
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
ochosifinally some hashes07:40
JackFrostbluesabre: FF is almost here, everything looking good?11:09
bluesabreJackFrost: I think so! There's a few pink items on https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce416.html, should we do anything with them?11:13
JackFrostI wouldn't pull in the new thunar, buuut.11:14
bluesabreInterestingly, I pushed a fixed xfce4-panel-profiles to ubuntu yesterday, but it looks like it didn't make it to the server  :\11:15
bluesabreAnywhere special I should check to find my xfce4-panel-profiles_1.0.13-0ubuntu2 upload?11:18
bluesabreOr just push it again?11:18
JackFrostDo you have the upload file that dput creates?  Is it in NEW for some reason?  No email at all?11:19
JackFrosthttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hirsute/queue try looking through the queuees?queues?11:19
JackFrostErr, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hirsute/+queue11:19
JackFrostSo yeah if it's not in the queues, I guess try again.11:28
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips

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