
ubptgbotzizewiz was added by: zizewiz00:04
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @mateosalta [the volla phone is nice], Super nice.  Very happy with it as a daily driver.00:51
ubptgbot<DarknessHiddenorg> @nachodorito [<reply to media>], Sailfish?00:54
ubptgbot<mateosalta> ah, might not have fast internet on it then01:09
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I hope I will, I compared frequencies online.03:27
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Well, I have no problem getting LTE mobile data with the Volla in my area, but it took me two carriers and using both SIM slots in order to have both phone calls and LTE with it, even though I thought that the frequencies lined up for my previous single carrier.03:29
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> I have no idea what it would be like with the Volla traveling to other areas of the USA/Canada - but I have a backup Redmi Note  7 running Lineage OS for travel as well.03:30
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I'll be able to vouch for my region soon.03:43
ubptgbotEl_Chancho was added by: El_Chancho04:21
ubptgbot<Hussain Sa> Hi I am having ut on my xperia x, but still I didn't received ota 1504:26
ubptgbot<Javacookies> OTA-15 was released long ago. Are you sure you're on stable channel? … check `Settings > Update > Update Settings > Channels`04:44
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Hussain Sa [Hi I am having ut on my xperia x, but still I didn't received ota 15], Did you install via a method other than the UBports Installer?   I would download the installer and re-install from it there if you haven't already - https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/suzu/05:00
ubptgbot<Hussain Sa> Yes I am on stable channel and I installed following the step provided on forum using ubports installer05:02
ubptgbot<Apantesis> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/xhkPlvv6.png06:23
ubptgbot<Apantesis> My syslog is filling quite active with this, why is that?06:23
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Hussain Sa [Yes I am on stable channel and I installed following the step provided on forum …], If so, then you already have OTA-1506:24
ubptgbot<Apantesis> [Edit] My syslog is filling quite active with this while suspended, why is that? Can I reduce it to reduce draining battery?06:25
ubptgbot<Apantesis> [Edit] My syslog is filling quite active with this while suspended, why is that? Can I reduce it in order to reduce draining battery?06:25
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Apantesis [<reply to media>], It depends a bit how kernel is set up but it might be normal. I just wonder what call to get a property errors out. Could you activate sshd, log in via shell and then do a top while display is turned off?06:57
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also check syslog06:57
=== UnivrslSuprBox_ is now known as UnivrslSuprBox
ubptgbot<Aleem> does the OS support calling over 3G?08:47
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aleem [does the OS support calling over 3G?], What does this mean ?08:51
ubptgbot<Aleem> i have an impression that UT would fall back from 4g to 2g instead of 3g for voice call. However where I live 2g network is being scrapped.08:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aleem [i have an impression that UT would fall back from 4g to 2g instead of 3g for voi …], So you got 2 technologies: … - For data connections UT supports up to 4G (LTE) … - However, as LTE does not have any interface for voice calls, during a call the modem needs to switch back to 2G/3G (GSM) standards09:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> UT does not currently implement voice over LTE, thats a problem yes09:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> But - If during a call you see 2G its ok, it can be 2G or 3G or H, its all the same air interface09:01
ubptgbot<Aleem> Thanks for clarifying. I am considering to install UT on my device.09:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> If 2G is being scrapped also 3G will bescrapped09:01
ubptgbot<Aleem> yep if 3g is supported that's great.09:01
ubptgbot<Flohack> So this might be a problem for you. There is no ETA for VoLTE since its a proprieatary technology and we cannot implement it currently09:02
ubptgbot<Aleem> nope for now 3g is not being scrapped.09:02
ubptgbot<Aleem> my device does not support voice over LTE anyways.09:03
ubptgbot<Ted Rendol> Is Marius Gripsgård  still has a oneplus 3 / t device that works?09:12
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @NotKit [@Javacookies also check if you can find Lenovo Tab M10 FHD Plus], Is this the spec of the tablet you currently have UT working on? Series   Tab M10 FHD Plus (2nd Gen) TB-X606F09:23
=== rbasak_ is now known as rbasak
ubptgbotCrypto was added by: Crypto09:59
ubptgbot<NotKit> @wayneTBT [Is this the spec of the tablet you currently have UT working on? Series   Tab M1 …], yes10:26
ubptgbot<Talmid Levi> I went on test.webrtc.org to try webrtc on the browser, but it doesn't give access to the hardware resources, I have a Nexus 5, is that correct that microphone and audio not working in the browser?11:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Talmid Levi [I went on test.webrtc.org to try webrtc on the browser, but it doesn't give acce …], Yes, WebRTC is not working in UT right now, Sorry11:10
ubptgbot<Talmid Levi> and native sound and microphone is it working well? I compiled baresip and was able to call, but no sound11:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> native should work, but not if it makes use of the webengine11:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> linphone is a working ut sip client fwiw11:20
ubptgbot<Talmid Levi> works with outgoing calls but I'm not receiving incoming calls11:35
ubptgbottwoblankpages was added by: twoblankpages11:38
