.16:03
sybariteni'm on an ancient version of ubuntu, 14.04 .....   dont have time at the moment ot upgrade. Is it "dangerous" to try to install Python 3.6 ?16:05
tycelkyonsalt, fixed that.. but it's still not detecting.16:05
kyonsalttycel, and try #xrandr --auto16:06
tycelno changes.16:08
* tycel sighs16:08
tycelstill outputs the same16:09
tycelit's like my laptop monitor itself isn't even connected.16:09
tycelbut, if I booted into windows; it'd work perfectly fine.16:09
lotuspsychjesybariten: 14.04 is eol16:09
sybaritenlotuspsychje: what does that mean in this context?16:09
lotuspsychjesybariten: means the volunteers here, cannot support eol versions anymore16:10
kk4ewtno support, no updates etc16:10
lotuspsychjesybariten: adviced to pick a supported version from the topic, and install fresh16:11
tycelsybariten, I'd probably assaume that 3.6 version of python would break things.16:11
kyonsalttycel, xrandr --output Screen-0 --auto, after reboot needed by your laptop.16:11
tycelwarning: output Screen-0 not found; ignoring16:12
tycelI'll reboot though16:12
tycelsee if it helped.16:12
tyceloh wait16:12
sybaritenlotuspsychje: actually i didn't even know there was such a concept as volounteers here16:21
=== LouWestin_ is now known as LouWestin
tycelkyonsalt, marginal improvement. It now loads the GDM on that monitor properly, but as soon as I login.16:23
tycelit goes black and waits for this screen to be detected.16:24
tycelxrandr still does not show two monitors16:24
tycel[10:24:29] [~] ❱❱❱ xrandr --listmonitors16:24
tycelMonitors: 116:24
tycel 0: +*HDMI-0 1920/708x1080/398+0+0  HDMI-016:24
leftyfb!paste | tycel16:27
ubottutycel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:27
tycelseems like a waste for 3 lines, but sure.16:27
kyonsalttycel, typical dual view. type Fn+Fx again, and dmesg or xrandr -q16:32
tycelthat's my entire dmesg16:37
tycelhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/jCXTdPXRhY/ xrandr -q16:38
=== waxfire0 is now known as waxfire
lotuspsychje!discuss | sybariten feel free to16:51
ubottusybariten feel free to: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:51
kyonsalttycel, ok, hp laptop should be Fn+F4, and you must check your bios config about graphic device being: Switchable Graphics.16:52
basenodehow can i disable the workspace sidebar?16:53
lotuspsychjebasenode: try dconf-editor to tweak things around16:54
basenodelotuspsychje: do you know which setting its under?16:56
basenodecan't seem to find it using the search function16:56
kyonsalttycel, and more, check you can run: nvidia-prime16:57
kyonsalttycel, last, add "blacklist nouveau" to modprobe.d/blacklist.conf16:59
lotuspsychjebasenode: if you dont find it there, maybe try the workspaces to dock extension from the repos, might have a hide option16:59
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock | basenode17:00
ubottubasenode: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (source: gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock): additional options for GNOME workspace switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 52+git20200318-1 (focal), package size 93 kB, installed size 912 kB17:00
basenodelotuspsychje: thanks, trying it now17:00
LordCyrushey guys how do I install OpenVAS on ubuntu properly? Anybody?17:01
leftyfbLordCyrus: have you tried https://websiteforstudents.com/how-to-install-and-configure-openvas-on-ubuntu-18-04-16-04/ ?17:01
LordCyrusyes leftyfb17:05
LordCyrusthe repository is out of date17:05
LordCyrusthey have discontinued the servers that're included in it17:05
LordCyrusI'm thinking I have to go to https://community.greenbone.net/t/gvm-20-08-stable-initial-release-2020-08-12/6312 and compile the code and stuff17:05
LordCyrusbut I'm a newb so ... Was just looking for some help17:06
tycelI'm starting to think the only way this will work is if I just reinstall Ubuntu17:06
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kyonsalttycel, no, just choose recovery mode at GDM.17:08
tycelI don't see a recovery mode in gdm17:09
tycelwhen I login17:09
tyceldo you mean at grub?17:09
