
sarnoldrobert45: try sudo dpkg --configure -a   ?00:02
robert45sarnold, same thing: https://dpaste.org/LKpM00:02
sarnoldrobert45: okay, this is a bit gross but I'm running low on ideas; edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/mdadm.postinst and add 'set -x'  near the top, just under the 'set -e' -- and re-try the dpkg --configure -a  command, and lets see what falls out of this..00:05
robert45sarnold, Thanks, this is what it returns: https://dpaste.org/EiAa00:10
sarnoldrobert45: maaaan :( so, do you use mdadm? if not, maybe just apt purge mdadm ubuntu-server   and try to move forward?00:15
robert45what is ubuntu-server, is that a required package?00:15
sarnoldit's a meta-package that depends upon a bunch of 'usual server things'00:15
robert45So it wont happen anything if I remove it?00:16
sarnoldnothing will happen immediately; I think it might be used by do-release-upgrade to help sort out the *next* upgrade, but I'm not sure on that00:18
robert45ok thanks00:18
robert45That worked00:22
robert45Thanks for all the help sarnold, you have been helpfup! Bye!00:23
oerheks!cookie |  sarnold00:23
ubottusarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:23
sarnoldrobert45: don't go yet!00:24
sarnoldrobert45: try another dpkg --configure -a00:24
robert45sarnold, it run with no output :)00:24
sarnoldokay, cool00:24
sarnolddid you reboot into a 20.04 kernel or is it still an 18.04 kernel?00:24
Intelodon't ubuntu has go package?00:29
oerheksIntelo, did you check launchpad for golang?00:30
oerheksi know you are lazy ..00:31
sarnoldIntelo: apt-cache search golang-100:32
robert45sarnold, Im still running an 18.04 kernel for some reason even after rebooting. I presume I need to edit grub? Or maybe this dpkg-reconfigure would have fixed this?00:34
sarnoldrobert45: normally do-release-upgrade manages the kernel transition :( bummer...00:34
oerheksrun a full-upgrade on that 18.04, and try again?00:34
sarnoldrobert45: how about dpkg -l linux-generic ?00:35
robert45oerheks, how do I do that?00:35
oerheksapt update && apt dist-upgrade00:36
Intelosarnold: oerheks oh 'go' is 'golang'?00:36
robert45sarnold, see here: https://dpaste.org/wznr00:40
robert45oerheks, it shows nothing to install00:41
sarnold5.4.0-66 versions are installed.. why the heck did it boot into the 4.15 kernels00:41
robert45I assume grub didnt update properly because of my forced reboot while running the Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20 upgrade00:42
robert45sarnold, my upgrade process got stuck and I couldn't find a way to get out so I had to reboot, fortunately it rebooted correctly but maybe some things are broken00:43
robert45I ran update-grub which finds the new kernel but it doesnt update the config file: https://dpaste.org/udBf00:46
oerheksthen the kernel is incomplete, sudo apt install -f00:51
sarnoldhrm. my bionic system has a /boot/grub/default and /boot/grub/menu.lst, my focal system doesn't00:51
robert45oerheks, nothing to install00:53
robert45sarnold, maybe your Ubuntu 20 is grub2 ?00:53
robert45I noticed my upgraded system still uses grub not grub200:54
robert45Not sure if its related00:54
sarnoldthere's stuff in /boot/grub/, just not those things :) but that machine's weird, I followed the 'zfs on root' guide to get there00:54
JPSmanSo, there is an update available, but its saying its for kernel images and I need to use a specific kernel for my wifi -- How can I update without updating the kernel images?01:07
oerheksJPS what makes you think a fresh kernel does not work with your wifi?01:07
oerheksdoes your wifi driver give a DKMS?01:08
JPSmannope!  --- oh wait a second, I got a new wifi dongle for this reason .....01:08
JPSmanI'll have to see what I can do to have grub work with my kernel I know works....01:09
jayjowhat's the 6 in libc6?01:28
rfmjayjo, a version id I believe01:30
sarnoldvs libc5, which, uh .. think 25 years ago01:30
sarnold"The End of libc5" -- an interview from 1998 -- https://linuxgazette.net/issue32/tag_libc5.html01:34
r15Hi, how do i increase 'Max open files            1024                 524288               files     '02:00
r15Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS02:01
r15for nginx, tried to set in /etc/security/limits.conf as well as in /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service file by adding LimitNOFILE=50000002:02
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r15any idea?02:06
eelstreborthis kaffeine app lacks a lot to be desired. yesterday it began recording a half hour TV show but i got a 0 byte file. tonight, it recorded more but didn't complete the recording. not a trustworthy app.02:06
wenxinHey every one. I just installed Ubuntu server on my machine. I can use curl command to get pages. But when I ran git clone https://github.com/blablabla/blabla. I get :gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.02:07
wenxinalso get error when i ran  sudo apt install g++02:07
wenxinUnable to fetch some archives, maybe ran apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?02:08
sarnoldr15: did you systemctl daemon-reload after making the change?02:10
r15sarnold: i did  a systemctl restart nginx02:11
sarnoldr15: that won't re-read the .service file02:12
sarnoldif wenxin returns, can someone pass along https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git/+bug/1913201 ?02:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1913201 in git (Ubuntu) "Stuck at HTTPS git cloning into (gnuTLS libraries)" [Undecided,Invalid]02:12
MrMagooI'll keep and eye open while I'm around02:13
MrMagoo@ pass along02:13
r15sarnold:Thanks, it worked.02:13
sarnoldr15: yay :)02:14
sarnoldwenxin_: the last time this came up, it turned out to be interference from an ISP or country https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git/+bug/191320102:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1913201 in git (Ubuntu) "Stuck at HTTPS git cloning into (gnuTLS libraries)" [Undecided,Invalid]02:14
jayjosarnold: cool article, thanks! I wasn't sure if there was something with C17.02:33
jayjoseems like the most important package in ubuntu. is there a way to look into that? (Just curious)02:33
jayjomost depended upon02:36
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sarnoldjayjo: libc6 is indeed a *very* important package; without it, there's no ubuntu. there is an alternative libc available, musl, but it's got a lot of limitations that prevent it from being widely adopted02:52
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bobdobbsHi all. I'm using ubuntu 20.04. I'd like to put music on my android phone (galaxy s9+) and be able to manage playlists. Is there is a media manager that can do this?04:34
