
Drew_Swissrollmsg _marx_ I am. My apoilogies for the late response.16:42
Drew_SwissrollOoops. Messed up that response16:42
_marx_lol Drew_Swissroll i hang out in the ##linuxmint channel alot22:23
Drew_SwissrollI understand. I hang out in the debian and debian-irc channel, that's on OFTC servers. I'm only getting back into irc. I'm mainly living in the terminal. Using irssi. Will get around to running irssi in screen or tmux so I can actually grab content from the chat, such as urls. I joined this one to mainly look around for nc people. I wished I hadn't accidentally disclosed my location on there23:20
_marx_no biggie, i lived in hendersonville for a number of years and have a brother that is an electrical contractor in the asheville area23:23
Drew_SwissrollVery sweet. Were you always on mint, or why did you choose mint? Also, why did you move?23:24
_marx_ah, i started with linux in 98 or 99, redhat was the first it was the rpmhell days, found debian and it was wow, broke it a few times moving from stable to testing, then ubuntu came along23:27
Drew_SwissrollJust so you know, if I don't respond. I'm away. But I'll respond either later or tomorrow. I leave Drew parked here. And I should get the message. If not I wrote your name down, so I can check if I missed anything. Say for example if there's a power cut23:27
_marx_oh brother says generac is 3-4 months yes months behind23:28
Drew_SwissrollCrikey. I always played with linux more just for running the odd server. But only properly got into it as in tumbling down the rabbit hole around 3 years ago23:28
_marx_lol, the rabbit hole ;-)23:29
Drew_Swissroll97-98 is way before me though. I came more from a microsoft background. One of the first programming languages I learned autodidactic was c# on .NET 3.5 ~2007 or 200823:30
_marx_i'm going to watch https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543312/ with the spousal unit23:31
Drew_SwissrollI'd love to learn debian packaging. It's on my stupid list of never ending things I want to learn23:31
Drew_SwissrollI'd love to learn debian packaging. It's on my stupid list of never ending things I want to learn23:32
_marx_oh gawd, i'd have a long list on that23:32
Drew_Swissrollhehe, "the spousal unit"23:32
Drew_SwissrollWell have a good night, catch you later or tomorrow23:32
_marx_lol su has multiple meanings ;-)23:32
_marx_see man su23:33
_marx_it's not super user it's switch user23:33
Drew_SwissrollI was aware. I had realised that I'd never read the su manpage. So thought I would take a little read myself. I also always make sure to use -l aswell. ;) To make sure users are loaded with their correct I think it's called "session variables", correct? Sometimes I can sound as if I know more than what I know. Please don't misinterpret my tone as if I know everything better. I don't. It's23:48
Drew_Swissrollnever my intention to be rude. I'm also originally British and lived 7 Years in the center city of Zúrich, Switzerland. Where I learned German, and then used that German towards working towards completing a Swiss National computer science diploma. Completed the first 2 Years. super user, switch user, substitute user, spousal unit. Certainly makes that sudo make me a sandwich comic sound a23:48
Drew_Swissrolllittle different lol. Are they cool with us typing long messages here? Are you cool with it too? I can also shorten it too.My apologies if I ramble a bit. I don't really know anybody.23:48

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