
Johnnyyboymy sounds do not work on ubuntu 21.04  with linux kernel 5.10  however I found this arch linux solution for that kernel "sudo pacman -S pulseaudio sof-firmware"  what would be the relevant ubuntu command?01:38
Maiksudo apt install01:41
Maikbut pulsaudio is default on every linux distro these days and thus already installed01:42
Johnnyyboyi think i tried it for sof-firmware but it didnt work02:08
johnnyboyyea i tried nothing happens02:10
johnnyboycould I perhaps install the arch linux sof-firmware somehow on ubuntu 21.04?02:10
johnnyboyE: Unable to locate package sof-firmware02:11
johnnyboywell ill try this tactic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/husu3r/how_to_get_fully_working_audio_in_ubuntu_2004_on/02:15
johnnyboydamn cant get it to work, i guess ill be stuck using 5.6 kernels since newer once simply dont have functioning audio for my dell xps 970002:35
guivercMaik, fyi: if johnnyboy returns, a `apt-cache search` found firmware-sof-signed which maybe what what he was after..03:59
guivercsorry, I see the discussion now in #ubuntu too... and that was already mentioned04:12
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gjasnyIn the Ubuntu Hirsute docker image is a strange bug happening: https://gist.github.com/gjasny/b2e5a39520c05a4ddd87f7d556d5e69511:19
gjasnyinstalling any package via apt make this command output flip from yes to no: sh -c 'if [ -x /usr/bin/true ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi'11:20
gjasnyDo you have an idea what's going on?11:20
gjasnyI did not notice that libc6 got updates with installing nano, I guess I hit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/191648511:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916485 in glibc (Ubuntu Hirsute) "test -x fails inside shell scripts in containers" [Critical,Triaged]11:50
=== veryloud_ is now known as veryloud

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