bobdobbsI tried lollypop, but it was slow and pretty limited.04:36
bobdobbsRhythmbox lets you manage playists, but it doesn't let you transfer playlists to devices04:37
bobdobbsbanshee crashes on startup04:37
bobdobbsI'm trying Clementine. But Clementine crashes when I use it to access my phone04:46
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Qen-Joanabobdobbs, I use Phonograph, and I believe it can handle playlists.05:28
bobdobbsQen-Joana: thanks. I'll check it out.05:28
bobdobbsQen-Joana: uhm, sorry, I can't find it05:29
Qen-JoanaPhonograph Music Player on the Play Store.05:30
Qen-JoanaI opened it up and it has a tab for playlists, including from my PC05:31
Qen-JoanaIt may also be on FDroid05:33
BatoehGood morning. I am getting time out errors when attempting apt-get update for certain repos. The repos are sadly just very slow but they are up and running well but I am get timeout errors. I was having trouble searching for an answer but maybe I am not using the right terms. Is there a way to increase the amount of time  apt will wait?05:37
=== xclaesse1 is now known as xclaesse
roryBatoeh, could you choose a different mirror that may be faster?07:07
roryBatoeh, to answer your question: You can control these timeouts via the following apt.conf options:07:08
rory  Acquire::http::Timeout "10";07:08
rory  Acquire::ftp::Timeout "10";07:08
rorythose are seconds.07:08
roryBatoeh, if you were interested, there is a funky way to find the fastest server for your location from the terminal: https://askubuntu.com/a/141536/6296907:09
Batoehthank you rory! I appreciate it. I have good reason for using these slow repos trust me. Thanks again. I hope you have a good night!07:33
LSD-25hey does anyone know of a decent laptop that could run lubuntu smoothly07:34
LSD-25i bought a really cheap one to experiment and it works but i want to buy a better one in the near future07:34
LSD-25i have problems with firmware type issues and proprietary stuff on my normal rig07:35
ThinkT510you could check out system7607:35
LSD-25i think ive heard of that but i have bad memory sorry, thanks lol07:35
LSD-25its a website that sells linux laptops right07:35
BatoehCan't go wrong with the the older thinkpads. The x220/x230 and the w520/w530 are great07:35
Batoehoptions for libreboot/coreboot. Loved and supported by pretty much every open source project. Tons of replacement parts for when they break. Easy to buy cheap on ebay.07:36
LSD-25yeah man i had a bad ass thinkpad back in the day but it turned to trash the second something broke the screen lol07:36
LSD-25even had a fingerprint scanner07:36
BatoehGot to replace the screen :)07:36
LSD-25eh i didnt have the money to fix it they wanted me to pay what the laptop was worth lol07:37
Batoehthat is what is cool about those thinkpads. You can do it yourself. Tons of videos showing how and its way easier than with most laptops. Anyways later. Good luck.07:38
LSD-25i have the cheapest/lamest laptop on amazon from 2020 though lol07:38
LSD-25it only has a 1.1ghz celeron proc lol07:38
LSD-25im proud to own such a unique artifact, the crappest craptop lol07:39
LSD-25im on a i7-6700 right now though07:39
monojamoon|Hello everyone, I am using Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS on my laptop.08:04
monojamoon|Unfortunately, I dropped it & broke its screen08:04
monojamoon|Can't see anything on it now08:04
monojamoon|I connected it to the laptop, but all I am getting is the ubuntu background on it08:05
monojamoon|* I have a spare monitor & I connected it to the laptop08:07
EriC^^monojamoon|: likely the login screen is still on the other monitor08:07
EriC^^if you type the password blindly and press enter it should login i guess08:07
monojamoon|I does08:07
monojamoon|*It does08:08
monojamoon|However, I am still getting desktop background on it08:08
monojamoon|Anyway to get the content of the laptop on the monitor?08:09
EriC^^monojamoon|: try to right click the desktop and go to change background picture then back to settings > display08:09
EriC^^there should be a 'mirror' displays set it to on08:10
monojamoon|Thanks EriC^^!!! :) :)08:14
EriC^^monojamoon|: no problem! :)08:14
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
mlokpcHello, I would like to ask, does anybody know why NTP is actived (exited) from time to time?08:52
mlokpcUbuntu 16.04.208:52
gordonjcpmlokpc: anything in the logs?08:53
gordonjcpmlokpc: not that it matters since you're planning your move to 20.04, right?08:53
mlokpcgordonjcp: maintaining legacy systems08:54
mlokpcgordonjcp: ntpd[755]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 (Terminated)08:54
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nucc1is there a way to see the build flags for the distribution of php on my box?09:39
oerheksYou find the source on launchpad, for 7.4 = https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.409:41
nucc1thanks @oer09:48
oerheksnucc1, have fun!09:48
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ice9anyone has tried Ubuntu with Asus zenbook laptop? is it compatible or was there some issues?10:51
lotus|NUC!hardware | ice910:52
ubottuice9: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:52
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ice9lotus|NUC, the model i'm asking about not in that page that's why i'm asking here10:53
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lotus|NUCice9: most machines can install ubuntu fine, but depending on the chipsets from the hardware inside, we cant generalize/predict issues upfront10:54
lotus|NUCice9: if you have specific details of that model and know the hardware inside, you can discuss it in #ubuntu-discuss if you want10:55
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
dbuggerHi, fellas. I got an issue. I have a ZIP file, and archive manager will unzip some files but others not, without giving any error. But weirdly, if I try to do it through the terminal with "unzip", it works without a problem. Why could this be?11:19
Qen-Joanadbugger, Are you getting the error with the R-click "extract..." commands?11:24
dbuggerQen-Joana, nope, not one11:25
dbuggerThe operation seems to be totally successful (even thought it is not)11:26
Qen-JoanaSorry, I didn't mean 'error'11:26
dbuggerI have posted it with more detail in here, if you want to check:11:26
Qen-JoanaWhen this happened to I last week, I had problems with R-click extracting sometimes no files, but double-clicking and extracting with the GUI app worked fine.11:27
dbuggerQen-Joana, I am not getting any kind of output. Actually I wasted yesterday the whole day, trying to figure out why my program was not executing. I didnt realize until this morning that the extraction was not working :(11:27
