
kurufuPerhaps this the appropriate place to ask, let me know if it isnt. But what is the scope of the debian import freeze? After that are no new major/minor versions of already imported packages introduced? And more generally whats the last date for new versions of of general end user/desktop software to be pulled in to the new release?02:12
RAOFkurufu: Debian Import Freeze means that we're no longer autosyncing everything from unstable.02:51
RAOFThat just means that if you want something synced from unstable, you need to do it manually (if you've upload privileges; otherwise, you can ask)02:52
RAOFHowever, we're also in Feature Freeze, which means that changes should now focus on fixing bugs rather than features/new versons.02:53
RAOFSo, new upstream versions can still be uploaded freely, if they're bugfix releases.02:56
kurufuthat makes sense, thanks!02:56
RAOFNon-bugfix upstream releases, or other new features (for example: enabling a new compile-time optional feature) need to follow the Feature Freeze Exception process.02:57
Eickmeyertseliot_: RE: bug 1915003, not sure if you saw, but nvidia-settings FTBFS on bionic. The OEM I work for is waiting for this to migrate, but the bionic build being FTBFS means the focal build is stuck.04:12
ubottubug 1915003 in OEM Priority Project "SRU: Always update the initramfs when changing power profile" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191500304:12
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seb128slyon, hey, did you see bug #1915579 ?08:46
ubottubug 1915579 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "version 2.03.11-2ubuntu1 breaks initramfs" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191557908:46
* slyon looking, thanks for the heads up!08:48
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mwhudsonaaargh when can we get debdiff to show mode changes :(10:32
seb128that would be a valuable improvement indeed10:35
ed_just a matter of raising a pull request ;)10:35
mwhudsoni think there is a debian bug that would be at high school now if it was a child about this10:36
JackFrostIt was a bit moot until patch grew support, which it did not too long ago.  Now it'd make a lot of sense, or you can cheat and add it.10:37
mwhudsonoh no, not that old, because i filed it :) https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=90712610:37
ubottuDebian bug 907126 in devscripts "debdiff: please show mode changes when comparing source packages" [Wishlist,Open]10:37
JackFrost90xxxx, that's fairly new, basically.  40xxxx would be old.10:38
mwhudsonyeah faulty memory10:38
mwhudsonmust be time for bed10:38
JackFrostBut I have a patchfile with 'new file mode 100755' to create the script executable, it works. \o/10:39
rbasakmwhudson: switch to git-ubuntu :)11:49
xnoxmwhudson:  replied to that bug report with a patch.13:08
ItzSwirlzWith general patching, I always love when upstream puts configure.in instead of configure.ac and of course that triggers a lintian warning, but quilt doesn't know how to read files being renamed. :P (except for maybe deleting and making a new file)13:26
cjwatsonItzSwirlz: good lord, are there upstreams who still haven't caught up with that?  That change was in 200113:44
cjwatsonI shouldn't be surprised really13:44
ItzSwirlzcjwatson: Don't tell Mint. A nemo extension still uses it for some reason13:44
ItzSwirlzin nemo-share13:45
cjwatsonnemo forked from nautilus whose first stable release was two months before autoconf 2.50 which IIRC introduced configure.ac.  they must really be trying13:45
cjwatson(almost certainly not so much "still" using it as copied from some archaic template which was long obsolete when they did so)13:46
ItzSwirlzI'll PR them upstream.13:55
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mwhudsonxnox: nice, seems devscripts actually uses salsa merge requests quite a lot: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/devscripts/-/merge_requests19:14
orbothi. I seem to have a package conflict between linux-firmware and linux-firmware-raspi2 on rasppi 4 with Ubuntu Desktop 21.04.19:39
orbotlooks like they're both containing wifi driver19:41
orbotnot sure what the best course to take is. reluctant to apt remove them both19:43
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JawnSmithIs any core dev available to restart the autopkgtests that are blocking freeunit? I believe they should all pass with a retry21:33
mwhudsonJawnSmith: sure21:35
JawnSmithThanks mwhudson!21:36
JackFrostmwhudson: ..And sometimes pastes over IRC. :322:34
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realtime-neilHow do I prevent a given package's preinst maintainer script from running?23:20
rbasakI'm not aware of a method to do that apart from to remove the preinst from the deb before installing it manually23:21
rbasakdpkg-deb -R to unpack23:22
rbasakThen remove DEBIAN/preinst23:22
rbasakThen dpkg-deb -b to repack23:22
rbasak(see manpage for the necessary arguments)23:22
rbasakI assume you're working around something23:23
rbasakIf it's an actual bug in the preinst, let's fix it instead :)23:23
realtime-neilrbasak: I knew about repacking, but yeah, fixing the bug is going to be difficult....23:24
realtime-neilRos2 has this little beauty: https://index.ros.org/d/rti-connext-dds-5.3.1/23:25
realtime-neiland the preinst blocks waiting for user input in _all_ cases23:26
sarnoldwhere's the maintainer scripts from there/23:31
realtime-neillemme see if I can scrape the one I'm talking about ....23:35
sarnoldall the clicking I've done so far suggests it's hidden behind registration pages, heh23:36
rbasakrealtime-neil: ah, the bug's not in Ubuntu itself? This isn't the best channel then.23:41

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