
MauroGaspari[m]Kernel 5.10.0-14-lowlatency made its way in my 21.04 installs. 🤩 so far no issues to report. Any important bugs or things to test for ubuntu studio audio stack?05:13
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: the only kernel problem I know about is with the snd_fireworks module failing to load but that is still a problem in 5.1307:20
MauroGaspari[m]<OvenWerks "Mauro Gaspari: the only kernel p"> Ah, I see. Is it something that affects many ubuntu studio users?09:46
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: only those of us with a fireworks based audio device :)21:51
wonkoWell, who also don't want to use the FFADO drivers23:11
wonkoWhich.... Why would you?23:12
OvenWerkswonko: some people expect "just works" But yeah the ffado drivers are better than any of the alsa ones so far as I can tell23:46

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