
lubot[telegram] <UniversalSuperBox> If UEFI secure boot is enabled, how do drivers like i915 get loaded? It appears the linux-modules-extra contains unsigned modules which aren't allowed to load under Lockdown mode. Does something turn off Lockdown mode on desktop systems?02:27
lubot[telegram] <UniversalSuperBox> No, it's much more simple. You just need to get the correct version of shim-signed. whoops.02:51
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T180: Cleanup Ubuntu Wiki] guiverc (Chris Guiver) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T180#439705:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] jobgenerator just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/jobgenerator/895/06:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] merger_calamares just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/merger_calamares/764/06:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] merger_sddm FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/merger_sddm/272/06:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/550/06:56
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/551/07:06
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/551/07:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools/114/07:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools/328/07:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools/114/07:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools/328/07:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_screengrab/385/07:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_screengrab/815/07:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/819/07:42
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qtermwidget/367/07:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qtermwidget/118/07:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/820/07:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/384/07:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/820/07:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/384/07:52
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/602/07:53
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_screengrab/815/07:53
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_screengrab/385/07:53
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_screengrab/122/08:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_screengrab/815/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qtermwidget/368/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_liblxqt/390/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_screengrab UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_screengrab/122/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qtermwidget/119/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver/255/08:13
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/609/08:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/609/08:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/551/08:29
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/603/08:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver/256/08:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/609/08:33
=== DrewRWx_ is now known as DrewRWx
=== franksmcb_ is now known as franksmcb
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=== bashfulrobot_ is now known as bashfulrobot
=== UnivrslSuprBox_ is now known as UnivrslSuprBox
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/211/08:44
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/613/08:54
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/613/08:54
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/613/09:09
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/552/09:09
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/608/09:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_liblxqt/391/09:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_liblxqt/120/09:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_liblxqt/120/09:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/212/09:35
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/608/09:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/608/10:31
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/611/11:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/611/11:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/611/11:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/115/11:31
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/640/11:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/115/11:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-panel just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-panel/621/11:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/641/11:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/641/11:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-session just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-session/363/11:59
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-session just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-session/363/12:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/649/12:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/649/12:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/649/12:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt/403/12:28
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/124/12:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_obconf-qt just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_obconf-qt/608/12:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/125/12:44
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qps/116/12:45
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt/404/12:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qps/640/12:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qps/640/12:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qps/640/12:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/407/12:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/820/12:59
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qtermwidget/368/12:59
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qtermwidget/119/12:59
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps just failed after being unstable: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/408/13:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/385/13:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/908/13:01
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/385/13:01
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/603/13:01
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qps/117/13:01
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/610/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/610/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/552/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_liblxqt/391/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/212/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/641/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/609/13:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/609/13:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/908/13:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/642/13:29