kyonsalttycel, i915 bug should b fixed at kernel 5.x, like driver conflict.17:10
kyonsalttycel, yes, grub.17:10
kyonsalttycel, or choose another kernel version at grub.17:11
basenodelotuspsychje: workspaces-to-dock worked, thanks!17:11
lotuspsychjebasenode: its a great tool isnt it :p17:12
tycelnvidia-prime isn't installed I think17:12
tycelwell, it's installed.17:13
tycelbut i cannot access it?17:13
lotuspsychjetycel: to use prime, open nvidia-settings17:13
tycelwell, i'll brb17:14
metbsdmy wifi applet cannot control network17:21
metbsdand i do have network17:21
metbsdlooks like the /etc/network/interface is talking over17:21
TJ-metbsd: we've not used ifupdown as default for network management for a long time; what release is that? Desktop uses NetworkManager, -server uses systemd-networkd - both provisioned using netplan.io YAML17:22
metbsdi upgrade from 18 to 2017:23
TJ-metbsd: NetworkManager has config to ignore interfaces managed by ifupdown, unless that has been over-ridden17:24
metbsdyou mean init.d/network-manager?17:24
metbsdhow do i install NetworkManager17:25
TJ-metbsd: is that desktop install?17:25
TJ-metbsd: you can see in your log extract NetworkManager is running17:25
metbsdserver install17:25
Maiki thought he'd be running 20.04 by now17:26
metbsdand then i use tasksel to choose xfce17:26
metbsdit is 20.0417:26
TJ-metbsd: so it's intended to be a desktop system?17:26
metbsdhow do i turn off command line network manager17:26
metbsdyes desktop system17:26
TJ-metbsd: your problem is "sup-iface[0x5588a072d120,wlp6s0]: error adding interface: wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this interface."17:26
TJ-metbsd: I suspect you may have the stand-alone wpa_supplicant service also active17:27
metbsdbut i'm using wifi right now17:27
metbsdso what should i do17:27
leftyfbmetbsd: didn't you just ask yesterday how to remove xfce?17:27
metbsdyes that's another pc17:27
metbsdthis pc needs xfce17:27
metbsdbut it doesn't boot xfce live iso17:27
metbsdso i boot mini.iso17:27
metbsdbut it only has 18lts17:27
metbsdso i install 18lts, and then upgrade to 20lts, and then add xfce417:28
leftyfbmetbsd: 18.04 and 20.04, not 18 and 2017:28
Maikmetbsd: why not use the mini/netboot iso of 20.04 instead of a server install....17:28
metbsdthere is not 20.04 miniiso17:28
Maikthere is17:28
metbsdyes that's what i mean17:28
metbsd1804 200417:28
TJ-metbsd: first lets find out what you've done - when you do a -server install it installs systemd-networkd to manage the network. If you then add a desktop that'll depend on, and cause the install of, NetworkManager - and they'll fight over which should manage things. NetworkManager is the tool that uses the nm-applet taskbar applet so you need to disable systemd-networkd service, and possibly17:28
TJ-ifupdown service (that reads /etc/network/interfaces)17:28
metbsdyo uknow what i mean17:28
Maiki gave you the link yesterday metbsd17:28
metbsdthey stop making mini iso since 2017:29
leftyfbmetbsd: 20.0417:29
TJ-metbsd: what does this show  ? "pastebinit <( systemctl status systemd-networkd/service  NetworkManager.service"17:29
metbsdis there 20.06 or 08?17:29
leftyfb!yy.mm | metbsd17:30
ubottumetbsd: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:30
TJ-oops, error in typing17:30
TJ-metbsd: what does this show  ? "pastebinit <( systemctl status systemd-networkd/service  NetworkManager.service )"17:30
Maikmetbsd: again and pay attention: <Maik> metbsd: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/17:30
Maiklast time i post it for you17:30
TJ-OK I give up, can't type for life17:31
TJ-metbsd:  "pastebinit <( systemctl status systemd-networkd.service  NetworkManager.service )"17:31
metbsdMaik, you mean that legacy mini iso is 20?17:31
Maik20.04 metbsd17:32
metbsdthis is out put of NetworkManager status17:32
leftyfbMaik: it's very sad that there's no longer one for 20.10 or beyond. That iso is REALLY helpful17:32
metbsdso, wpa_supplicant is used by debian system, and NetworkManger using another file to config wifi17:34
TJ-metbsd: show us the report I asked for17:34