Qen-JoanaFrom your post, it seems like we had the same problem.11:28
dbuggerYeah, that works fine, but I want to find out how come that "Extract here" will not work. I wonder if it has to do with the contents of the ZIP11:28
dbuggerThe program that generates those ZIPs, also generates executables for MacOS. And those are not working either.11:28
dbuggerWhich makes me think that the problem lies in the contents of the ZIP file, but I have no idea what could it be...11:29
Qen-JoanaConsidering the timing, perhaps it is a new bug in the archive tool?11:29
dbuggerYou think so??11:29
Qen-JoanaDo you have the ability to downgrade the tool?11:29
dbuggerWhat about the timing? Has anything happened?11:29
dbuggerI have 3.63.311:29
Qen-JoanaI'm not on my Pop!_OS system right now, I cannot check my version.11:30
Qen-JoanaBut my suggestion is to try different versions of the archive tool.11:30
dbuggerThe thing is, since the generated file is also not working on macOS, I doubt a lot that it is a problem of Archive Manager..11:31
Qen-JoanaAre you saying you have a tool on OSX that runs on similar libs or architecture?11:33
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dbuggerNo no11:37
dbuggerLet me explain better.11:37
dbuggerI am using Unity Cloud Build to make builds of a game I am development. At some point, those builds stopped working, for every platform, even though the build was successful.11:38
dbuggerThe build of Linux was not working, until this morning I discovered that the whole ZIP file was not extracting properly11:38
dbuggerThe generated files for other OS, like windows or Mac are also not working11:39
dbuggerso the timing is too good, it cannot be that it is a problem of Archive Manager...11:39
dbuggerAll the builds stopped working at the same time, for everyplatform, which makes me suspect that the problem lies on some files inside the generated build. Probably in that folder that is not extracting... but I have no idea which could be.11:40
Qen-JoanaSorry, but the details are beyond I, and I am awake at 3:40am with no sleep yet. I suspect I and others have this problem, and my only 'symptom' was the archive manager not working. I will bookmark your post and hope for a solution!11:41
EriC^^dbugger: if i run 'while true; do ps aux; done > ps' and do extract here on the file then see the log for 'grep filename ps' it shows the command it uses, maybe that will give more insight11:50
EriC^^it gives this for me "file-roller --extract-here file:///......."11:51
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dbuggerNot sure I understand what you mean, but let me try...11:51
EriC^^dbugger: i mean, maybe try to run the command manually in the terminal to see if it gives you any info on why it fails if it does fail11:52
dbuggerEriC^^, No, in the terminal there are no problem11:52
dbuggerIt works perfectly11:53
EriC^^dbugger: but you said you're using unzip in the terminal?11:53
dbuggerLook at this link. I pasted the output:11:53
EriC^^dbugger: this is the command it actually runs when you press 'extract here'11:53
dbuggerWhich one? file-roller ?11:54
dbuggeroh, ok. let me try that11:54
EriC^^for me at least, that's what it's running11:54
dbuggerok, the command works also well...11:57
dbuggerlet me see the ps file..11:57
dbuggerEriC^^, I do not see anything remarkable in the ps file11:59
EriC^^seems to be using 7z /usr/lib/p7zip/7z x -bd -y -o/home/dbugger/Downloads/emt-it-services-notan-linux-desktop-x64-7 -- /home/dbugger/Downloads/emt-it-services-notan-linux-desktop-x64-7.zip12:00
dbuggerBut the thing is... it is working, when I use the command12:01
dbuggerShould I do the loop, while using the GUI?12:01
EriC^^yeah, that's what i meant12:01
dbuggerok, lets see12:01
dbuggerlol... not even one match o_O12:02
dbuggerThat cant be right. I will try it again12:03
dbuggernope.... 0 matches o_O12:04
EriC^^maybe the gui is broken, not running anything12:04
dbuggerif it was broken, it wouldnt extract a part of the file, no??12:05
EriC^^same file, no caps on the filename etc?12:05
EriC^^try with grep -i ?12:05
dbuggernope.... nothing... o_O12:06
EriC^^i wonder where the info is for what to run when one clicks a context item12:07
dbuggerclearly not in ps aux...12:07
dbuggerI have no clue ... :/12:07
EriC^^hmm, grepping etc for file-roller shows interesting stuff in /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-applications.menu12:08
dbuggerwhat is the grep command I should run exactly?12:08
EriC^^seems a dead end12:10
EriC^^the stuff there points to /usr/share/applications/file-roller.desktop that's all12:12
dbuggerIm browsing the zip file for weird file names...12:13
dbuggerThere are plenty of DLL files, but that cannot be...12:13
EriC^^dbugger: which ubuntu version are you using12:18
EriC^^it's just that one archive it has problems with?12:20
Qen-JoanaI was on Pop!_OS 20.04 and I had the same problem.12:25
BluesKajHi folks12:38
* oerheks reading https://askubuntu.com/questions/1319233/unzipping-from-the-desktop-extracts-less-files-that-from-the-terminal12:49
dbuggeroerheks, thanks12:51
oerheksdbugger, do you have an url, so we can try that zip?12:52
dbuggerNot really, since it is a private company project :/12:52
oerheksoh oke.12:53
oerheksso, if i understand correctly, that 1st folder 84,4mb is placed at / ?12:53
oerheksor totally not unzipped at all?12:54
dbuggerYeah, the screenshot is at the root of the compressed files12:54
dbuggerah no12:54
dbuggerit does not appear at all12:54
dbuggernot even empty12:54
oerhekswhat if you open it in fileroller, and extract just that folder?12:55
dbuggerYes, it works12:55
dbuggerThe only way it does NOT work, is with the GUI12:55
Qen-JoanaWhen I was dealing with this problem, I had downloaded some .zips from www.esoui.com and also had less (and sometimes zero) file output from context-menu "extract here (smart)".12:55
dbuggerwith file-roller and unzip, works fine12:56
dbuggerIt is just the "Extract here" that does it partially12:56
oerheksweird, hard to say what is going on.13:00
dbuggerYeah it is...13:00
dbuggerIt began to happen 2 weeks ago13:01
dbuggerI wonder wtf I changed in my project, that messed up the builds :/13:01
oerheksget a genuine copy again?13:01
dbuggera what?13:01
oerheksweird part is, on comandline it works..13:01
dbuggerExtracting it directly from the Archive Manager works too13:02
dbuggerOnly the "extract here" is what is not working13:02
iekfkkcan ubuntu update after 1year without deps breakage13:05
oerheksiekfkk, i think so, let us know if you did13:07
oerheks* only if the release is still supported ofcourse13:08
iekfkkif i download old iso it seems to update why is that deps dont break here13:08
oerheksoh, old iso .. no13:08