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/650/13:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/650/13:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt/404/13:31
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/612/13:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/612/13:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/116/13:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qtermwidget/119/13:44
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/125/13:44
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-session just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-session/364/13:45
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-panel just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-panel/622/13:45
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/820/13:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/908/13:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qtermwidget/368/13:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/650/13:52
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/552/14:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/212/14:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/642/14:02
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/610/14:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/610/14:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/409/14:04
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/386/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_obconf-qt just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_obconf-qt/609/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/386/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/603/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/409/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/611/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/909/14:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/643/14:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/611/14:07
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/125/14:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal just succeeded after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/909/14:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/651/14:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/651/14:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_pcmanfm-qt/404/14:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps just became unstable after failing: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/410/14:50
wxl@teward001 do you know of some way we could add a warning to the new user registration page on phab that accounts will not be approved without that user actually emailing lubuntu councl to request it? that might do a good job of killing spam. i'm inclined to destroy any non-active users18:32
wxl(as well)18:32
wxland just get really austere about who we accept18:32
wxlkc2bez[m]: sigh. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/191772418:39
ubot93Launchpad bug 1917724 in calamares (Ubuntu) "lubuntu hirsute install fail mkfs.xfs" [Critical, Incomplete]18:39
kc2bez[m]<wxl "kc2bez: sigh. https://bugs.launc"> I saw it. I don't have an answer.18:40
wxlkc2bez[m]: i left a note for chris to explore further and what we may have to do to resolve it if my fears are true18:41
kc2bez[m]I was able to create a reiserfs partition from the live iso using KDEpartition manager so there is that anyway.18:55
kc2bez[m]I don't have too much time to mess with it right now but I don't think it is related to the changes we made. It needs further investigation though.18:58
wxlwell that puts me at ease18:59
kc2bez[m]same here, I was nervous too.18:59
wxli guess too that if we're having problems only with xfs/reiser/btrfs i'm not as worried19:00
kc2bez[m]I agree with that as well. I'd like them to work properly but they are outside the normal scope a little bit.19:01
wxla bit yeah. i mean we should ensure they are supported but i don't think we should prioritize those at the exclusion of anything else19:02
kc2bez[m]yup, understood.19:03
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> running a test on xfs .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> i guess too that if we're having problems only with xfs/reiser/btrfs i'm not as worried)20:15
kgiiiI just did an install on reiserfs and it went off without a hitch. I'm doing a btrfs install as I type this.20:17
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Great..xfs worked just fine.. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <kgiii> I just did an install on reiserfs and it went off without a hitch. I'm doing a btrfs install as I type this.)20:18
kgiiiI've got a few spare hours today. (I've been a little busy lately.) So, I'll test a basic btrfs install.20:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> no, there's no way to handle that.  The way to handle that is to have people email the Council requesting an account and justification as to why (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> @teward001 do you know of some way we could add a warning to the new user registration page on phab that accounts will not be approved without that user actually emailing lubuntu councl to request it? that might do a good job of killing spam. i'm inclined t20:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and then we just create it ourselves (which IS an option in Phab I believe)20:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> there is a way to handle it, but not as suggested :P20:19
wxlthanks @leokolb and kgiii that puts my mind at ease20:23
wxl@teward001 i'm confused. there is a solution or no?20:24
kgiiiThe btrfs install was fine.20:26
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Can also confirm btrfs - no problem20:33
lubot[telegram] <teward001> there is, but the inverse of what you're suggesting (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> @teward001 i'm confused. there is a solution or no?)20:35
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i.e. people have to email -council with their request20:35
lubot[telegram] <teward001> then we manually make and send20:35
lubot[telegram] <teward001> s/send/provide accounts/20:35
lubot[telegram] <teward001> there's no mechanism in Phab to display a warning after registration to contact -council for activation20:36
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but we can disable user registration entirely and let admins handle creation of accounts20:36
wxlwhat about before registration? on the page itself?20:36
wxlor maybe we could redirect the registration link at a page describing the process?20:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> no mechanism currently for either of those20:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> unless you want ot rewrite Phab20:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> #NotIt20:37
