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Laneyjuliank: what's a valid way to wait for a parallel 'apt update' to finish?09:44
LaneyI'm looking at the update-motd test failure, I think letting the apt update settle before trying to run update-motd would do it09:44
Laneyit's a bit of a weird test, it's kind of verifying that all other update-motd snippets are bug free ...09:46
RikMillsis there anyone with a particular interest in getting the rust-* things in proposed migrated?09:49
RikMillsed_: ^^09:49
RikMillsas I don't really know who to talk to09:49
ed_I have an interest, yes!09:54
juliankLaney: hmm I don't have a solution09:55
RikMillsed_: yes. I meant someone to help you with the issues09:57
juliankLaney: but confused why apt update is running while we do the test10:10
juliankLaney: is there some service/timer we forgot to disable on the autopkgtest image?10:10
Laneyjuliank: one of the test deps kicks it off10:18
Laney'plinth', something from freedombox I think10:18
juliankLaney: yup it installs timers, but does not disable the service10:22
juliankLaney: at least I thought it did10:24
LaneyI don't wanna fix freedombox really :p10:24
Laneythat's sort of why I say this test in update-motd is weird10:24
Laneyit should probably make a drop in itself and check that that works10:24
Laneyif it's trying to test the interface10:24
Laneyand the integrating packages themselves test their own integration works10:25
juliankcan it drop the freedombox bit?10:26
Laneythat's one option10:26
juliankthere's no way to reliably wait for an update to end10:27
juliankwhile we touch a few files due to update-notifier or send signals over dbus when freedombox is installed)10:27
juliankby the time you setup wait on those, they might already have happenedf10:28
juliankAh but of course, you could lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock10:28
LaneyI was writing something based on F_SETLKW on /var/lib/apt/lists/lock but yeah10:28
Laneyor without W, dunno10:29
Laneystill feels kinda sketchy10:29
Laneyjuliank: ok I added a kinda dubious script to do that10:59
Laneyworks locally, let me check in a silo10:59
Laneyit just locks at the start though11:00
Laneydoesn't hold it through the whole update-motd run11:00
Laneyarguably that would be better, not sure if it would break anything inside there if they want to apt update11:00
Laneywell it would, I mean I'm not sure if anything *does* do that11:01
LaneyI saw that that plint thing itself does a dist-upgrade and installs unattended-upgrades when it starts up /o\11:01
juliankoh boy11:05
juliankthat sounds wrong11:05
* Laney la la la11:09
rbalintLaney, rtkit tests i triggered yesterday seem to have gone missing but today one newly triggered one passed11:19
rbalintLaney, not sure if there is anything to do with the lost ones11:19
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Laneyrbalint: I don't see them in the logs at all, that implies the submission didn't get to the queue for some reason11:28
rbalintLaney, i've triggered rtkit/non-amd64 today, but i don't see the results on https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/r/rtkit/hirsute/arm64 nor on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running11:34
rbalintand i've just retriggered s390x which does show up on /running now11:35
Laneyrbalint: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fqT2yCgJJT/11:36
Laneythat's what we have11:36
Laneyoops pasted it twice but you get the idea11:37
rbalintLaney, ok, so i see the results are stored to swift but they don't show up on test history11:39
rbalintLaney, test history for amd64 is refreshed because i see the result from today11:40
rbalintLaney, can the parallel same test mess this up in bileto?11:42
Laneyrbalint: some more results just showed up11:54
Laneynot sure what you mean about bileto but I can't imagine how things would interfere11:54
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seb128rbalint, hey, it seems like gcl abort directly with the new glibc, is that a known issue?14:18
rbalintLaney, could you please merge and deploy https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/399088 ?14:27
rbalintseb128, looking14:27
rbalintseb128, new to me, wher do you observe it?14:28
seb128rbalint, $ gcl14:29
seb128The assertion realpath(s,o) on line 475 of main.c in function mbin failed: Invalid argumentAborted (core dumped)14:29