iekfkkyup assuming suport13:08
oerheksthen you must do some trick with old-releases.13:08
iekfkkno assuming 5 year lts support13:08
oerheksi would boot that old is, download a new iso with it and put it on usb13:08
iekfkkbut why do deps break on arch so easily13:09
oerheks18.04(.0) release can still be used.13:09
oerheksyou would end up with 18.04.5 .. or .613:09
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dbuggerI crashed :P13:25
dbuggerOk, a different question: I seem to have 2 virtualbox commands, "virtualbox" and "VirtualBox". Is this normal...?13:26
EriC^^dbugger: yup, same here13:27
rorycheck with "which virtualbox" and "which VirtualBox"13:27
roryone is probably an alias for the other13:27
dbugger"which virtualbox" is "/usr/bin/virtualbox" and "which VirtualBox" is "/usr/bin/VirtualBox"... that didnt help much :D13:28
dbuggerit is still 2 different commands13:28
roryThey're both symlinks to /usr/share/virtualbox/VBox.sh13:31
dbuggerOh, cool. So i do not have to worry13:32
dbuggerAnother question regarding virtualbox: Is there anyway to prevent it from crashing the host OS? :P13:32
roryallocate less memory to the guest VM?13:32
roryand /join #vbox13:32
dbuggerOh thanks13:32
dbuggerNot it is a memory issue, really. I do not have much at all...13:33
longshanksif i remove grub-pc will my device fail to boot?13:38
oerheks!info grub-pc13:49
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.04-1ubuntu26.9 (focal), package size 121 kB, installed size 554 kB13:49
oerhekstechnically, if you have grub-efi, you might be able to remove it.. but why?13:50
longshanksoerheks: becuase I boot efi/gpt so didn't think I needed it.14:00
longshanksbut on the same note, I also don't want to remove it if it makes my system not boot. So kinda wondered what I'd need to know in order to be able to know it's safe to delete. What test can I do to check before I remove it?14:01
oerheksubotto wrote = is optional14:02
oerhekswith understanding you use EFI14:03
oerheksi would not risk it, it is a few mb14:03
longshanksoerheks: understood.14:03
DarkTrickcan I change the encoding of a terminal temporary to something different, say SHIFT-JIS?14:07
oerheksDarkTrick, i find no fix besides coversion of textfiles,14:12
DarkTrickoerheks, I have file/folder names, that I'd like to read14:12
oerheksmaybe you should join the #ubuntu-jp team, or look at the JP ppa something.. https://launchpad.net/~japaneseteam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:13
DarkTrickoerheks, thanks for the advice!14:13
DarkTrickI guess I'll give up then14:13
oerheksiconv should translate https://superuser.com/questions/313032/how-to-convert-a-text-file-from-shift-jis-to-utf-8-and-back-from-the-terminal14:13
oerheks!info iconv14:13
ubottuPackage iconv does not exist in focal14:13
DarkTrickAnd hope one day.... *one day* Microsoft will understand, that SHIFT-JIS is not the way to go14:13
oerheksyes, some say is is ugly.14:16
oerheksnot an open standard)14:16
lotuspsychje!fr | floown14:52
ubottufloown: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:52
floownJ'ai un petit sushi avec un script bash, je peux en parler ici ?14:52
lotuspsychje!discuss | floown en anglais/in english14:53
ubottufloown en anglais/in english: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!14:53
floownit's not the good chanel14:53
pajdegHi, I got two drives, one for windows 10 and one for Ubuntu.14:57
pajdegI've been playing around with docker on Ubuntu when I decided to go on windows for a while.14:57
pajdegWhen I rebooted into Ubuntu I noticed something was weird as my resolution was like 600x800.14:57
pajdegMy boot partition on my Ubuntu boot partition is not mounted while my windows boot partition is.14:57
pajdegSo somehow my ubuntu boot migrated to the windows boot partition.14:57
pajdegHow could this have happened and how do I fix it? My windows still works but my Ubuntu is -  as I said - broken in terms of drivers.14:57
mortdid canonical just now remove python 2 from its 16.04 archives?15:04
leftyfbmort: no15:06
leftyfbmort: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wmHj2qpfbf/15:06
mortthe python2 package exists, but a bunch of packages it depends on seems to be missing15:08
mortlibpython2.7-minimal, python2.7-minimal, libpython2.7-stdlib and python2.7 are all missing even though the python package exists15:09
leftyfbmort: yup, something looks broken there. Looks like just the updates packages. The previous versions are still there. As seen here: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.7/libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.13_amd64.deb15:11
mortso I need to pin the relevant packages to the 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.13_amd64 version, or is there an easier way to fix this than with pinning15:14
oerheks!info python-minimal xenial15:15
ubottupython-minimal (source: python-defaults): minimal subset of the Python language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.12-1~16.04 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 145 kB15:15
leftyfboerheks: I can confirm they're missing. Just got complaints from our build farm about it as well15:16
oerheksthere is some progress going on?15:17
oerhekssee date + time https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/python2.7-minimal15:17
mortso the actual debs were removed but the index still has it listed?15:18
oerheksalso we had a python update today, https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-4754-115:18
oerheksi think we should wait and see..15:18
mortI'll just try to pin the packages to get on with my work and check back later15:19
mortseems I don't know how package pinning works. My /etc/apt/preferences contains `Package: python2.7 \n Pin: version 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.13 \n Pin-Priority: 999` yet it's trying to download python2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.14_amd64.deb15:21
eijebongHi, 16.04 security mirrors are currently broken, http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz references libpython2.7-minimal version 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.14 but the file doesn't exist there http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.7/libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.14_amd64.deb15:27
eijebongIs that a known issue ? Any way to work around that ?15:27
pfakhow do we report a broken mirror? security.ubuntu.com is missing the latest python2.7 update for xenial:15:27
pfaki was just going to say that eijebong :)15:27
eijebongpfak: :D15:27
Habbiewherever you're going to report it, probably useful to include the failing IP15:28
leftyfbeijebong: it's currently being reported15:28