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (back in a bit, phone call for FT job)20:37
wxli guess we can just shut them off. most folks aren't going to want/need an account. they'll get desperate and ask if they really do20:45
kgiiiThere's no way to simply add text to the registration page?  Usually you can find the registration (at like registration.php) and add HTML to it. It may get written over when the software updates, but it's normally pretty easy with the scripts I've used, like WordPress or SMF. 20:53
kc2bezHeyo folks.21:01
ubot93@tsimonq2 @lynorian @HMollerCl @aptghetto @teward001 @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker wxl[m] guiverc @N0um3n0 @leokolb @KGIII — It's 2100 UTC Thursday which means it's time for the Lubuntu Development standup meeting. Please announce yourself for roll call! Then, in order of announcement, post your items, and be sure to mention when you're done.21:01
kgiiiI am here.21:02
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *shoves a flashbang into kc2bez's hands*21:02
* kc2bez tosses it to wxl quickly21:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> it's not a live one it's a dummy.21:03
wxloh hey21:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> the real one's already been tossed into the room :)    *BOOM*21:03
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> What?21:03
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> XD21:03
guivercsomewhat present..21:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @N0um3n0 what? i'm chaotic, it's well known :)21:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> anyways who's first?21:04
kgiiiSame as always. I haven't had a ton of time, but I've still been able to test and do some support. I'm continuing to read a ton and am still playing catch-up. I'll get there. I'll go ahead and thank everyone for their contributions now and I'll also say you're welcome for mine. (That is all.)21:04
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> o/21:04
kc2bezkgiii: thanks for that21:04
kc2bezlynorian: is next21:05
lynorianI added lock and unlock things for qterminal as that was not clear and also commented on a bug for drop down terminal I don't have the number handy21:06
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> It was for the beginning of the meeting: p, but i know XD (re @teward001: @N0um3n0 what? i'm chaotic, it's well known :))21:06
lynorianI aslo did a few edits on qterminal for capitilization and also explained autohide of drop down21:06
lynorianI also edited lxqt-panel some with clarifying things for cpu usage applet and reordered things to make the volume applet clearer21:07
lynorianthat is all I got done21:08
kc2bezThanks for all of that lyn. It is fantastic as always.21:08
kc2bez@teward001 over to you21:08
kc2bezCaptain chaos must have stepped away. We can circle back later.21:12
kc2bezwxl was next21:12
wxlpaste https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bnHvnVMPhk/21:13
wxlnote line 2821:13
wxli'm also working on swapping ark for lxqt-archiver21:14
kc2bezI read that, congrats!21:14
wxlthe end result of that should be that lubuntu-meta is fixed21:14
wxlright now it looks pretty broken on phab because it's set to a default branch it doesn't have21:14
kc2bezI changed it to Groovy21:15
wxli don't have a bug to associate with that but i don't think anyone's going to police our uploads with lubuntu packages21:15
wxloh well that helps :)21:15
kc2bezstop gap measure for now21:15
kc2bezThanks wxl!21:16
kc2bez@N0um3n0 is next21:16
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> doing support as usual.21:16
lynorianok when lxqt-archiver gets done I would want to be pinged because it will need documentation 21:16
guiverccongratulations wxl !21:17
kc2bezarchiver is in hirsute now, just not default21:17
wxllynorian: i'll try to get this done tonight so it's in tomorrow's iso21:17
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Nothing special21:17
kc2bezThanks @N0um3n0 support is pretty special21:17
wxlum @N0um3n0 you are too modest21:17
wxlyou literally speak like a billion different languages21:17
kc2bezI can barely speak 121:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i'm in the middle of work chaos so :P21:18
kc2bezwe skipped you21:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i know :)21:18
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (call on me last)21:18
kc2bezThe_LoudSpeaker over to you21:18
wxlok it's your turn @teward001 XD21:19
wxloh just kidding21:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *shoves the flashbang into wxl's hands this time*21:19
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> It is the help of the translator, without it I am nothing xD (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> um @N0um3n0 you are too modest)21:19
The_LoudSpeakerhve nothing much to say.21:19
kc2bezcool, thanks for being here :P21:19
The_LoudSpeakerif all looks good then someone please close that task. 21:20
kc2bezWhich one?21:20
The_LoudSpeakerkc2bez: thanks! :) thank you everyone else too.21:20
The_LoudSpeakerkc2bez: the deal with merges one21:20
kc2bezoh, sure thing.21:20
The_LoudSpeakeryeah that.21:20
kc2bezokie dokie21:20
kc2bezThanks The_LoudSpeaker21:21
kc2bezguiverc: is next21:21
guivercsorry, nothing to really say.   support, a little testing, wiki cleanup (t181 i think)21:22
kc2bezThanks guiverc appreciate the help!21:23
kc2bez@Leokolb over to you21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Tested Hirsute dailies  - tests of T83 lxqt-archiver-21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tests of other flavors re bugs 1916356 (EFI install failure) 1917292(grub packaging error)21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> New bugs 1917590 file integrity check install/boot not functional21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> done and thanks all !21:24
kc2bezThanks @Leokolb !21:24
kc2bezMy list isn't too long.21:24
kc2bez* Uploads:21:24
kc2bez    * Uploaded new Calamares 3.2.37 to build against patched kpmcore21:24
kc2bez    * Uploaded calamares settings to adjust Log level21:24
kc2bez* Tasks:21:25
kc2bez    * Commented on https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8321:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Medium, Open] fix archiver: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8321:25
kc2bez* Notes:21:25
kc2bez    * Closed out LC election. https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_26e155fd038d44a921:25
kc2bez    * Updated LP and phab re: election21:25
kc2bez    * Added current developers to https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/contributors/21:25
kc2bez    * Closed Artwork contest. Still need to work with the "selection committee" to chose which ones go where and then upload.21:25
