
JohnMDOracle virtualbox lubuntu boinc00:10
wxlJohnMD: your what hurts?00:11
JohnMDThanx vxl. I want to run more than 1 boinc here. I'm sure my setup is OK. but I can't start an extra task via -00:13
wxlJohnMD: via what?00:14
JohnMD /usr/bin/boinc --daemon --allow_multiple_clients --gui_rpc_port 31422 --dir ~/boinc2/00:14
wxli see. why aren't you inquiring with boinc about this?00:15
wxl(i have no idea how it works)00:15
wxli will say it seems silly to me to run multiple DAEMONS. it would make more sense that you would start multiple clients as that switch suggests00:16
wxlthat's not based on experience but just logic00:16
wxlin any case there's nothing special about lubuntu as it relates to boinc00:16
JohnMDThe command (in LXTerminal - Lubuntu 18.04) seems to have no effect - but is not erroneous.00:19
JohnMD This manoevre is NOT standard boinc !00:19
Maikwxl: looks like there's been a spam attack going on again in channels that don't have the +r flag set up00:20
JohnMDForget the daemon - it's a special word in boinc. What do you mean by 'switch' ?00:21
wxlJohnMD: it's only lubuntu? it works everywhere else? if not, then the issue must lie with what you're doing.00:22
kc2bez[m]JohnMD:  for general Boinc help go here https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/BOINC_Help00:23
JohnMD- ot in Windows, Oracle, Virtualbox !00:23
wxlthis suggests you have to sudo it https://efmer.com/linux-running-multiple-boinc-clients/00:23
wxlwhich makes sense as you are binding a port00:24
wxlif "ot" is supposed to mean offtopic, yes, that makes sense. it's very ON TOPIC at boinc XD00:26
wxli'll also add that since it requires networking and you're using a virtual machine, you would want to make sure that you have your networing set up in a compatible way00:27
JohnMD"sudo" worked.*00:34
JohnMDThe problem seems to be that the new task runs under "root" - and not my logon00:34
wxl`sudo sudo -c "your command" your-username`00:35
JohnMDtwice sudo ?00:41
JohnMDI guess I need to cancel the task I started...00:43
wxlooops i meant `sudo su`00:43
wxlerr wait that might not work hold on00:43
wxllet's review: why does it need to be your logon?00:44
lubot[telegram] <teward001> well to use the GPUs out of the box you can't without suod00:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> sudo*00:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> because it needs a group users usually are not in00:45
wxlright that was my point00:45
JohnMDSorry about my delays - I'm writing from my lounge laptop, while Lubuntu is on the desktop in the workroom !00:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> sudo sudo -c doesn't solve that binding problem so if ANYTHING is using the GPU it should be started as root single sudo00:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> started as root with single sudo00:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> less a port binding issue, more the permissions around the device permissions00:46
wxli meant `sudo su -c user` meaning "run this as this user" but that won't work00:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> right00:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> because *that user* will not have binding privs00:46
wxli'm thinking more like `sudo --preserve-env` but i don't know why it needs to be "their login"00:46
JohnMDForget gpu - only cpu required :)00:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> same problem00:47
wxlwhy does it need to be under your login?00:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> most utilities that aren't executed with a system layer at some point can bind to the CPU00:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> JohnMD: why *specifically* does it need to be under your login?00:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (same question as wxl)00:48
JohnMDI need to connect a manager-program from my user00:48
lubot[telegram] <teward001> that doesn't answer why you can't run the core daemon process as superuser and just connect into it with your manager program00:49
lubot[telegram] <teward001> or are you saying that your manager program doesn't have the rights to when yo urun the daemon with sudo00:49
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (which doesn't really make sense)00:49
wxlof course boinc doesn't make sense because they call their daemon a client00:49
wxlwhich gets me back to what i was saying before00:50
wxlask boinc for help! XD00:50