oerhekseijebong, thanks, known issue15:29
mortany idea how I can work around it? Specifically, why isn't https://p.mort.coffee/yFB in /etc/apt/preferences working?15:30
oerheksit seems like the .14 is removed an hour ago, bad build? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/python2.715:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916915 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Incorrect pacakge version available on bionic pool (2.7.17-1~18.04ubuntu1.3 not availbale)" [Undecided,New]15:34
leftyfbit's being worked on as we speak15:35
oerheksoke leftyfb! so mort, wait a bit.15:35
SuperLagHow do you figure out why a package is being held back from upgrading?15:39
oerheksSuperLag, which package exactly?15:42
SuperLagnginx (which I have their repo configured for)15:42
oerhekswith python2.7 ?15:43
SuperLagNo, no python issues here, that I'm aware of15:43
DJ-ArcAngeli have a weird problem on ubuntu 18.04LTS, when i try to install something https://pastebin.com/RDaHZvmQ15:44
oerheksSuperLag, not sure there, we need more details, what nginx repo, what ubuntu version15:45
DJ-ArcAngelit says it can't find the IP, while i can ping it and resolv the host15:45
oerheksDJ-ArcAngel, hi, thanks for reporting, there is an issue with python2.7 , crew is working on it15:45
ograDJ-ArcAngel, is says it cant find the file, not the IP btw ...15:46
metbsdis there a way to save audio mixer setting?15:46
DJ-ArcAngelah yea15:46
DJ-ArcAngelis there something alternative i can use?15:46
mortregardless of the python issue, I'm wondering why pinning the package doesn't work15:47
mortI suppose one could just manually download the debs and install them with dpkg15:47
metbsdnow it resets when i reboot15:47
oerheksalternative, not besides pinning the old version, i would wait a bit15:47
ograDJ-ArcAngel, you could try your luck and hope to find a mirror that has not pulled the changes from the archive yet ... but i guess thats a lot more work than just waiting that the archive gets fixed15:47
stonergeekGood morning everyone. I am hoping one of you can help me. I am attempting to setup an SMTP server. I'm running Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS. I've installed Postfix and Mailtools,I have also configured the UFW to allow the necessary ports, I've also configured my hardware router to also allow the same ports to the specified machine.15:47
DJ-ArcAngelogra: is there an ETA.. this needs to go live tomorrow :D15:48
oerheksno ETA given, only confirmation that is a known issue, and work is in progress15:48
ograDJ-ArcAngel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.7/+bug/191691515:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916915 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Incorrect package version available on bionic pool (2.7.17-1~18.04ubuntu1.3 not availbale)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:48
ograyou can follow that bug to see when it is fixed15:49
DJ-ArcAngelthanks oerheks, ogra15:49
oerheksit is not just packaging, also testing.15:49
DJ-ArcAngeli have them installed on another system.. can i re-package them again there as .deb?15:50
oerheksyou should have the original debs there too?15:50
DJ-ArcAngelif i did not clean15:50
oerheks /var/cache/apt/archive/15:50
mortfwiw, this script works: https://p.mort.coffee/a7p15:50
mort(that's for 16.04, but should be easy to adapt to 18.04)15:51
mortneeds an `apt install python` after it, but it works otherwise15:54
leftyfbmort: try again. The indexes should be fixed16:03
eijebongLooks like it's fixed yeah16:03
oerheksDJ-ArcAngel, ^^16:04
stonergeekI was wondering if one of you could help me with an smtp issue?16:05
stonergeekOr is that off topic here?16:06
* eelstrebor just did a fresh install of 20.04.2 - some apps take a long time to show up when launched (i.e. gftp took 25 seconds to show up)16:06
mortis gftp a snap?16:07
eelstreborstonergeek, if it's postfix you might have better luck at #postfix16:07
leftyfbmort: snap search gftp16:07
stonergeekAhhhh ... thanks16:07
eelstrebormort, i don't know16:07
eelstrebormort, i installed it using synaptic16:09
mortright, the only entry in ubuntu software for gftp is from the repos (and its license is proprietary??)16:09
eelstrebori've used gftp for many years, maybe it's time for a change16:10
larkfishermanhey guys, I just installed Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and I'm trying to do apt update and upgrade. update passes, upgrade fails with "Failed to fetch [mirror url]/libpython2.7[...] - 404 Not Found [IP: 80]16:10
mortmaybe, but don't change away from gftp just because of the license, it seems to be under the GPLv2 and just mislabeled as proprietary in ubuntu software16:11
oerhekslarkfisherman, known issue, try to run sudo apt update again, it should be fixed a minute ago.16:11
leftyfblarkfisherman: try: sudo apt update   # again16:11
eelstreborit came up a lot faster when i ran ubuntu 18.04.516:12
larkfishermanAh, good to know it's a server side issue, and that I haven't just fscked up my system :) Is there any place where I can follow the updates on the issue?16:13
leftyfblarkfisherman: it's been resolved16:13
larkfishermanI'm running `sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade` in a loop, and on my machine it still shows the same issue. That's why I'm asking for more information.16:14
mortmaybe it's taking some time for mirrors to update?16:14
oerheksyour mirror is main?16:14
leftyfbthere might be some physical machines as part of the mirrors that are still being updated. Just wait a bit longer then16:15
oerheksjups, we only can confirm that the fixed packages are out there.16:15
larkfishermanThat makes sense. I will try main mirror, or wait until tomorrow if that doesn't work. Thanks for help :)16:15
oerhekshave fun!16:16
larkfishermanyep, works again 8)16:17
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limboHow do I reload my GPU driver (nvidia, propietary) without rebooting after an update? I'm getting errors like "Failed initializing any suitable GPU context!" from MPV.16:32
rangergord(How) can I tell before installing a package, whether it will install a service that will permanently run in the background, or if it will be a standalone executable that I call manually (or any non-executable, like libs, icons, fonts, etc). Basically I want to distinguish between "Service" packages, and packages that have no effect on the system unless I run something manually16:34
limborangergord: extract the .deb file, look at the files. Reading the install script might also tell you. I don't think there's standard metadata for that though.16:36
rangergordah, too bad16:36
mortalso might have to look at the debs of any dependencies right16:36