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> no notes bot, all you need to know is linked in the descriptiog11:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] no notes bot, all you need to know is linked in the description11:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Talmid Levi [works with outgoing calls but I'm not receiving incoming calls], that's an issue with background services11:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Talmid Levi [works with outgoing calls but I'm not receiving incoming calls], [Edit] that's an issue with background services in general on ut11:41
ubptgbot<twoblankpages> can it be flashed to moto g6plus?11:43
ubptgbot<klaartje_b> @twoblankpages [can it be flashed to moto g6plus?], You can check that here: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/11:45
ubptgbot<Talmid Levi> that is why I'm trying baresip out, hoping to have a more stable client11:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Talmid Levi [that is why I'm trying baresip out, hoping to have a more stable client], baresip will ultimately run into the same wall, ubuntu touch has no framework for arbitrary background services yet12:13
ubptgbotSri Ram was added by: Sri Ram12:32
ubptgbotAlex Cruden was added by: Alex Cruden12:37
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @dohbee is up https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/167913:53
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I wonder if this is qpa related13:54
ubptgbot<mateosalta> "There are no source or binary compatibility guarantees for the QPA classes, meaning that a platform plugin is only guaranteed to work with the Qt version it was developed against. API changes will however only be made in minor releases. (5.1, 5.2, and so on.)"13:54
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it looks like dialogs do create a little window with a x button13:58
ubptgbot<mateosalta> but nothing in them13:58
ubptgbotMahtabdi1374 was added by: Mahtabdi137414:56
ubptgbot<Mahtabdi1374> (Photo, 600x587) https://irc.ubports.com/LdLpc7as.png14:56
ubptgbotsserh39 was added by: sserh3914:59
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Mahtabdi1374 [<reply to media>], Lookts to androidy..15:08
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> I hope ubuntu apps don't start looking like android app, that would be sad in my po.15:09
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> The flutter desktop installer doesn't look android-y, so hopefully as apps are further developed they'll look more like they belong on the linux desktop, and more along the lines of Suru design.15:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mateosalta [I wonder if this is qpa related], i still don't know what exactly is causing it, but it's not because of ABI/API changes afaict; qtubuntu was updated and builds/works fine otherwise. it seems rather to be some internal changes with qt surface type stuff15:18
ubptgbot<mateosalta> hm, the way widgets are drawn?15:19
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> Hello folks. A question for those that know the system on the inside, sound-wise. … Is there a way of using the system as a sort of simple sound amplifier, bouncing out on a speaker what it picks from the mic?15:20
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> (I'm a teacher, and we reopened the schools here. Between the fans ventilating the classroom, my mask, and the distance; I'm gonna burn my throat on this job)15:22
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I guess you could loop the input to output? I'm not sure on the exacts15:24
ubptgbot<mateosalta> so output would be through headphone jack?15:25
ubptgbot<mateosalta> that would be a cool app15:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mateosalta [hm, the way widgets are drawn?], yeah, something like that15:29
ubptgbot<mateosalta> wonder if there is a opengl disable to test15:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> i already have a PR which "fixes" it, but i have no idea why, really15:36
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> @mateosalta [so output would be through headphone jack?], Or bluetooth, in my case.15:38
ubptgbot<mateosalta> ok15:38
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> Yes, it would be a cool app, or addition to an existing one.15:39
ubptgbot<Gorsh2> I know pulseaudio can do that, I think15:39
ubptgbot<mateosalta> oh, does qt 5.12 have qtquick compiler in non commercial?15:42
ubptgbot<mateosalta> that would be cool15:42
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I remember some people really wanted that to15:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> it does15:48
ubptgbot<mateosalta> nice, seems to work testing right now15:50
ubptgbot<mateosalta> now i need to figure out how to trigger fullscreen when the window is not in the qml but in cpp15:51
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I can show the qguiapplication window with qquickview15:51
ubptgbot<mateosalta> then the qml is just an item15:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> and in cpp I can use view.showFullScreen15:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> this breaks all my usages of window in qml15:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> setting fullscreen, toggle button in youtube15:53
ubptgbot<mateosalta> but everything does seem more performant this way15:53
ubptgbot<Mahtabdi1374> @PhoenixLandPirate [I hope ubuntu apps don't start looking like android app, that would be sad in my …], If they pay attention, this will be an opportunity for ubports. It will be easier to support some Android apps for ubports. … and also it will be easier to write GUI programs for ubports.16:00
ubptgbot<mateosalta> will be easy to write apps that then can work everywhere :)16:02
