[13:41] Odd_Bloke: re #817, I can revert the change of the "ec2" syslog tag if you think it will cause issues. Anything else in the PR that you don't like? [14:48] minimal: For clarity, I would like to change that from "ec2" (and I think we've had that brought up in the past: logging anything with "ec2" in on not-EC2 _is_ confusing), it's just not something we could do right before a release without digging into it (and we needed a release out early in this week to get it into Ubuntu before feature freeze tomorrow, so we didn't have time). [14:48] Now to try to figure out how to find any logs/emails/bugs relating to this, based on the string "ec2". >.< [15:03] minimal: Ugh, good catch on the docs, thank you. [15:22] minimal: yeah I realise last minute changes tend to be the ones that break things. [15:23] for that PR I made to rework the logger stuff - it wasn't working on Alpine (using logger from util-linux) when the message was being passed via a pipe rather than as a parameter to the logger command === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [19:09] Odd_Bloke: thanks for the upstream release of 21.1, publishing and email/discourse posts about it. moving that card to done === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [20:23] so i guess I'm starting an upgrade for freebsd tonight too!