
callmepkgood morning01:50
dufluMorning callmepk 01:53
callmepkmorning duflu 02:04
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didrocksgood morning06:48
dufluMorning didrocks 06:50
didrockshey duflu 06:50
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:10
didrockssalut oSoMoN 07:11
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 07:32
jibelsalut tout le monde07:42
dufluSalut oSoMoN et jibel 08:24
Nafallomorning! :-)08:34
oSoMoNsalut jibel, hey duflu & Nafallo 08:38
Nafallomorgon Wimpress :-)08:56
oSoMoNbonjour Wimpress !08:58
dufluMorning Nafallo and Wimpress 09:01
NafalloI need more coffee... :-P09:02
Nafallowhat language is that morning in? :-D09:04
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu didrocks oSoMoN jibel Nafallo Wimpress Laney09:04
Nafallohey Laney, marcustomlinson :-)09:04
seb128hey oSoMoN didrocks jibel duflu Nafallo Wimpress Laney marcustomlinson 09:04
Nafallosalut seb128 da man! :-D09:04
marcustomlinsonwell timed seb12809:04
callmepkhi marcustomlinson , morning didrocks jibel Nafallo Wimpress Laney seb128 09:05
seb128hey callmepk 09:05
seb128how is everyone?09:05
Nafallonot at the correct coffee level... :-P09:05
marcustomlinsonI’m good thanks, my son is back to nursery! how you seb128?09:05
dufluHi marcustomlinson and seb128 09:05
dufluand hi Laney09:06
Laneyhey marcustomlinson Nafallo seb128 callmepk duflu 09:06
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, marcustomlinson, seb128 09:06
Laneyand oSoMoN!09:06
Laneyactive morning09:06
oSoMoNgood afternoon/evening callmepk 09:06
seb128marcustomlinson, my stomach was a bit unhappy this night and I didn't sleep well so a bit extra tired :-(09:06
dufluIt must be 9am in London-ish09:06
marcustomlinsonalways reminds me of the opening to Monty Python’s Meaning of Life09:06
callmepkoh morning oSoMoN 09:06
marcustomlinsonseb128: take it from me, forcing yourself to sit at the computer and work just makes things worse! Go rest man09:07
didrockshey marcustomlinson , seb128 , callmepk, Laney, Wimpress, Nafallo à the world and more and more and more :)09:08
Nafallobasically hi .* :-D09:10
seb128marcustomlinson, right...09:10
marcustomlinsonseb128: well you don’t need to take it from me, I’m sure you already know this09:10
marcustomlinsonget better09:10
Laneymoin didrocks 09:11
Laney:( seb128 09:12
seb128on a positive notes, I landed another round of improvements for the snaps report09:13
seb128tweaked the colors a bit, also added the version of the gnome extension in use next to the version for candidate builds09:13
Laneywhat is the top row for each entry, the one with the package name?09:15
ricotzgood morning desktopers!09:27
Nafallomorning ricotz :-)09:27
ricotzsomething seems wrong with dnd/input-handling of windows in gnome-shell/mutter today09:28
ricotzNafallo, hi09:28
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz 09:32
jameshmarcustomlinson: I was having a look at your CLA check action, and noticed it doesn't seem to check the commit authors like the scripts in e.g. snapd do.  Was that intentional?09:33
seb128Laney, the main line is amd64, I could perhaps mention that next to the name?09:34
seb128hey jamesh, ricotz 09:35
jameshhi seb128 09:35
Laneyseb128: good idea, I thought it might be that those are all succeeding arches and the other lines are listed when there are failures or something09:35
seb128Laney, thx for the feedback!09:36
LaneyI think it might be nicer if the FTBFS links were in the other cells too, like <version> (a newer version fails: <link>)09:36
Laneybut maybe that's just me, a suggestion anyway09:36
seb128failing archs are the red items at the bottom09:36
Laneythanks for the work!09:36
seb128I guess it's a bit confusing09:37
seb128the version on the first line being a link points to the snap build launchpad page09:37
seb128the builds failured at the red arch mentions at the bottom09:37
Laneyyeah, I'd prefer to read all of the status of the arch at once I guess, rather than find the build failure after reading a bit further down09:38
seb128the snap page isn't arch specific, I put it on the first line because I was not sure how to represent it09:38
Laneywhat if that was a link on the package name instead?09:38
seb128we have one page by build09:39
LaneyIS ee09:39
seb128so several lines have one for candidate and one for edge09:39
LaneyI'm confused because only 'some' of them are links09:39
seb128e.g evince and evince-mastrer09:39
Laneylike for epiphany09:39
seb128right, epiphany doesn't have a -master build09:40
seb128I don't know how we ended up having a version in edge09:40
