
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
=== Guest66215 is now known as comrade
=== nicoz_ is now known as nicoz
rezzoxhello is there someone who can help me?20:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:26
rezzoxOkay so, i tried to install xubuntu on my laptop (chromebook with uefi bios, previously galliumOS) but i'vd got Errno 30 Read only file system '/target/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/......  error during the installation (about 50%) what can I do?20:30
rezzoxhttps://imgur.com/foG27kn - screen photo20:33
coconutrezzox, i am not used to the xubuntu installer to be honest, but what file system did you chose to install on?20:53
rezzoxidk , i havent choosen21:01
coconutrezzox, you might want to chose that ext421:03
rezzoxokay i think i just solved it21:04
rezzoxit was problem with USB disk21:04
rezzoxi plugged it in my win10 pc used rufus to format and then etcher to install xubuntu again21:04
rezzoxand now its about 80% so close ending21:04
* coconut likes the fun rezzox is having21:06
Maikcoconut: weird, because the installer is the same as on Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE22:12

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