[00:00] One for all and all for one - mistake :D [01:03] ack Bashing-om (671) I'll get to it as I can [01:05] guiverc: :) No hurry - yet - one ooops found thus far in the proofing. [02:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Why Rhythmbox’s Much-Needed Makeover Might Not Be Happening @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/02/rhythmboxs-much-needed-makeover-might-not-be-happening (by Joey Sneddon) [02:41] Bashing-om, wiki read thru complete, no comments [02:42] guiverc: \o/ [15:45] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Build smart displays with mir 2.3.2 @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/build-smart-displays-with-mir-2-3-2 [21:11] UWN: Pulling "WIP" Logs checked and no further edits are known. [21:24] UWN: ubuntu-news@listsis away - doing the forum post next. [21:29] UWN: Forum post completed - no issues seen :D - doing the re-directs next. [21:40] UWN: Re-directs completed - pending is release to the Social Medias. [21:52] * guiverc wonders what number we're at... [21:53] 671 [21:53] Bashing-om, okay to push to fridge? [21:55] guiverc: Yup - push 671 to the fridge - no issues are known :D [21:57] UWN: *our* 148th issue - but who counts ? [21:59] my 224th contrib according to my script [22:00] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/02/22/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-671/ [22:01] guiverc: ^ Wow Grampaw - did they still use keyboards back then ? [22:01] yep. same model M I use today :) [22:03] tweeted [22:03] Clear now to wipe away Gdoc's 671 ? [22:05] yep. [22:05] doing ^ . [22:08] * guiverc tempted to ignore fb, after all they're not publishing school.kids.newspapers currently in aussieland [22:11] 671 posted to fb [22:12] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 671 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/02/22/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-671/ [22:12] guiverc: I have seen that row with Google - All about the money ? [22:12] UWN: We do issue 672 :D [22:14] they stupidly blocked lots more than news, gov weather, private charities, farming & other small businesses, anyone who used "News" thus kids school.newspapers etc... huge backlash against fb here (lots of negative stuff with kids school newspapers showing 'no posts', single-owner-dairy-farmers with 'no posts' etc... nothing to do with "News" [22:14] they didn't block any fake news though.. (comics have found it a boon) [22:17] I see it about power; zuck doesn't want to be told what to do... fb have lost a lot of 'shine' here, and people are looking for alternatives, but will they return ... time will tell [22:20] Sucks - google-news is my go-to source here for world events . I be in a bind if I could not access. [22:22] Bashing-om, do ya'll have the publishing handled? I am in the middle of preparing documents for a loan I hope to get but I will take a few minutes if I need to to help [22:24] Wild_Man: All done for this week - starting all over again :P [22:26] Bashing-om, okay, that's awesome [22:27] You all do great work [22:27] Wild_Man: \o/ [22:33] I'm having computer issues I am going to have to get off a while to get the loan done the computer does not want to install the app I need and have vb running [23:03] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Building and running FIPS containers on Ubuntu Pro FIPS @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/building-and-running-fips-containers-on-ubuntu-pro-fips [23:27] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Alan Pope: Jamming with Sonobus @ https://popey.com/blog/2021/02/jamming-with-sonobus/