kc2bezThat is it from me.21:26
kc2bez@teward001 are you back?21:26
kc2bezThanks everyone!21:28
kgiiiYou can edit "/src/applications/auth/controller/PhabricatorAuthRegisterController.php" to add any registration information text you want -- such as telling them to email for admin approval.21:28
wxlthanks ya'll21:28
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rSEED2e52d833afd2: swap ark for lxqt-archiver] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rSEED2e52d833afd221:31
guivercthank you wxl, kc2bez lynorian kgiii @leokolb @N0um3n0 @teward00121:32
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Thanks to all the team!!!21:38
lubot[telegram] <teward001> kc2bez: constantly in/out21:42
lubot[telegram] <teward001> nothing really to report on my side though21:43
kc2bez[m]Thanks for being here @teward00121:45
wxland on the council21:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> you're welcome :)21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and thanks wxl, i'm glad to be on the council to provide more insight and effort to make Lubuntu better.21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> UNRELATED:21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> I"m going to need to spin up space for the rpi400 image to land.21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i'm about ready to produce rpi400 images that can be direct-to-sdcard imaged and made available21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i need to get an rpi3 and an rpi4 though here for those cases, but that's future :)21:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMETAd86d737a8a75: reconfigured for hirsute] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMETAd86d737a8a7521:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMETA96d81cecda11: added check for germinate] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMETA96d81cecda1121:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMETAeec7b16a3025: welcome to hirsute!] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMETAeec7b16a302521:49
wxl@lynorian i just uploaded lubuntu-meta with the change to lxqt-archiver21:53
wxli should probably follow that with a change to lubuntu-default-settings eh21:53
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T83: fix archiver] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T83#440621:54
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T201: Provide a sidebar page for "How to Contribute" for Phab] teward (Thomas Ward) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T20122:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rDEFAULTSETTINGS53a937ef455f: swap ark for lxqt-archiver.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGS53a937ef455f22:09
wxl@lynorian that's the default settings fix so next iso should be good to go22:11
wxltesters please check to make sure that lxqt-archiver integration is functioning properly in pcmanfm-qt and also check to ensure that lxqt-archiver is the default application opening any archive filetype22:12
wxlat the commit page under the mimeapps.list section the filetypes that should work22:13
wxltl;dr ar, arj, bzip, tar, gzip, jar, lha, lhz, lzop, rar, rpm, tar, war, zip, zoo22:14
wxl^ @leokolb @guiverc @kgiii22:15
guivercack wxl 22:16
wxl@guiverc: btw we already did confirm that all of the 0.16 lxqt packages are now in the iso, right? so we can close T185? 22:17
guiverci doubt I have all those types of (archive) files..   22:18
wxlunderstood. could probably find them online22:18
guivercwxl, I'll update my daily & check later today22:18
guiverc^ was on t185/0.1622:18
kgiiiIn today's build it is still ark.22:19
guivercyeah too on online... but I prefer 'known' good files rather than randos off web22:19
wxlkgiii: i mean i made this change like minutes ago XD22:20
wxlguiverc: i mean we could make some22:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T185: deal with merges] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T185#441922:21
guivercwxl, leave it with us (testers)... we'll blab on phab with testing performed, you can comment if something is missed etc22:21
kgiiiI have to go eat dinner, but changing the default to lxqt-archiver, making a foo.txt file, and using the right click > compress does nothing. If I have to download a new image, it'll have to wait until after dinner.22:22
guiverckgiii, I'd wait till it's on the ISO, next daily maybe, if not ISO after that.22:22
* guiverc my plan anyway22:23
kgiiiThat works. I'll grab some working compressed files in the interim.22:23
kc2bez[m]wxl: have you seen https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/193123:13
ubot93Issue 1931 in lxqt/lxqt "Touchpad settings lost in Debain LXQt after suspend or hibernate" [Closed]23:13
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> kpmcore 20.12.3 with the patch included is now in hirsute23:15
kc2bez[m]Nice! Thanks for the update @RikMills23:17
kc2bez[m]I will probably need to fire off a no change rebuild unless someone did that. 23:17
kc2bez[m]For Calamares ^23:18
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> the only extra patch in the new release is this: https://invent.kde.org/system/kpmcore/-/commit/2d397bb2d2eb28adc147d267fa79ed10057e786823:21
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> so I doubt a rebuild is required23:21
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> I guess one would do no harm though23:23
kc2bez[m]No need if it is unnecessary I guess. I wasn't sure what else came along with it. 23:24
kc2bez[m]We can run it through some paces first. 23:24
kc2bez[m]Thanks for the information23:25
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> better safe than sorry :)23:29
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yeah a no change rebuild is usually not a problem from a builds perspective.  just make sure it's a no change rebuild (like +b1 or whatever it is for a no change rebuild suffix is, I usually don't have to run no change rebuilds)23:45
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> A no-change rebuild here would be 3.2.37-0ubuntu2, as we have 3.2.37-0ubuntu1 (re @teward001: yeah a no change rebuild is usually not a problem from a builds perspective.  just make sure it's a no change rebuild (like +b1 or whatever it is for a no change rebuild suffix is, I usually don't have to run no change rebuilds))23:58
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> we keep the 'ubuntu' if we have it23:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yup23:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i don't do NCRBs unless I have to :)23:59
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> No one does! :P23:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and usually if i'm doing a ncrb on a package i control / work on there's probably minor bugs that i can include fixes for :)23:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> try and find SOMETHING to include in there xD23:59

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