seb128https://code.launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/+snap/epiphany uploads to candidate09:40
Laneyother way to do it would be to have the top row be fore the source09:40
Laneyand then have amd64 another row like the rest09:40
seb128I will try that09:40
seb128do some A / B /C layout and ask for feedback maybe09:41
Laneybut yeah, FTBFSes inline is my main suggestion :>09:41
seb128good one, thanks :-)09:41
LaneyI wonder how we can do a metric for this09:42
Laneylike, when stable is out of date?09:42
seb128yes, number of yellow lines basically10:00
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marcustomlinsonjamesh: it’s not complete10:18
marcustomlinsonI need to add the existing script logic still10:18
jameshmarcustomlinson: fair enough.  If all else fails, you could make it a Docker action and just call the existing script10:23
marcustomlinsonI was thinking precisely this :)10:31
seb128Laney, https://people.canonical.com/~seb128/snaps.html wdyt, better? (it's generated from a smaller script is ignore the upstream versions being faked)10:40
seb128ricotz, what's up with vala versions, which series are considered stable and unstable?10:46
seb128ricotz, we are on 0.48 and upstream is at 0.51, I guess we are not updating on purpose? I want to set the correct series on our versions tracking10:46
ricotzsee https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala10:47
ricotzI intended to stay on 0.48 on purpose10:47
seb128ricotz, and you prefer to stick the LTS serie?10:48
ricotzespecially for a SRU to focal10:48
ricotzdoes this create issues with outdated glib bindings?10:48
seb128not that I know10:49
ricotzok, please let me know if a project decides to require a newer valac10:49
seb128as said I was just asking because to update https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html10:49
ricotzor things happening like with seahorse10:50
Laneyseb128: that's better! two things - "URL" could probably be something better, and in a few cases (epiphany/arm64, evince/armhf) the links are to the git branch and not a build log, that seems a bit odd10:56
seb128Laney, thx, the incorrect url was a bug in not handling Cancelled builds, it's fixed now, I replaced URL by Build but I'm not convinced, I need a designer ;-)11:15
ricotzseb128, oSoMoN, I am going to prepare a fixup for libreoffice 7.1.1~rc2 instead of waiting for 7.1.1 being declared final11:17
seb128ricotz, alright11:17
ricotzseb128, oSoMoN, https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/libreoffice/11:28
ricotzI had this prepared on monday (labeled as final)11:29
ricotzoSoMoN, are you available to sponsor libreoffice 7.1.1~rc2-2ubuntu1? ^12:17
oSoMoNricotz, yes12:40
oSoMoNlet me take a look12:40
oSoMoNricotz, it would have been better to use -v to include all the new changelog entries in the source.changes file12:51
oSoMoNuploaded anyway12:54
ricotzoSoMoN, appreciated, thank you13:07
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:28
marcustomlinsonhi hellsworth15:29
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 15:29
hellsworthhi guys!!15:30
didrockshey hellsworth 15:32
hellswortho/ didrocks :)15:34
jibelGood morning hellsworth 16:29
hellsworthbonjour jibel :)16:37
oSoMoNTrevinho, I intend to look at the gjs autopkgtest failures in the scope of my +1 maintenance shift, unless you are already handling it?17:08
oSoMoNTrevinho, I'm wondering where in salsa are the changes for 1.67.2-1 ?17:09
oSoMoNthe master branch appears to have only up to 1.66.2-1 (the version in unstable)17:09
oSoMoNone of the test failures is caused by gjs-tests not installing /usr/libexec/installed-tests/gjs/js/modules17:25
oSoMoNgjs/testESModules.test is also trivial to fix17:37
oSoMoNgjs/testIntrospection.test segfaults, looking at that one now17:37
TrevinhooSoMoN: hey17:55
TrevinhooSoMoN: sooo... no I wasn't looking at it right now, so thatnks17:56
TrevinhooSoMoN: and... so it seems i forgot to push to salsa indeed, it's done now.17:57
Trevinhooh actually no, wait that I've to fix the gbp config17:58
TrevinhooSoMoN: ok should be good now18:11
oSoMoNTrevinho, thanks, once I have figured out the three failures I will push fixes and upstream accordingly18:20
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oSoMoNTrevinho, I filed https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/-/issues/383 and submitted https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/-/merge_requests/580 to fix it21:26

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