rangergordyeah that would be really annoying. Was hoping there would be a simple "does this package (or any of its deps) install services? yes/no"16:37
limborangergord: apt-file and search for unit files, or any mention of systemd maybe.16:37
oerheksrangergord, if there is a systemd file, it should give a clue16:41
oerheksanyway, if it starts automatic, one can disable the service, even mask it for not to start at all16:42
imihi, how do I make ubuntu open a certain file extension with my custom application?16:50
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oerheksimi, open with > choose other, and hope your app is in the list16:52
imioerheks: what if it isn't?16:55
oerheksthen it is not registered in /usr/share/applications/  with a desktop file16:57
imican I just make my desktop file then? and put it there?16:57
imiis there a way to resolve trash:/// filenames into /home/imi/absolute/path type filenames from commandline?17:02
dbuggerWell, today my system hates me17:02
dbuggerDoes anyone have any idea why could it be that my microphone (recognized by the system) is not recording at all?17:02
oerheksrestpring from trash goes to the original placeholder, AFAIK17:03
imioerheks: yes it does. However is there a way to "convert" the filename "trash:///a.txt" into "/home/imi/local/share/Trash/files/a.txt" ? or should I write a conversion routine myself?17:08
oerheksoh, you can actually, in trash; right mouse > move to > select folder17:09
imiit's not what I mean17:10
oerheksrenaming a file in trash? no17:10
imiyou know that if you have a file in trash it's actually stored somewhere in the old fashioned linux directory tree somewhere?17:11
iminow I state that if I have a file "a.txt" in trash (a.k.a. "trash:///a.txt") it's actually stored at "/home/imi/local/share/Trash/files/a.txt"17:12
oerheksin trash, hoover over the row 'name'> right mouse > location17:13
oerheksthat gives the colom where it came from, that is all i find17:13
imiis there a pre-existing way to convert the string "trash:///a.txt" into the string "/home/imi/local/share/Trash/files/a.txt" on commandline?17:13
imiok nevermind thanks for the help anyways17:15
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DJ-ArcAngeloerheks: great.. thanks alot!!17:33
raubHow do I create a group that cannot run or do anything?17:34
frostschutzraub, it's not really possible (see also 'nobody' user/group), as world permissions still apply. maybe you need a different security mechanism (like a chroot)17:39
jussi_aGood evening! Since I uninstalled CUDA-drivers I have a problem with my displays (one integrated in laptop, one separate through hdmi) displaying anything only in other screen. Nouveau drivers display anything only in laptop screen (the other screen definitely still exists within the OS because the desktop panel is usable there in the blank17:39
jussi_ascreen), and if i switch to proprietary drivers, the laptop screen will be blank and i can use the computer only through hdmi. Can anyone help me where to manually change the settings so that i could recognize the other screen also?17:39
jussi_aIf that is even the solution for this. I have a hunch it's not a driver problem because changing drivers will not solve it.17:40
leftyfbraub: what's the point?17:50
jussi_acan anyone even direct me on how to configure displays on xorg?17:56
oerhekshi jussi long time no see17:57
oerheksfor manually, i would install the regular nvidia drivers through the update menu17:58
jussi_aheh i might be different jussi than someone else. it's a common finnish name17:58
oerheksoh, and has that laptop an FN key + internal/external/both switch ?17:59
jussi_aoerheks, yes the laptop has it and i've tried it. With nouveau drivers i can see the cursor in other screen but nothing is being drawn there. With proprietary drivers it does not even bother to clean up the laptop screen after the boot splash screen so the external monitor has the computer screen and computer itself is showing the computer splash18:01
jussi_ascreen. Never seen anything like this :D18:01
longshanksHi all. Is there any issue with security.ubuntu.com?  File has unexpected size (111640 != 111832). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]18:02
longshanksSomething wrong with the release file?18:03
oerheksjussi_a, tried nomodeset?18:09
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.18:09
oerhekslongshanks, maybe your mirror was just in sync.. try apt update again?18:09
longshanksoerheks: ok. since it was security.ubuntu.com I was just being cautious. Will retry now..18:10
longshanksoerheks: seems to work ok now.18:11
jussi_aoerheks, thanks for advice! I could try it but what does it do?18:11
oerheksoke, have fun!18:11
oerheksjussi_a, it disables nasty powersave features18:11
oerhekselse, state your hw, maybe there is a dedicated fix.. still wonder as you had cuda running.18:12
oerhekssometimes with such odd video issues, removal of the battery and holding the power button 10 seconds could do a decent reset.18:13
jussi_aIt is as if the laptop screen didn't exist at all in hardware when i did xrandr --query with proprietary drivers18:15
jussi_aBut i'll try nomodeset for now18:18
jussi_aWish me luck! If i'm not back today, i'll be stuck in terminal without GUI forever18:18
dbuggeroerheks, do you still want a copy of my ZIP file?18:19
dbuggerI think I can give you something18:19
oerhekshi dbugger18:19
dbuggerhi mate18:20
oerheksyes please, only if you are authorized.18:20
oerheksdo this in PM, logs are world readable.. and they do read/index them18:20
dbuggeroerheks, Yes, I will send you one18:21
dbuggeroerheks, sending18:22
dbuggerdid you get it?18:22
john38Can anyone recommend a good vpn for 16.0418:22
oerheksdbugger, recieved, lets see...18:29
dbuggeroerheks, does it work for you?18:34
oerheksdbugger, works fine with unzip, a file default desktop, and a folder with a folder with a png18:36
dbuggerso, it is only me??18:36
oerheksyes, i think so18:36
dbuggerI am using "fileroller 3.36.3-stable". you?18:37
dbuggeri have no idea wtf is going on18:40
oerheksreleased 2020-10-1218:40
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dbuggerthen I give up. I have no clue wtf is going on18:41
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oerheksmaybe a proper sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade ?18:41
oerhekspackages held back with update?18:41
dbuggereverything up-to-date, says apt18:41
dbuggerunless it is lying, of course18:42
dbuggerSometimes I think I should never update the system18:42
oerheksbtw in your example earlier, i have seen more files, not 1 file and 1 folder.18:43
dbuggeroerheks, yeah, so that I could send you the file, i had to strip it of all confidential files18:43