Maikleftyfb: yeah, i agree. Nobert from the Ubuntu MATE team openend a poll and topic on the matter. He also is disappointed that there are no mini isos anymore and tries to convince them to bring it back iirc.17:34
metbsdwhat report?  systemctl status NetworkManager.service -l?17:35
TJ-metbsd:  "pastebinit <( systemctl status systemd-networkd.service  NetworkManager.service )"17:35
metbsdwith " or without?17:35
metbsdis that a command?17:35
TJ-metbsd: without - I use those to indicate the complete command to issue17:36
TJ-metbsd: you can copy/paste everything inside the " marks17:36
metbsdi got it17:37
metbsdi should disable that systemd network17:37
TJ-metbsd: precisely17:38
NitrousoxideDoes anyone know how to make SSHD start automatically on boot? I've tried to enable it via systemctl and update-rc.d but neither seem to work. Here is the output of systemctl status after a reboot https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NxJZMKCptP/17:38
TJ-metbsd: " sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd.service ; sudo systemctl stop systemd-networkd.service "17:38
leftyfbNitrousoxide: what version of ubuntu?17:40
metbsdi don't get it17:43
metbsdsudo systemctl disable --now systemd.netwokd17:43
metbsdstill same error17:43
leftyfbmetbsd: I'm willing to be if you installed xubuntu 20.04 from scratch everything would just work for you. Have you asked for help with getting the installer to work?17:43
metbsdi wish i could just install live 200417:44
metbsdbut too bad it doesn't show any display after bootup17:44
leftyfbmetbsd: 20.0417:44
metbsdit's 20.0417:46
leftyfbmetbsd: have you asked for help with that issue?17:46
metbsdit's a live iso17:46
metbsdso it's either yes or no right?17:46
metbsdwhat can i do with live 20.04 iso17:46
leftyfbmetbsd: https://askubuntu.com/a/832173/115131117:46
metbsdi use that bletch thing to write iso to usb, reports success17:46
metbsdi can never remember that name17:46
TJ-metbsd: has the service actually stopped? has wpa_supplicant service ALSO been stopped /disabled ?17:47
Maikmetbsd: Balena Etcher17:47
metbsdthe systemd network stopped17:51
metbsdbut restarting NetworkManager failed with:17:52
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metbsdfailed to open /run/network/ifstate17:52
metbsderror adding interface:wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this interface17:53
TJ-metbsd: right, so something else has the interface17:53
TJ-metbsd: is there any config for ifupdown for that interface? " grep -rn wlp6s0 /etc/network/ "17:54
Nitrousoxideleftyfb: 20.04 Desktop17:58
metbsdhow do i disable runtime17:59
metbsdsystemctl is ignoring "systemctl disable --runtime systemd-networkd18:00
metbsdsystemctl mask?18:02
metbsdyep NetworkManager is back to normal after reboot18:04
metbsdall i did was systemctl mask systemd-networkd18:04
metbsdso it won't start systemd networkd at boot18:04
metbsdand nothing interfere with NetworkManager.server(network-manager.service?)18:05
TJ-metbsd: I suspect the problem is/was netplan.io, which has /lib/systemd/system-generators/netplan that runs at boot and is probably configure to generate a systemd-networkd config since it came with the -server install18:06
TJ-metbsd: I'd either remove netplan.io package or delete its configs from /etc/netplan/18:06
metbsdi'd rather mask it. in case in the future NetworkManager.server or that applet failed to work18:08
metbsdi can unmask the ubuntu systemd wifi18:08
TJ-metbsd: netplan is a pain - it isn't even required especially on Desktop18:10
TJ-not needed on -server either unless interfaces keep on coming and going with different names!18:10
metbsdwhat does it do18:14
tycelSo, after a quick reinstall of Ubuntu, everything is working fine.18:15
tycelFigured i'd let you know.18:15
metbsdwhy reinstall18:15
metbsdprobably the live iso did the same trick: set the mask on systemd-networkd to make NetworkManager to work18:16
tycelmethod, for the life of me.. i could not get ubuntu to recognize my laptop's primary monitor. it'd only recognize the HDMI 2nd monitor18:17
tycelafter reinstalling, working fine.18:17
metbsdit's the nvidia driver18:18
* tycel shrugs18:18
metbsdyou have dual graphics card18:18
tyceleither way.18:18
