
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
John122OvenWerks: Hi! Just to say thanks, I see you've fixed that bug in Studio Controls. Just updated and tested it and it works great now!10:17
MauroGaspari[m]<John122 "OvenWerks: Hi! Just to say thank"> OvenWerks is a great guy! We need more like him.12:04
John122MauroGaspari[m]: yes, really pleased with Studio Controls, does exactly what I need!12:06
=== Iamahuman is now known as Iamahuman4
KrausHey everyone. Any ideas why suddenly I lost my sound and ability to open Carla after Logging out for the night?17:25
KrausI'm on 20.0417:25
KrausI'm having a simultaneous weird situation happening where I'm unable to resolve hostnames on the LAN. All of this started last night. The hostname thing has happened time after time, and I'm talking to the people on ##networking about it, but I thought I'd mention it here since both these issues happened while I slept.17:27
KrausVery interesting.. I just tried Carla via CLI, and I'm getting an error. https://pastebin.com/uzxUc5Uk17:28
Soulermy new clip. Bitwig studio + Kdenlive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaMv5mnrF1s18:00
kveremitzhey *studio folks - do any of you use/run real-time kernels with pulseaudio, and if so, how do you set up real-time scheduling .. I think I'm chasing my tail trying to see if its actually got the right permissions or not for rtkit* ..21:18
sirriffsalotkveremitz: what are you looking to accomplish with that exactly?21:22
kveremitzd'oh LOL21:23
sirriffsalotkveremitz: back, you still got issues?22:17
kveremitzsirriffsalot: hi, well, hard to tell ;D hence why I'm probing/asking questions...22:19
kveremitztl;dr - I switched kernels to rt- because under load, this laptop has epic problems maintaining an audio stream when I'm watching twitch streams. Performance is better, but I'm not totally convinced that I have configured 'enough' for PA to correctly use real-time features (I also run pulseeffects, for $reasons)22:21
kveremitzI've edited my 'daemon.conf' for PA, to enable 'real-time scheduling' but runnin pulseaudio -vvv seems to suggest there are permissions issues (which may not be relevant to RT, and just for regular 'high-priority')22:22
kveremitzI see the rtkit-daemon is supposed to adjust parameters, but its at this point I get lost even trying to google for hints ..22:22
John122OvenWerks: or anyone else who may know of course! I know Studio Controls works with Jack and PulseAudio but is it possible to use the Jack networking using Studio Controls? I'm currently using the PA networking but would prefer (well, need really) a constant latency. Thanks22:29
sirriffsalotkveremitz: I'm sorry to say that my guess would be that, if you're just having trouble watching twitch streams.. it sounds more like hardware issue at that point. You need more juice? How old is this laptop?22:37
kveremitzyeah twitch's scripts are a hog, but it seems possible that some smarter scheduling makes that overhead less .. ridiculous.22:40
kveremitzyes, also, the short answer is buy more hardware, but I don't have liquidity for that at present :(22:41
OvenWerkskveremitz: pulse != realtime safe audio... or guaranteed byte for byte.22:46
sirriffsalotkveremitz: yeah sorry, I get that..22:47
OvenWerkskveremitz: a close match might be use jack as pulse's only "device" which will force pulse to jack's latency22:47
sirriffsalotkveremitz: is it out of the question to download the streams you want to watch somehow? :P22:47
OvenWerksJohn122: I suspect it is possible to use controls on one end of a netjack set with the netjack load module. The othger end would have to use the netjack back end.22:49
OvenWerksJohn122: the other possiblility would be to use zita-njbridge on both ends22:49
OvenWerkskveremitz: it should be possible to raise the device's (audio device) priority using rtirq (installed by default in ubuntustudio).22:52
OvenWerkskveremitz: for what it's worth, studio-controls sets up pulse this way, tell pulse there are no alsa devices and run pulse-jack bridges.22:55
kveremitzOvenWerks: interesting ..22:55
OvenWerkspulse uses about double the cpu that jack does :)22:55
kveremitzI've never quite dived into Jack properly :D and I kinda thought getting it to 'play nice' with eg. pulse was a pain. But I gotta say, I do quite like pulse's features, and regularly use the tcp-sink to route audio to my speakers from other computers :D22:56
OvenWerkspulse is great for many things.22:57
kveremitzmy former work boss was pretty good with it .. and if I set up a dedicated box for audio I'd certainly review my options22:57
kveremitzfor now I'm somewhat lazy and just use pulse LOL22:57
kveremitzalsa is off-the-sheet because of multiple devices/sources/etc22:57
kveremitzvanilla* that is ^22:57
OvenWerksbut as someone who focuses on recording and other places where byte/bit perfect, no xruns is important22:58
kveremitzgranted, I know I'm somewhat trying to 'polish the [proverbial] turd' here .. LOL22:58
OvenWerkspulse is not usable22:59
kveremitzyeah thats why I thought I'd quiz the studio folks, to see what kinda options were 'out there'22:59
OvenWerksstudio controls can connect a master plus as many other devices as the system can see at the same time.22:59
OvenWerksTo jack and pulse they will all be in sync23:00
OvenWerkssome of the devices will have to go through an SRC stage, but zita src is some of the best around23:01
kveremitzmm I shall have to google that :D23:03
BrianHechinger[mI have to use the SRC effect in Audacious. Stupid 44.1khz audio files. 😁23:03
OvenWerkskveremitz: so for example the internal device can be used as master and a USB mic can be plugged in and jack will see it.23:03
BrianHechinger[mOvenWerks: how'd the procedure go?23:03
OvenWerksgot canceled :P23:04
BrianHechinger[mAll that excitement for nothing. 😜23:04
OvenWerksso I have to do the prep all over again down the road23:04
BrianHechinger[mThat sucks23:04
* OvenWerks notes that all sampler/synths/eqs use SRC techniques23:18

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