
=== wodencafe is now known as WodenCafe
=== WodenCafe is now known as wodencafe
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== kubuntu is now known as jukkapoika
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
IrcsomeBotsuoko was added by: suoko08:17
IrcsomeBot<suoko> 140408:18
IrcsomeBot<suoko> 146008:18
IrcsomeBot<suoko> 146408:19
IrcsomeBot<suoko> Hi, I'm on 20.10. what do you suggest for Speech Recognition Engine? Simon is not in repo, mycroft is a bit complicated, other solutions to easily embed in keep?08:21
=== alessandro is now known as Guest80789
=== chef is now known as Guest71506
=== Iamahuman is now known as Iamahuman2
BluesKajHi folks13:12
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
IrcsomeBotHeyWhattttttt was added by: HeyWhattttttt14:44
IrcsomeBot<HeyWhattttttt> @suoko, Idk14:52
=== dan_ is now known as Guest75905
=== rwb1 is now known as rwb
=== rwb1 is now known as rwb
tomtehi there!19:29
tomteI have a one page pdf file that will become unreadable small if I print it with a regular printer19:30
tomteis there a good way to split this page to print it on svereal pages  and glue it together afterwards?19:31
IrcsomeBot<suoko> Fwd from nathan vidali: wget http://mycroft.ai/to/install_plasmoid_kde.sh … install_plasmoid_kde.sh … git clone https://github.com/MycroftAI/Mycroft-gui … cd Mycroft-gui … run.sh19:41
IrcsomeBot<suoko> This works ok but I have problems with the plasmoid19:41
IrcsomeBot<suoko> Same issue like this https://invent.kde.org/utilities/mycroft-plasmoid/-/issues/119:43
BlackWolfiesudo su without password.....how set password?20:53
BlackWolfieafter sudo su I just want have password , how to set?20:53

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