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] will be easier to write apps that then can work everywhere :)16:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Mahtabdi1374 [If they pay attention, this will be an opportunity for ubports. It will be easie …], not sure about easier to write GUI apps but yes it should make help attract apps to ubuntu touch16:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> obligatory ubuntu touch is the operating system, ubports is the community comment16:03
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Mahtabdi1374 [If they pay attention, this will be an opportunity for ubports. It will be easie …], I don't have issue with flutter in and of itself, its just if all the Ubuntu touch and Linux desktop apps start looking like android apps, then Ill have a problem with flutter, but you can design flutter apps to not look like andr16:25
ubptgbotoid apps, and so I do hope developers put effort into making the GUI fit the environment they're publishing for, you know?16:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PhoenixLandPirate [I don't have issue with flutter in and of itself, its just if all the Ubuntu tou …], pretty sure they can be styled16:30
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @dohbee [pretty sure they can be styled], Yeah the ubuntu desktop installer in flutter looks great, it's just the other apps I've seen demod with flutter on Linux, do not fit in in my Hopinion16:31
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> I can't make promises about how it turns out, but there is reason for hope: Flutter apps are built with themes that can reflect the host system (or not). Canonical is working on Flutter's "Linux desktop" support and is obviously aware of style issues on Linux.16:44
ubptgbot<ilikeyacutgAAAAA> wait what16:45
ubptgbot<ilikeyacutgAAAAA> flutter apps for ut16:45
ubptgbot<Mahtabdi1374> @PhoenixLandPirate [I don't have issue with flutter in and of itself, its just if all the Ubuntu tou …], Yes, Material Design is not suitable for Ubuntu, so Yaru (Ubuntu)and Suru (if Ubuntu Touch is supported) may be used for the software in the future.16:47
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> Has Halium 5.1 docs been removed?16:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> @HengYeDev [Has Halium 5.1 docs been removed?], No?16:50
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> @Flohack [No?], where did it go16:50
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> (Photo, 272x227) https://irc.ubports.com/XLW9m8Yc.png16:50
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> there's only some info about 5.1 in the intro, and some in the "Development" section16:51
ubptgbot<Flohack> Link plz which docs site?16:52
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> @Flohack [Link plz which docs site?], docs.ubports.com16:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> No idea plz ask in porting channel, not here ;)16:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> But it makes sense, we are not maintaining 5.1 very well, and we cannot and will not maintain so many Android versions16:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> We need to work on Halium 9, 10 and 11 soon ;)16:54
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/6YtRn4Gt.webp16:54
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @alan_griffiths [I can't make promises about how it turns out, but there is reason for hope: Flut …], Thats fantastic! as long as they look like they're in the right place, it'll ultimately be a benefit, and I can't wait to have fluffychat back! ;P16:56
ubptgbot<Oliv4945> @Flohack [We need to work on Halium 9, 10 and 11 soon ;)], Does it means that you might drop 7.1 support short term? (1-2 years)16:58
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @TotalSonic By dong a bit of testing with belohoub in the following github link.  We finally got UBsync working on arm64 build (well belohoub did).  Link to the solution was here for me.   … https://github.com/belohoub/UBsync/issues/117:38
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @wayneTBT [@TotalSonic By dong a bit of testing with belohoub in the following github link. …], Awesome news17:42
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> ...hmmm, I use a third party service for my NextCloud (OwnCube.com) I wonder how I can modify that config file there17:45
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Is your owncube instance already linked to other NC compatible apps on your phone?17:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Oliv4945 [Does it means that you might drop 7.1 support short term? (1-2 years)], Idk but many fixes did not get merge into 5.1, 7.1 is a bit better shape17:50
ubptgbotSebastian was added by: Sebastian17:59
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @wayneTBT [Is your owncube instance already linked to other NC compatible apps on your phon …], Yes, to Calendar and Accounts18:03
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Hmmm, I see, I was able to select my already configured instance.18:04
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @wayneTBT [Is your owncube instance already linked to other NC compatible apps on your phon …], Also to Jotit Notes18:04
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Yep, I use Jotit notes too.18:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [...hmmm, I use a third party service for my NextCloud (OwnCube.com) I wonder how …], that config is local on the device btw18:05
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [that config is local on the device btw], Doh! Of course, I will try that now18:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> good luck18:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmm welcome sebastian18:06
