
Jumbo3000Hello everyone. I'm trying to upgrade from Xubuntu 20.04.1 LTS to 20.04.2, but I can't for some reason.03:57
Jumbo3000I tried three commands: "sudo apt dist-upgrade," "sudo apt full-upgrade," and "sudo apt upgrade," and they didn't work.03:57
Bashing-omJumbo3000: ' sudo apt update ' first ?03:58
Jumbo3000I did that command first before I used any of the upgrade commands.03:58
Jumbo3000No avail.03:58
Bashing-omJumbo3000: :D then show the channel in a pastebin - the results: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' so we see what is not taking place.04:00
Jumbo3000Here's the log from the apt commands04:07
Bashing-omJumbo3000: I see no issue there - what shows ' lsb_release -a ' ?04:09
Jumbo3000Doing that command shows "Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS"04:10
Bashing-omJumbo3000: Humm -- Got me now - I too do not know where to look to find the fault :(04:13
Jumbo3000Bashing-om: This is interesting. The "When there are other updates" box is grayed out.04:21
Bashing-omJumbo3000: I expect that the terminal will over ride the GUI settings.04:23
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest29125
dreamonhello. did a shortcut STRG+ALT+1/2/3/4 to postition windows. this works fine. but forgotten how I called it. I cannot find in shortcuts list. how can I find out what this shortcuts is calling process?11:24
diogenes_dreamon, what do you mean position windows?11:29
dreamondoigenes. It just doing pressing shortcut takeing this winodw an resize it to 25% of size and position it in upper left or uppler right ... corner12:35
diogenes_dreamon, look in keyboard > shortcuts12:36
dreamonI dont know how I did it but it works wonderfull12:36
dreamonxfce4-keyboard-settings - shortcuts there is no entry for this entry. I found it in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml as an entry but no name of called command12:49
dreamonSTRG-ALT+1 was wrong, it uses Super + 1 ->>>      <property name="&lt;Super&gt;1" type="empty"/>12:50
dreamondiogenes_, xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -lv --> prints my shortcut, too. but xfce-keyboard-settings not.13:16
dreamonBut without path.13:16
xu-help77whi, i have xubuntu 20.04 installed and just noticed that it doesn't allow for screen sharing in the settings manager.  do i have options?21:01
xu-help77wperfect.  my web searches kept giving me standard ubuntu results saying that i needed gnome desktop.  thanks!21:14

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