seb128rbalint, I was poking at why fricas autopkgtests are failing14:30
rbalintseb128, yes, looks bad, do you have an LP bug?14:33
seb128rbalint, not yet, do you want one?14:33
rbalintseb128, yes please, against gcl for now14:34
seb128rbalint, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcl/+bug/191763114:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1917631 in gcl (Ubuntu) "gcl abort on start in hirsute" [Undecided,New]14:36
Laneysil2100: hey is there any way I / you can check where the proposed-migration run is at for silo 4478?15:23
LaneyI feel like I would have expected it by now but maybe it is still running15:24
Laneyor in a queue15:24
sil2100Laney: looking15:58
sil2100Laney: uh oh, something barfed, hm15:59
Laneysil2100: alrighty16:08
sil2100Laney: but basically, you can find all the interesting files here:16:09
Laneyooh cool secret URL thanks16:10
* Laney saves that one16:10
sil2100Not that secret, it's on every Bileto page actually! There's a 'Browse Raw Files' button ;)16:11
Laneymake the text boring enough and nobody will click it16:11
rbasaklucasmoura, rbalint: looking at unattended-upgrades, I was expecting one or two MD5s to be added. Why 117?17:22
rbasakIt seems quite opaque to me, rather like checking in a binary. It isn't clear to me what inputs would result in these hashes, so I can't predict behaviour.17:23
rbalintrbasak, hashes for known config files to not ask for with ucf17:26
rbalintrbasak, so while i expected only a few appering 117 is also ok17:27
rbasakrbalint: but the purpose of ucf is to prompt if the user has locally changed the config file.17:27
rbasakIf you include basically all possible configuration permutations in the history file, won't you be defeating that?17:27
rbasakHow did 117 different possibilities arise?17:28
rbalintrbasak, no, only the combinations are present which were shipped17:28
rbalintrbasak, there are paralled config files for multiple distros17:28
rbasakrbalint: sure, but the risk here is that users' customisations won't be preserved because they collide with previously shipped permutations17:28
rbasakSo I'd like to know what the permutations you're matching actually are, but I can't do that since you're only providing the hashes.17:28
rbalintrbasak, no, the risk here is accidentally preserving things17:29
rbalintrbasak, i'll be back, in a meeting now17:29
rbasakFor later, I think that given there are 117, we should provide the source for those hashes since they aren't trivially "look at the previous version of the package".17:30
rbasakMaybe ship them in a directory, and compute their hashes in a build step?17:30
rbasakBut apart from that, I'd still like to understand why there are so many.17:30
rbalintrbasak, the md5s are generated from the git repo and it is documented in debian/README.source17:41
rbalintrbasak, going forward there is a check in debian/rules to not forget about adding md5 for the latest version17:42
rbalintrbasak, i don't think that shipping all historical config files is a good use of resources17:43
rbalintrbasak, i think this is not an established practice for packages using ucf for a good resason17:44
rbalintrbasak, as a side note it was not me who prepared the sru, i just accepted the new md5sum and fixed it in hirsute, so i let lucasmoura to comment on the matter17:47
rbasakrbalint: is it common to ship >100 md5s? I thought the typical number would be one to three.17:49
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The_LoudSpeakerFound a bug/ weirdness. On installing linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04b, touch stopped working. I mean the device was recognised but didn't take any inputs. Works fine on regular 5.4 kernel that comes with 20.0420:58
The_LoudSpeakerHave a IdeaPad flex 5 14 if it matters.20:58
The_LoudSpeakerAlso, what's the difference between oem-20.04-edge and 20.04b ?21:01
The_LoudSpeakerBoth seem to be installing 5.10.0-1014 only.21:03
ItzSwirlzMaybe the b means beta?21:19
The_LoudSpeakerItzSwirlz: isn't that what -edge for?21:21
The_LoudSpeakeror -edge is for something else?21:21
The_LoudSpeakerwhatever be the case, should I file a bug report against 20.04b ? coz I did not change anything else and touch wasn't working.21:22
ItzSwirlzWhen in doubt, bug away imo. Worst thing that can happen is it gets marked invalid or a duplicate which aren't bad things.23:18

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