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Silly me, I was thinking that was a server side config18:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> in case you are going to ask if your device is supported i would like to preemptively point you to our devices page :^318:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] in case you are going to ask if your device is supported, sebastian, i would like to preemptively point you to our devices page :^318:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> if not excuse me for the bluntness, we do get that question a lot here 👀18:08
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] if not, excuse me for the bluntness; we do get that question a lot here 👀18:09
ubptgbot<Sebastian> Hey folks, … Firstly, if there are any contributors (devs, etc...) Here, big thanks for your work. IMO it has so much potential, and I very much enjoyed switching to something not made by the big 2 … I d really like to contribute, but I'm not able coding-wise, and besides donations (is it possible to donate for specific devices?) the on18:09
ubptgbotly thing I can contribute is testing.  … I used the official installer for a pixel 3a, and if it helps I'd document the issues it has and send it to wherever it is best used. Any advice on bug reporting?18:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah bug reporting, most bugs can be reported on github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch18:10
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> we also have a group for qa and testing over at https://t.me/ubports_qa_team18:11
ubptgbot<Sebastian> Oh, no I'm not here to ask for device support, it's already up and running 🙂 … Was a pretty convenient process actually18:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> you are asking where to report issues, and that is where, though there is a separate place on gitlab for device-specific things i think18:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sebastian [Oh, no I'm not here to ask for device support, it's already up and running 🙂 … Wa …], that's a relief to hear haha, you won't believe how many people come in and immediately ask if their device is supported xD18:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> there is?18:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh i guess there isn't one for pixels18:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is forum section for pixel 3a though18:14
ubptgbot<jbriones95> Livestream with Florian right now :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cshyzsvLs18:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> 👀18:14
ubptgbot<Sebastian> @Fuseteam [that's a relief to hear haha, you won't believe how many people come in and imme …], Lol no I totally can imagine. It's the same as with custom ROMs. 90% of people contacting any channel ask for device support. The FB lineageOS community section was an absolute shitshow concerning that 😁 … Thanks for the links18:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sebastian [Lol no I totally can imagine. It's the same as with custom ROMs. 90% of people c …], oof that is somewhat a relief to hear as grim as that sounds18:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sebastian [Lol no I totally can imagine. It's the same as with custom ROMs. 90% of people c …], [Edit] oof that is somewhat a relief to hear as grim as that sounds, and uh happy to help18:16
ubptgbot<Sebastian> Are you developing actively UT, @Fuseteam18:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Sebastian [Are you developing actively UT, @Fuseteam], I try to help from time to time18:43
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Sebastian [Hey folks, … Firstly, if there are any contributors (devs, etc...) Here, big thank …], Agreed. +118:51
ubptgbot<Merazzi> Hello everybody, I have a question: … Is it possible to install Ubuntu Touch in a Samsung Galaxy Tab A6??19:07
ubptgbot<waldbursche> @Merazzi [Hello everybody, I have a question: … Is it possible to install Ubuntu Touch in a …], https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/19:08
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @waldbursche [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/], Oww :( … Not supported19:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Merazzi [Oww :( … Not supported], if you're up for the challenge you can bring ubuntu touch to your device :319:10
ubptgbot<DarknessHiddenorg> @Fuseteam [if you're up for the challenge you can bring ubuntu touch to your device :3], Can me pm you?19:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> sure i guess 👀19:12
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @Fuseteam [if you're up for the challenge you can bring ubuntu touch to your device :3], I just follow the porting guide, Right?19:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Merazzi [I just follow the porting guide, Right?], uh yes and you can ask questions if the something in the guide is unclear in the porting guide(also linked in the guide)19:13
ubptgbot<Merazzi> All right, I'll give it a try19:14
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> do keep in mind porting is not done in a day, so take your time :)19:14
ubptgbot<Merazzi> Ok19:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmmm so `anbox-tool app-install` is not able to install apps yet 🤔19:32
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/kzyRMg2Q.png19:33
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @wayneTBT [@TotalSonic By dong a bit of testing with belohoub in the following github link. …], Sadly this fix did not work for me.19:33
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> ... UBsync indicates it started the sync now but gives me the "client unspecified" message, and does not sync files19:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> time to open an issue :^319:39
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @TotalSonic [Sadly this fix did not work for me.], Oh no, have a chat with the developer on github, he was very helpful19:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @azubieta I was looking at your dekko-appimage repo, and it seems like the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file is broken so none of the builds actually ran there. i was hoping to see a successful build log :)19:41