JohnMDI'm new to Linux - superuser ??00:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> wxl: except BOINC has a GUI port that's TCP00:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so with the right work you can configure the *client* to connect to the daeon on that TCP port00:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> that's more a problem with the way BOINC works than what we can do with it00:51
lubot[telegram] <teward001> superuser aka administrative privs.00:51
wxlthe issue isn't about lubuntu. it's about how to use boinc, which i don't think anyone of us now00:51
wxlLOOK LIVE HELP GO HERE https://boinc.berkeley.edu/help.php00:52
JohnMDworth a look.00:54
JohnMDMeanwhile I'll go and try sudo with user :)00:54
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JohnMDsudo user did not work. time for bed.01:23
JohnMDThanks to you good people :)01:23
techhow do get into groups05:05
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Any idea does it make sens to propose changing default for fs.inotify.max_user_watches? And where it can be done?06:11
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Both Android Studio and Codium (and therefore also Visual Studio Code) complain that default is too low - see https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/linux#_visual-studio-code-is-unable-to-watch-for-file-changes-in-this-large-workspace-error-enospc06:11
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> I know how to change default for my install, but I wanted to propose changing default on fresh installs.06:11
wxl[m]<tech "how do get into groups"> `usermod -aG newgroup`07:07
wxl[m]<lubot "[telegram] <matkoniecz> Any idea"> Ubuntu kernel team07:07
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nixnineI have a problem with my computer freezing.22:27
wxlmouse doesn't respond?22:28
nixnineYes!  Mouse doesn't move and sometimes it seems to freeze when I start typing on the keyboard.22:28
wxlif you hit e.g. ctrl-alt-f4 does it respond by taking you to a login prompt?22:29
nixnineI am not sure.  I haven't tried that.  I will note that now.22:29
wxlif it does then you're not frozen and something else is going on22:29
wxlif it doesn't, you're almost unquestionably frozen for sure22:30
wxlif that's the case, check your disk light. if it's going off like mad and/or constant, it's obviously stuck22:30
wxla common cause of that could be that you've run out of memory and the system is swapping like crazy (i.e. trying to use the disk as ram)22:30
wxl((ram is more responsive than the disk, thus the problem))22:31
nixnineOk.  Can I check that usage?22:31
wxlthere's lots of ways, yes22:31
wxlhow much ram do you have?22:31
nixninejust 8gb22:31
wxlthat's a fair amount actually, at least for lubuntu22:31
nixnineoh.  I may be in the wrong place.  I am using ubuntu studio22:32
wxlyep you sure are :)22:32
wxlEickmeyer[m]: ^ this one's yours :)22:32
wxlall of the above still apples though22:33
Eickmeyer[m]Which version?22:33
nixnineI just installed 20.04 lts22:33
Eickmeyer[m]Hmmm.... nothing else running?22:33
nixnineas in?22:34
Eickmeyer[m]Well, are you just running the desktop and no applications when this is happening?22:34
nixnineNo, I am usually using Gimp22:34
nixnineor just on the internet22:34
Eickmeyer[m]Interesting. Likely it's just processing something in the background. Ubuntu Studio is made for high-power machines, so if you're doing intensive stuff (like, ultra-high res with GIMP), then that could cause that.22:35
nixnineYeah.  They are usually big files.22:36
Eickmeyer[m]Yep, GIMP basically uncompresses what might be small files and if they're high resolution, you're probably just experiencing swap.22:36
nixnineYeah.  Usually my files are 7200 X 3200, 900 dpi.22:37
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, then that explains it. 8G, believe it or not, is too small to handle that.22:38
nixnineOk.  Need more ram then22:38
Eickmeyer[m]So, while it's swapping stuff out to RAM (to keep your system from freezing completely) it's taking all of its priority to do that swap.22:38
Eickmeyer[m]That's what it sounds like.22:38
nixnineOk.  Well, thanks.  I will see what happens if I use smaller files.22:40
Eickmeyer[m]Good luck! In the future, go to #ubuntustudio for support requests there.22:41
nixninecan you offer help on connecting a printer?22:42
nixnineI have a printer connected via usb but it says the printer is not connected22:42

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