[09:30] Hey cyphermox! We've recently been wondering about the status of https://snapcraft.io/netplan as we got some bug reports about it (e.g. https://pad.lv/1896354). Do you have any plans for that snap, or would you mind unpublishing it from the store to avoid people using the old version? [12:33] Hello. [12:33] I tried to use netplan instead of networkd to configure a adhoc network between 2 ubuntu machines. I follow the third example from https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/94047/how-to-setup-an-unprotected-ad-hoc-ibss-network-and-if-possible-with-wpa-encry/94048#94048 (the "Only with suitable (RSN-IBSS capable) USB dongle" bullet point). [12:33] So, I added a netplan config file named /etc/netplan/40-wlan1.yaml like this: [12:33] ```network: [12:33]   version: 2 [12:33]   renderer: networkd [12:33]   wifis: [12:33]     wlan1: [12:33]       access-points: [12:33]         "My adhoc": [12:33]           mode: adhoc [12:33]           password: "s3kr1t"``` [12:42] I added and apply an /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan1.conf like this: [12:42] ```ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev [12:42] update_config=1 [12:42] p2p_disabled=1 [12:42] country=DE [12:42] network={ [12:42]     ssid="My adhoc" [12:42]     key_mgmt=WPA-PSK [12:42]     proto=RSN [12:42]     psk="s3kr1t" [12:42]     mode=1 [12:42]     frequency=2412 [12:42] }``` [12:42] My problem is I'm not sure if I have to add this wpa_supplicant fille too. [12:43] I tested with netplan+wpa_supplicant files and with only the netplan file but I don't have an ipv4 address at all [12:52] `ip a` return: [12:53] 4: wlan1: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DORMANT group default qlen 1000 [12:53]   link/ether ab:54:b4:ba 46:55 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [12:53]   inet6 fe78:d237:45ff:fee2:918/64 scope link [12:53]     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever [12:54] If someone have an idea why I don't have my IPv4 ? What's the problem with my configuration? [12:58] slyon: sure, I'll go unpublish it [12:59] slyon: tbf, if you think about it you'll notice why that never took off... kinda chicken and egg thing [13:00] BeRoots: NO-CARRIER, it's not finding the wireless config most likely [13:00] BeRoots: you shouldn't have to add a wpa-supplicant file, it should be generated for you [13:09] thanks cyphermox. This is a chicken-egg situation indeed, but we also have netplan as part of the core snap and want to avoid version conflicts with snaps installed on top of that [13:10] BeRoots: as mentioned above, netplan will generate the wpa_supplicant config for you, no need to specify it manually [13:10] slyon: yup [13:10] anyway, it's done [13:24] Ok. I going to remove the wpa_supplicant file. Is it a good solution finded here: https://makerforce.io/setting-up-a-ad-hoc-network/ ? And if Yes, do I have to apply iw command too ? [13:31] BeRoots: hmm.. I did not use ad-hoc mode in a very long time. I usually use AP/hotspot mode instead. But this guide looks rather up-to-date, so you should give it a try, incl. applying the iw commands [13:34] And you probably also need to statically assign an IP address to your device, using the "addresses: []" setting in your netplan config. [13:34] unless there is a DHCP server running on one of the other devices? [13:37] slyon. Ok. Thanks for the feedback. I going to test that.... [13:37] No I haven't any DHCP at this time. I have chosen an adhoc with 2 devices allowed in my case... [13:38] BeRoots: okay. what system are you using on the other devices (netplan as well)? Just make sure they are all on the same IP network, so they can communicate with each other [13:39] I have two ubuntu devices. [13:40] that's good. Try to add "addresses: []" to one and "addresses: []" to the other === akp55_ is now known as akp55__