tycelit's working now.18:18
metbsdme too, i just fixed network problem.18:19
metbsdwithout reinstalling18:19
tycelWell, I couldn't.18:19
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metbsdafter trying all those desktop linux, i still like xubuntu the best18:21
metbsdlightweight, well tune up18:21
metbsdand binary based is nice18:22
metbsdno need to compile18:22
tycelI just went with a basic Ubuntu install along side my windows machine, since I am primarily using this to leran programming.18:22
tyceland my windows partition for gaming.18:23
metbsdyou don't need to install ubuntu for programming18:23
metbsdthere is wsl2 now18:23
metbsdmy old laptop is too old to run windows18:23
metbsdthat's why i put linux on it18:23
* tycel shrugs18:24
tycelif you want to judge the way I have my setup working, that's on you.18:24
tycelBut, windows has enough bloat that I'm usuing it specifically for my gaming setup18:24
tyceland since Linux has much less bloat; I'm using it to learn my practical skills.18:24
tycelSince, I can fit more here. P18:24
metbsdwhat do you use linux for18:32
metbsdwhat application do you run18:32
erpderp32Just run a bare server and use vi18:33
DeyaaCan I use hashcat on quantum computer?18:50
kraiskilDoes Ubuntu run on quantum computers? :o18:52
Deyaakraiskil: I don't know, I'm here to know from you guys Ubuntu experts18:55
kraiskilOh. Then the answer most likely is 'no' :)18:57
kraiskilBut I don't really have a clue...18:57
Numline1Hey guys. I'm trying to install Ubuntu server and for the love of all that's holy, I can't figure out how to use a software raid of two SSDs as both bootable device and root FS18:57
Numline1When I create the md0, I can slap / on it, but can't make it a bootable device. When I add both disks separately as bootable devices, I can't create sw raid on them18:58
metbsdlol software raid of two ssds.18:58
Numline1metbsd: idk what's funny, I literally need a mirrored system disk18:58
kraiskilNumline1, but if your raid device is bootable - who handles the raiding so that the kernel can be read off the raid? You need to have the bios [sic] do the raid of a bootable device.19:01
Numline1kraiskil: I should've probably phrased that differently19:03
Numline1I need to split both disks into a small bootable partition19:03
Numline1add grub to both of these small partitions19:03
Numline1and have the remaining space as a SW raid19:03
Numline1I'd have the remaining larger chunk as ZFS but it seems that Ubuntu installer doesn't support that19:04
Numline1the used disks are tje two small boot partitions, two separate grubs on two disks19:05
Numline1however there's still around 110G - 1M of free space that I need to use as a root FS19:05
memphistoi've enabled ip forwarding , net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 on one VM (ubuntu), and want to be able to access net from another vm that has this ubuntu as Gw19:07
memphistobut this isn't working19:07
memphistowhat do i need apart that ip forwarding enabled19:07
memphistoubuntu vm is using ufw19:07
pavlosmemphisto: ip route add default via (ip of the gw)19:12
Numline1Found the solution to my problem - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1234949/install-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-with-raid-1-on-two-devices19:13
Numline1that is so unbelievably unintuitive19:13
memphisto@pavlos so, thats on other vm or ubuntu vm19:13
pavlosmemphisto: if gw is vm1 and you want vm2 to go through vm1, that command is on vm219:15
memphisto2nd Vm has as default route the ip of ubuntu vm ( it's 2nd interface)19:15
neryteQuick question for yall, what advice would you give someone first getting into Ubuntu?19:15
metbsdyour 2nd vm needs to know the route to 1st vm19:16
neryteI am converting all my friends19:16
metbsdi mean using 1st vm as default route19:16
metbsdyour gateway needs NAT19:17
memphistook, NAT, how do i do it....ip forwarding isn't enough19:17
metbsdas a gateway, there are two network device with two networks19:18
metbsdotherwise, it's a bridge19:18
metbsdwhat are you trying to do19:19
memphistovm1 has 2 network interfaces ; first can access net, 2nd internal19:21
