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evitAnyone else seeing issues updating from security.ubuntu.com?15:23
evitI'm seeing HTTP 404's on these latest Python update https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-4754-115:34
lotuspsychjeits being worked on atm evit15:36
evitOk, so I'm not going nuts. =)15:36
oerheksthanks for reporting, evit15:37
evitoerheks, no problemo. Thought I was seeing a local or 'cloud' issue15:38
Slashmanlotuspsychje, evit : I'm guessing it's the same as https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bKF3BFKCsT/ ?15:40
SlashmanI did a do-release-upgrade that worked and now it doesn't :'(15:41
lotuspsychjebug #191691515:41
ubot3Bug 1916915 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Incorrect package version available on bionic pool (2.7.17-1~18.04ubuntu1.3 not availbale)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191691515:41
lotuspsychjeand the archive crew are working on it15:42
Slashmanok, I subscribed to the bug, hopefully it'll be fixed soon, it just stopped dead a planned update from 16.04 => 18.04 => 20.0415:43
Slashmanthanks for the info15:43
sigvyeah, the summary from #ubuntu-devel is that the update was actually broken so it was ripped out. indexes are somewhat broken, but that was determined to be better than broken update.15:48
sigv^ evit15:48
sigvor, wait, that was about xenial, and not bionic there. but presumably same issue still as it's the same package affected.15:49
evitLOoks to be good now. =)16:16
evitGracias, amigos!16:16
oerhekshave fun!16:16
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