dbuggerBut the one I sent you does not work for me either way18:43
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oerheksoke, then you altered the file, and made it valid again18:44
oerhekscopy it on an usb on a 2nd machine?18:44
dbuggerSo when i altered it, I made it valid, but I cant still use it??18:44
dbuggerThat doesnt make sense, no??18:44
oerheksnope .. but this is what i see18:44
dbuggerStill wouldnt solve my problem. The builds I am downloading from the server need to work :/18:45
dbuggerI had another problem today, maybe someone can help me with that... My USB microphone stopped working today. (It actually ruined a job interview). It appears detected in "Setting > Sound", but when I talk, no audio gets captured18:47
oerheksi find no clue to your issue in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/189717018:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897170 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "SRU the current 3.36.3 stable update " [Low,Fix released]18:50
yatesi'm running lubuntu 16.04.5 LTS with a bluetooth dongle inserter. i've paired my backbeat pro headphones to the system, but when i turn them on, click the bluetooth icon in the system tray, and select PLT_BBTPRO=>Connect i get "Connection failed - Use the audio menu to connect to this device"19:22
yateswhy isn't this connecting?19:22
yatescorrection: 18.04.519:23
oerheksyates, standard blueman or bluez? i find bluez more reliable19:25
yatesoerheks: how do i determine ?19:27
oerhekslocate bluez # it is optional19:27
oerheks!info bluez bionic19:28
ubottubluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 5.48-0ubuntu3.4 (bionic), package size 924 kB, installed size 4488 kB19:28
yatesoerheks: "locate bluez" returns a whole bunch of lines19:28
yatesi've also installed pulseaudio-module-bluetooth19:29
feyddoes ubuntu 20.04 have selinux pre-installed on it?19:31
feydI'm like 95% sure it doesn't19:31
oerheksfeyd, no19:31
yatesoerheks: this is the output of "apt show bluez": http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GgZh68ssnm19:31
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor19:31
feydoerheks, thank you!19:31
yatesi can't tell if that shows if it is installed or now.19:32
feydwell I sure haven't installed it, and it's a new server, just having some issues with a legacy PHP application and writing to a file, even on 777 folders/files, wanted to rule out SELinux first19:32
feydwell not first, but wanted to rule it out19:32
yatesdoes this line indicate it is installed? APT-Manual-Installed: yes19:33
oerheksyates, so yo have it installed19:34
leftyfbyates: apt-cache policy bluez19:35
yatesleftyfb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5J4gvwnbQ419:36
oerheksand check permissions https://imgur.com/gallery/P1Vvi1K19:38
yatesoerheks: what app do i run to see that?19:39
oerhekssoftwarecenter > installed > bluez > permissions19:39
oerheksthis is generally for all programms, to check out19:40
yatesi have no "softwarecenter" menu. i assume you mean on the system menu?>19:41
yatesthis is lubuntu19:42
yatesok i got this19:42
oerheksboutique .. or is that mate19:42
yatesok i have gnome-software. when i run it and look under the "Installed" tab i do not see "bluez"19:44
oerheksctrl + f; blue enter19:45
yatesnot there19:46
dbuggerIs there an official ubuntu discord server?19:46
yatesi see Bluetooth Manager anbd Bluetooth Adapters and BlueWho and Bluefish Editor19:46
yatesoerheks: so what now? why is this happening if apt says i have bluez installed???19:48
yatesi'm all updated as of an hour ago and rebooted19:49
yatesshould i try removing and reinstalling bluez?19:50
yatesthat didn't help19:51
oerheksno reboot required ..19:52
yatesthis is my work box. my home box is fedora 32 and it works fine19:55
yatesok now this is very weird. i randomly get this message on all open terminals, all in red: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cjsZv5Tw9K/19:57
yatesit just seemd to start happening an hour ago or so19:57
yatesok wait. this is from gnome-software. i had it running in another terminal19:58
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badboyhalocatDoes anyone know how I can make snaps not mount on boot?20:11
badboyhalocatDoes anyone know how I can make snaps not mount on boot?20:11
badboyhalocatdidn't mean to double send20:12
badboyhalocatsnaps are delaying graphical.target by ~60s20:12
badboyhalocatis it possible to have them mount after graphical is reached?20:12
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meandrainhi, any idea if I can get a shell when using ubuntu server iso ?20:28
meandrainthank you !20:29
shibbolethalsom the menu used to have "execute shell"20:29
shibbolethdunno about the new... "installer"20:29
meandrainI am on mac, and the instance is in virtualbox20:29
meandrainso ctrl+alt+2 did not worked20:30
meandraintried command key instead of f220:30
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bancrofti'm looking at man 8 apt-get and I see apt-get [-asqdyfmubV], now when I look at docker many people use apt-get like (`apt install -qy`, `apt -q install -y`, and `apt -yq install` ...)21:20
bancroftall I want to do is quiet the output as much as possible without doing >/dev/null21:20
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neowebhttps://ubuntu.com/blog/zfs-focus-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-whats-new can the installer do mirror yet?21:24
mendijoin #ubuntu-offtopic21:26
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neowebcan the zfs installer do rootfs mirror yet?21:30
gst568923Hi guys, if I use only ubuntu as OS is secure formatting external HDD with ext4 file system instead of NTFS?21:35
ThinkT510gst568923: sure, ubuntu will handle that fine21:37
neowebgst568923: gparted could make things simple for you too21:38
gst568923and what about forensic analysis, is it easier to recovery data from an ntfs or ext4 file system?21:38
ThinkT510gst568923: sometimes the filesystem in use doesn't matter for recovery. some tools look at the raw data21:39
gst568923Ok, when I formatted the external drive with gparted, write permissions had to be enabled. Is the procedure I followed correct?21:43
gst568923`sudo chown myusername:myusername /media/username/hdd_name` and than `sudo chmod 777 /media/username/hdd_name`21:44
leftyfbgst568923: you do not have to enable write permissions to format a drive21:44
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summonnerthe /media is the mount point, not the device21:45
leftyfbgst568923: you should not have the partition mounted that you want to format. If formatting the entire drive, you do not want to have anything on that drive mounted21:45
