[00:16] bloody hell, did it keep going? [00:16] grrrr [01:59] A little [02:10] On a nicer note I put in an application for a mortgage. [08:46] woah [08:46] @ahoneybun I moderated that person so I hope that will stop it [08:47] that is awesome and I wish you luck! [16:43] I finally got an appointment for my COIVD vaccine, on 23rd this months for the first jab :-) [16:48] great news! [19:32] excellent [19:32] haven't been able to sched. my second one yet [21:18] @valorie, Thanks! [22:53] @ahoneybun an apt. or a house? [22:53] being a homeowner ain't all fun [22:54] I know it won't be all fun for sure but better then paying rent. [22:54] just got back from buying a new range -- the oven on our old one refused to heat up (although the broiler still works, weird.....) [22:54] Most likely a Townhome/Duplex/Condo at first. [22:55] agreed, which is why we bought this heap o' junk so many years ago [22:55] and fixed it up slowly