
lynorianphew at least zip works00:07
wxlwhat's weird is that i was reading the other day they basically borrowed all the functional code00:11
wxlfrom engranpa00:12
wxland that is a fork of file-roller which we had in LXDE Lubuntu00:12
wxli might add that lxqt-archiver was originally developed by PCMan00:12
lubot[telegram] <teward001> wxl: I see that cjwatson unstuck the builds again.01:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i think that's going to be a problem for the foreseeable future if it keeps getting stuck01:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (I needed a nap)01:15
guivercjust fyi wxl, I saw mention of wifi (@Leokolb regularly tests with it, thanks Leo! as I only do when on laptops which is occasional)..   i've had live (hirsute) daily stream news on wifi, switching between 2.4ghz & 5ghz without issue02:24
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Thks for confirm Chris02:26
guivercI've had an issue with lxqt-archiver created a tar.gz from selected text file; marked as 1917960 or confirmation of lynorian02:54
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] jobgenerator just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/jobgenerator/897/06:23
kc2bez[m]Sorry for the delay. https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/development-for-the-week-of-march-5-march-11-2021/227521:28

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