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [time to open an issue :^3], yup.  I need to make a Git account for sure19:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh, looks like one for podbird worked though19:42
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @wayneTBT [Oh no, have a chat with the developer on github, he was very helpful], will do19:45
ubptgbot<azubieta> @dohbee [@azubieta I was looking at your dekko-appimage repo, and it seems like the .gitl …], When that happened, please check this one https://www.opencode.net/azubieta/podbird-appimage19:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> soooo i managed to install aurora store on anbox but any attempt to log in crashes the store 😂19:46
ubptgbot<azubieta> https://www.opencode.net/azubieta/podbird-appimage/-/jobs/9019https://www.opencode.net/azubieta/podbird-appimage/-/jobs/901919:47
ubptgbot<azubieta> [Edit] Green builds here :) … https://www.opencode.net/azubieta/podbird-appimage/-/jobs/9019https://www.opencode.net/azubieta/podbird-appimage/-/jobs/901919:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> yep i found, thanks :)19:48
ubptgbot<HengYeDev> @Fuseteam [soooo i managed to install aurora store on anbox but any attempt to log in crash …], Is this common Anbox problem? Same on arch pinephone19:49
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @Fuseteam [uh yes and you can ask questions if the something in the guide is unclear in the …], The android version on my tablet is 5.1.1 😵😵😵😵😵 … According to the guide there's no Halium version for android versions < 7.1 … There's a 5.1 version of Halium but it is "largely obsolete", should I use it anyways?19:51
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Merazzi [The android version on my tablet is 5.1.1 😵😵😵😵😵 … According to the guide ther …], If you have no choice I guess you can19:53
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @amyosx [If you have no choice I guess you can], Ok, I'll go with it19:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @HengYeDev [Is this common Anbox problem? Same on arch pinephone], no idea tis my first anbox experience20:00
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> An interesting exercise is to compare the x86 and UT versions of Anbox.20:01
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Be very careful with UT, I experienced a very deleterious bug trying to install Kindle. If I were you I'd only install .apks which people have reported work acceptably well in the emulator.20:02
ubptgbot<Merazzi> What would happen if I try to install a newer version of halium on an older device? … Is the outcome different depending on the device? … Is there any chance for it to work normally?20:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @TartanSpartan [Be very careful with UT, I experienced a very deleterious bug trying to install …], we don't have a list to quick check tho :p20:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Merazzi [What would happen if I try to install a newer version of halium on an older devi …], well halium is really just an abstraction layer for running on android hardware, if there are sources for it should fine :p20:03
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Merazzi [What would happen if I try to install a newer version of halium on an older devi …], [Edit] well halium is really just an abstraction layer for running on android hardware, if there are sources for it should fine afaik20:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you may want to ask in t.me/halium tho most of the porters are there20:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, halium 7.1 should be ok i guess20:04
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @Fuseteam [you may want to ask in t.me/halium tho most of the porters are there], Oohh thanks20:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> newer versions of halium may be a problem, due to partitioning changes in android20:04
ubptgbot<Merazzi> @dohbee [well, halium 7.1 should be ok i guess], Ok, I'll go with that version then 🤔 … If it doesn't work I can try again with another version20:08
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @Fuseteam [we don't have a list to quick check tho :p], There are informal reports scattered across here, the forum, maybe Github, clunky to search granted.20:13
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> mhm indeed, if only someone could compile in one nice list wink wink nudge nudge20:14
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Maybe outwith my 9AM-8PM Mon-Frid WebDev bootcamp I can ;)20:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> [Edit] Maybe outwith my 9AM-8PM Mon-Fri WebDev bootcamp I can ;)20:16
ubptgbot<azubieta> I'm having the following error while try to install stuff from the xenial arm64 repositorios of ubports: … ```The following packages have unmet dependencies: …  debconf : PreDepends: perl-base (>= 5.6.1-4) which is a virtual package and is not provided by any available package```20:33
ubptgbot<azubieta> are those repositorios still good? If no which one should I use to fetch the AppImage dependencies?20:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> we don't ship debconf or perl-base ourselves. those come from ubuntu repos20:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> probably there is an issue with how things are being installed, especially in a cross-compiling setup20:35
ubptgbot<azubieta> this used to work past week20:35
ubptgbot<azubieta> [Edit] this used to work the past week20:35
ubptgbot<azubieta> I'll roll back my tools and double check20:35
ubptgbot<azubieta> never mind, I broke something20:37

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