
neveraskwhyWhat's up people01:01
tewardneveraskwhy: hi!  This is the Lubuntu Support channel, if you have a support question or need help with something Lubuntu related, feel free to ask here!  Otherwise, general chitchat is in #lubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat :)01:12
mewaylubuntu will not install in my leonovo laptop.02:09
mewayreserach says sdram ? are they planning on patching or fixing this?02:10
guivercmeway, sdram??   how old is the box?  sdram was replaced by ddr back in IBM days (before thinpads were sold to lenovo)02:45
meway? maybe02:54
mewaysomething to do with the ram lol02:54
lubot[telegram] <teward001> guiverc: DDR SDRAM = DDR memory02:56
lubot[telegram] <teward001> "Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory, officially abbreviated as DDR SDRAM" ... "DDR SDRAM, also retroactively called DDR1 SDRAM, has been superseded by DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3 SDRAM, DDR4 SDRAM and DDR5 SDRAM"  (source: wikipedia)02:57
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> hey guys10:45
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> my pc heats a lot when im using lubuntu10:45
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> i also have windows 7 installed on my harddrive10:45
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> would it help if I used thermal paste10:48
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lubot[telegram] <teward001> @alamutfedaisi thermal paste is only for the CPU and GPU contacts with the heatsink inside your system, so no thermal paste wouldn't help.  I don't have the knowledge or expertise to troubleshoot the heating up part unfortunately, but I can tell you at least thermal paste isn't going to solve your problem of your computer heating up.15:17
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> :/ thanks (re @teward001: @alamutfedaisi thermal paste is only for the CPU and GPU contacts with the heatsink inside your system, so no thermal paste wouldn't help.  I don't have the knowledge or expertise to troubleshoot the heating up part unfortunately, but I can tell you at least thermal paste isn't going to solve your problem of your computer heating up.)15:18
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lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> does it affect battery usage? (re @alamutfedaisi: i also have windows 7 installed on my harddrive)16:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> having windows 7 installed on the system alongside Ubuntu doesn't have any effect on temp or battery usage.  But Lubuntu (and Ubuntu in general) tends to be a little heavier on the battery usage than Windows is.17:06
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lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> i get it (re @teward001: having windows 7 installed on the system alongside Ubuntu doesn't have any effect on temp or battery usage.  But Lubuntu (and Ubuntu in general) tends to be a little heavier on the battery usage than Windows is.)17:19
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> thanks17:19
GC-BCNGreetings. I would like to have some help with a ramdom freeze I have with my Lubuntu 18.0421:27
GC-BCNAt every session when I Login at my laptop PC, I manage to navigate in the applications, usually thunderbird and Chrome, for a couple of minutes, then  whole pc hangs. Nothing responds, not Alt+Ctr+F1 or REISUB.21:29
GC-BCNI tried to look at information in the Kernel,log or in the joournal, but I didn't find any useful information.21:31
GC-BCNI observed that if I use the PC from the terminal opened wth CTR+ALT+F1 I can work for longer, but eventually the system crashes as well, especially if I am updating with "sudo apt-get update/upgrade"21:33
wxlare you particularly limited on resources?21:34
GC-BCNI have sufficient DDR memory,750MB, and HDD with swap space. In fact, the swap disk is not used at all21:35
wxlfor chrome and thunderbird, that's not very much memory at all21:36
wxli mean that's not very much for either of them XD21:36
wxlthey both tend to gobble up ram like crazy too21:36
GC-BCNhowever, the PC hangs even though I'm not using them becaseu it happens also when Iḿ using the terminal in VGA mode21:37
GC-BCNthis means not even logging in in the Lubuntu area, just using the kernel with CTL+ALT+F121:38
wxlwell i mean you're still running the xserver at that point so it's not like you're just using the kernel21:40
wxlstill that shouldn't require much21:40
GC-BCNthat is true21:41
wxlbut i'd probably watch how your system resources are being used with e.g. `htop` to see if there are any clues21:41
wxlnormally i'd expect such inexplicable behavior to be indicative of a hardware failure but not seeing any information in the journal is interesting21:41
GC-BCNOk, I try21:42
GC-BCNif you see me  no longer on line, it is because the PC hanged21:42
GC-BCNI'm using now 400 of 750MB of RAM, 0 SWAP space21:43
wxlassuming it dies again you may want to try a memtest just as a basic diagnostic21:44
GC-BCNYes, I did that and I left it running for some hours to no avail. I didn't fail.21:46
GC-BCNIt looks like the hang happens mainly when there are calls to the net21:46
GC-BCNhowever, I could not find any link to justify there is something wrong with the driver.21:47
wxlmight go post something on askubuntu21:47
GC-BCNThanks for the suggestion. I'll try that21:48
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