memphistoall traffic from other vms on this internal should be able to reach internet19:21
metbsdok, a gateway has two ips. can be on on interface19:22
metbsdbut two ips are on different networks19:22
metbsdso it needs network address translation19:22
metbsdbecause pc on network 1 knows nothing about network219:22
memphisto2 different networks19:25
metbsdwhat NAT does is it remapping the unknown ip address in a packet to a known ip address.19:25
metbsdso the packet knows where to go19:25
metbsdin linux it's called IP masquerading19:26
metbsdsay you are on and accesing google.ca webpage, your http package is from to google.ca19:28
memphistoi need to enable it in ufw rules somehow19:28
metbsdyour gateway can deliver this to google.ca without problem19:28
metbsdbecause your NAT replace your with ip of gateway ip
metbsdso the google.ca can send reply to
metbsdso the ip is like google.ca to
metbsdNAT then replace with and gets to you19:30
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memphistotraceroute to www.google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets19:36
memphisto 1 (  0.593 ms  0.509 ms  0.417 ms19:36
memphistoi only have this19:36
memphistoi've enabled in ufw and os ipv4 forwarding19:36
memphistoi've tried using this....https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-firewall19:36
memphistobut since it's not working, i must be doing something wrong19:37
metbsdthey have nothing to do with NAT19:37
metbsdenable forward and turn off firewall first19:38
oerhekssd> your gateway can deliver this to google.ca without problem19:38
oerheks<metbsd> because your NAT replace your with ip of gateway ip
oerheks<metbsd> so the google.ca can send reply to
oerheks<metbsd> so the ip is like google.ca to
oerheks<metbsd> NAT then replace with and gets to you19:38
oerheks* tafa2 has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)19:38
metbsdget NAT and route works first, then work on firewall19:38
GeoI have a server currently hosting email for foo.com; I'd like it to now also host for bar.com. Can anyone get me started on which method I should be using to host two domains on one server?19:39
memphistoi've fixed it19:39
memphistoi left eth0 in ufw config file, but it's enp0s319:40
memphistothank you metbsd and pavlos19:40
memphistofor you time and help19:41
basenodeis it weird to be at 14GB ram usage with just browser + vs code running?19:45
basenode(not even 100 tabs)19:45
oerheksdepends what browser, chrome uses more, and is faster19:46
pavlosmemphisto: my notes so far (if that helps) ... https://termbin.com/dmzkg19:48
basenodeoerheks: yeah its chrome19:56
GeoI have a server currently hosting email for foo.com; I'd like it to now also host for bar.com. Can anyone get me started on which method I should be using to host two domains on one server?20:08
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Surkow|laptopGeo, you can simply point multiple domains to the same IP address20:14
leftyfbGeo: you are better off asking in #ubuntu-server. Though I will say that there's plenty of tutorials out there on this exact topic. You really should be putting way more effort into running an email server on the public internet. Otherwise you might have working email, but you are probably also contributing to the spam problem by not securing your system due to lack of effort20:14
Surkow|laptopor that20:15
leftyfbGeo: http://techslides.com/mail-server-for-multiple-domains-with-postfix20:15
leftyfbGeo: more importantly, https://linux-audit.com/postfix-hardening-guide-for-security-and-privacy/20:15
leftyfbGeo: I googled for "postfix multiple domains" and "postfix security" and those are the top results20:16
pavlosmetbsd: I posted my notes but ... vm2 cannot ping vm1 but the reverse works (vm1 can ping vm2).20:25
Geoleftyfb: right, I've read several articles; I'm not 100% they're directly relevant, I can't find actual documentation on what virtual_aliases are and how they're intended to be used20:30
Geomost are just 'do this and dont worry about it'20:30
GeoSurkow|laptop: its more than just pointing; the server has to be set up to accept mail for that domain, as well as configure users, etc20:31