summonnerfrom memory, the process is something like... run gparted -> format the disk -> unplug the drive -> rescan devices -> exit gparted -> plug in the external disk again and it should work21:47
gst568923leftyfb I don't understand, did I do something wrong?21:47
summonnerbut I believe you need to have fuse installed... let me find the page about mounting drives in userspace21:47
summonnergst568923, what did you format the drive as?21:48
gst568923I run gparted > unmount device > formatted with ext421:49
summonnergst568923, and you have to exit gparted before plugging the drive back in21:50
gst568923yes then I quit gparted which automatically re-mount the device21:51
summonnergst568923, and it mounted it under /media/your_user_name/disk_label  but you say you have no permissions to write?21:52
neowebsudo gparted21:52
neowebgparted need permissions for the device21:52
ThinkT510no need to exit gparted, just rescan devices21:52
summonnerif gparted mounts it, gparted runs as root though, not your user ID21:53
neowebyou chmod/chown /dev/device as root/whatever21:53
neowebif gparted is ran as root then you do not need to correct21:53
gst568923the device is mounted on /media/your_user_name/disk_label  but no permissions to write21:54
mahehi, will kernel 5.10 land in 20.04 eventually? if so, any ETA on this?21:54
gst568923than I have run: `sudo chown myusername:myusername /media/username/hdd_name` and than `sudo chmod 777 /media/username/hdd_name`21:54
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ThinkT510777 is a bad idea21:56
nunyaI have dual boot Ubuntu 20.04 with cinnamon 4.4.8 I ran clamscan -r -i on my Windows partition and got /media/nunya/Windows/Program Files (x86)/Audacity/msvcp140.dll: Win.Dropper.Fileinfector-9832585-0 FOUND Does anyone know how to remove this. I have googled and found no results. Please help.21:57
ThinkT510mahe: if 5.10 is what will ship with 21.04 then yes, it will be part of 20.04 (usually after a short while after release)21:58
ThinkT510!hwe | mahe21:58
ubottumahe: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:58
nunyaClamscan has actually found it in several places this is just one. Clamscan is still running in the background now. Maybe more intances will be founf later.21:58
gst568923ThinkT510 why?22:00
ThinkT510mahe: in the meantime if you need access now you can test a mainline kernel22:00
ThinkT510!mainline | mahe22:00
ubottumahe: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:00
summonnernunya check in #windows for an answer22:00
nunyawith 312.9 GB to scan this could take a while22:00
summonnernunya you'll need to do some various commands from the windows interface to ensure integrity of the windows files, best to ask them in there22:01
ThinkT510gst568923: giving everyone and everything access to something via 777 is certainly not good practice. In reality you don't want random processes being able to modify/have access to everything.22:01
newb101how do I check if 2 folders that are meant to be the same are the same? using sha256?22:03
maheThinkT510: thank you for the information! If the info on distrowatch is correct, 5.10 will ship with 21.04. So I can expect a hwe backport to 20.04 shortly after the 21.04 release?22:03
gst568923ThinkT510 I am interested in giving access to my username or other usernames if I had to connect it to other PCs22:03
ThinkT510mahe: yes, I'm not sure exactly when, maybe a month or two22:04
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ThinkT510!permissions | gst56892322:04
ubottugst568923: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:04
maheThinkT510: I see, thank you! Guess I'll wait then.22:05
ThinkT510nunya: might be worth asking audacity if they can verify if that file should be there when installing in windows. might be a false positive..22:08
AavarCan rclone (or some other tool) keep a directory in multiple machines in sync? Simple is better :)22:26
mendirsync works22:30
Aavarmendi: How can it be done?22:32
maxzorHello, what is the name of the thing that automatically starts the graphical session smoothly?22:35
maxzorI was looking for the program that sounds ocean that does the interactive login, but you might got a better lead22:40
maxzordmesg http://ix.io/2QS722:40
maxzorI am stuck in a loop between "fsck is ok" and black-screen-with-mouse, never reaches login22:40
maxzorcan login in an alt tty22:40
maxzorif i try to kill the xorg process, it switches back to the graphical tty (7) and goes back to the loop22:41
maxzorjctl http://ix.io/2QSf22:56
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
sarnoldouch that looks like a bad time22:59
maxzorsystemctl status lightdm says it's "green", but when i try to kill the xorg/lightdm process I get swallowed in the loop again23:02
sarnoldI'm not surprised killing things causes systemd to restart them23:03
maxzoryes makes sense23:04
maxzorin #linux got the remark that while apu is intel, there are mentions of radeon in dmesg23:04
sarnoldheh, I missed 'apu is intel' thing in there, radeon dominates that dmesg23:07
maxzorjournalctl talks a lot about faulty pam kwallet23:09
maxzormaybe is that why i never reach the login screen?23:09
maxzorbut i can login in console tty23:09
sarnoldmaxzor: that's almost certainly just noise, loads of people have that23:11
maxzorit keeps restarting the session, maybe is gpu-manager at fault taking an intel for an amd?23:15
nunya<ThinkT510>It's been found in 5 files and 2 different programs. I submitted these files on jotti.org They use a bunch of av scanners. Only Clamav is finding it. I would scan with malwarebytes but that one of the programs allegedly infected and I'd have to boot into Windows to use it since they dn't have a linux version./23:20
nunya<ThinkT510>Tried installin Malwarebytes under wine but it wouldn't run23:21
newb101how do I tar and gzip a bunch files23:48
newb101i mean folders23:48
newb101to a high compression ratio23:48
EriC^^newb101: env GZIP=-9 tar cvzf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory23:54
EriC^^actually use this instead tar cvf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory -I "gzip --best"23:55
newb101EriC^^ thanks and to do this recursively on a bunch of folders and subfolders in their directories23:55
sarnoldif you *really* need to squeeze it down, you can use xz instead23:56
EriC^^it already does, just specify the dir23:56
newb101i want each folder in it's on seperate tar23:57
newb101File X = file 1 +file 2 + file323:58
newb101so if I do it file 1,2,3 will be separate compressed tars ?23:58
EriC^^newb101: so just all the folders in a dir you want them compressed each alone23:58

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