
user|65769quando vou atualizar os aplicativos, o sistema solicita uma senha02:17
user|65769qual a senha que devo usar?02:17
krytarik!br | user|6576902:21
ubottuuser|65769: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:21
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
=== deishelon is now known as deishelon_
=== deishelon_ is now known as deishelon
=== nikita is now known as Guest21169
user|86512how to install kubundu08:15
BluesKajHi folks13:21
IrcsomeBot<brotendont> @user|86512, check out the wiki. here is a guide: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Installing_Kubuntu13:35
IrcsomeBot<brotendont> @BluesKaj, howdy13:35
BluesKaj@brotendont, hi13:36
Maik@brotendont that user has been gone for hours already, 29 minutes after they asked13:43
=== ruslan is now known as FrostyC
IrcsomeBot<brotendont> @Maik, I guess he will never know...13:55
BluesKajmost users find a tutorial that they feel comfortable with and install Kubuntu successfully13:59
BluesKajotherwise they'd be back here asking for support14:00
IrcsomeBot<brotendont> I know, I'm just kidding. It's really not that hard14:02
IrcsomeBot<brotendont> I have a habit of asking questions then immediately finding the answer myself too14:03
=== dilfridge is now known as Gul_Dukat
=== Gul_Dukat is now known as dilfridge
IrcsomeBotAntonio was added by: Antonio19:58
IrcsomeBot<Antonio> hi20:19
djib2055i'am testing the python module simple irc21:43
djib2055hello ngc630221:46
djib2055welcome ngc630221:46

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