leftyfbGeo: http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html20:31
Geoyeah, and that one was *too* technical, haha20:32
leftyfbGeo: then you should not be running a public email server20:32
Surkow|laptopGeo, I haven't personally set up an email server20:33
leftyfbGeo: https://www.linux.com/training-tutorials/how-set-virtual-domains-and-virtual-users-postfix/20:33
Surkow|laptopall I configure are virtual hosts with apache or nginx20:33
Surkow|laptopwhich easily allow me to deal with multiple domains20:33
GeoI always love the "you're not smart so you shouldn't try this" answers20:34
leftyfbGeo: please read through the articles I posted and spend the time to understand all of it. Including the "technical" one. Then work towards securing your email server. Then work on multiple domains20:34
Geothat passive agressive insulting is so '00s20:34
leftyfbGeo: I never said you aren't smart. If you feel documentation for what you're trying to accomplish is too technical and aren't willing to take the time to learn it, then it's almost a given that your server is contributing to the spam/malware problem that the rest of us have to deal with20:35
Geoagain. passive agressive insults20:35
GeoYou have 0 idea what i do do or dont do otherwise20:35
Surkow|laptopI personally wouldn't set up an outgoing email server because of grey listing and email getting bounced if you have a random domain not accepted by the big players to combat spam20:36
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tmm88take a look https://github.com/tiagomoraismorgado/TMM88_DATAMININGREPOS21:18
leftyfbtmm88: can we help you with something?21:19
tmm88i was just sharing my passion and commitment towards the things i love21:20
tmm88and i love codign21:20
leftyfbtmm88: this is a support channel for Ubuntu.21:20
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joanabHey chan. I'm looking for a HDD stress utility to stress a specific drive. Have fio and stress-ng but can't find a way to stress the drive I want, not the boot drive. Could I ask for some help with arguments for stress-ng or another app that might work?23:10
Maikjoanab: not really a Ubuntu specific support question imho23:11
joanabDon't think they have a channel, and it is included in the Ubuntu repo.23:11
joanabBut if you know of another Ubuntu-compatible stress app, I want that too.23:12
oerhekssome examples stresstest ng; https://portal.cloudunboxed.net/knowledgebase/38/Stress-test---induce-load-on-CPU-FPU-RAM-HDD-SSD-and-more.html23:14
oerhekssudo stress --hdd 2 --io 4 --vm 6 --cpu 8 --timeout 900s23:15
joanabYeah, I've googled it for about an hour ;) But I cannot get it to accept the partition I want.23:15
joanabstress-ng -d 9 /media/user/myPartition/ just uses the boot partition, not the one I want23:16
joanabAnd without the "9", I get an error.23:17
leftyfbjoanab: --hdd is for the amount of threads, not the drive. You need to specify a number23:21
leftyfbjoanab: use sysbench23:21
leftyfbjoanab: unless you only want to stress and aren't interested in a benchmark23:21
joanabI only need to stress: my raid controller is likely faulty and I need to hard stress my Raid volume for 1h+23:22
joanableftyfb: and I knew about the -hdd, I checked the manpage ;)23:22
leftyfbjoanab: then why were you surprised when you left out a number for --hdd?23:23
joanableftyfb: I was just distracted and not forumlating my words correctly. Forgive I?23:23
joanab<<sleep deprived.23:23
NitrousoxideIs there a command that I can use to open a terminal via SSH23:33
NitrousoxideOne that will show on screen23:33
tomreynNitrousoxide: maybe what you're looking for is a terminal multiplexer, such as tmux, screen, byobu23:44
tomreynor X forwarding through SSH.23:44
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leftyfbNitrousoxide: export DISPLAY=:0 ; gnome-terminal23:53
NitrousoxideNo, I don't need a terminal multiplexer. I already use tmux, I just want the ability to open a terminal on screen23:59
Nitrousoxideleftyfb: thanks23:59

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