ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @NunoRocha51 [<reply to media>], cool i like that | 00:02 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @amyosx [Desktop.click], do you have the app, i can relink | 00:03 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> its an underground movment, too much for the store :) | 00:05 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/TmYrblwC.png | 00:05 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/81j4L5q0.null | 00:11 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/OyxNQyEm.null | 00:12 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @glebleee [I remember there were an issue with opensource emojis. Could these (MIT licensed …], i will take a look, the current issue is the format that qt supports, if we use svginot all the emoji render as line art b/w, i have found ways that people convert these into the format we use | 00:20 |
ubptgbot | <LSolrac> Question; what are the minimum requirements for a device? Im interested in trying out porting to a phone, it's my understanding I need to compile the kernel with halium stuff? | 00:21 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/b4L0Eqh4.png | 00:23 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> other problems are diffrent fonts seem to be fighting for displaying as default, so we need careful fontconf editing | 00:25 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> ugh. Fontconfig. | 00:27 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> and we need to figure out how to scale them too, they are way too small | 00:27 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> so far twitters twemoji looks like a great option, openmoji looks ok, but they were mostly focused on making the glyphs and not font options | 00:32 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @LSolrac [Question; what are the minimum requirements for a device? Im interested in tryin …], iirc minimum 16GB storage and 2GB of ram | 00:32 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [so far twitters twemoji looks like a great option, openmoji looks ok, but they w …], hmmm interesting | 00:33 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [the main issue with the keyboard right now is that it is hardcoded atm lol], adding them to the keyboard is the easy part :) | 00:39 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [adding them to the keyboard is the easy part :)], I mean its hardcoded in a file isn't it? | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> you can just copy paste new ones into that file | 00:49 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> once the font is installed, we can easily add all the new ones there | 00:50 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> i think this one is rather cool: https://mutant.tech/ | 00:53 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it is older, but they also made font conversion tool on their github | 00:54 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Augh, it's licensed NonCommercial | 00:54 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> sadly | 00:56 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> I thought it looked pretty cool | 00:56 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> but the conversion tool might be what we need to get other fonts from svginot to sbix | 00:57 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> i have a unicode 13 apple font im experimenting with to try and setup fontconf | 00:58 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> I am very glad that you're dealing with FC and not me. | 00:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> i found a unicode 11 sbix of twemoji | 00:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> and if we can convert v13 of twemoji, i think it might be the best one so far license and style wise | 00:59 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [once the font is installed, we can easily add all the new ones there], I guess, but shouldn't we move away from hardcoded? | 01:01 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> if someone wants to make a search based would be awesome | 01:02 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://twemoji.twitter.com/ | 01:03 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> so they also stated how they wanted attribution: | 01:03 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Wait why is Noncommercial an issue? | 01:04 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Because Ubuntu Touch is shipped on devices which are sold to customers, and the Work is part of that commercial transaction. | 01:05 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> It's easier not to deal with it. | 01:05 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [Wait why is Noncommercial an issue?], if someone wanted to put a app in theopen store that installed the font that could work | 01:07 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> the cc thing was also problematic for emojitwo(and emojione now) i think we need to move away from thay set asap | 01:09 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> the terms technically require some form of attribution for every image i think | 01:10 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> as the company behind it has moved away from being nice about opensource, i think they could arbitrarily enforce certain usages? | 01:12 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @UniversalSuperBox [It's easier not to deal with it.], Ah I see 🤔 | 01:13 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [if someone wanted to put a app in theopen store that installed the font that cou …], Uhhh not sure about a app installing things like that, readonly rootfs and all that | 01:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> as twemoji made it clear where exactly they want to be attribited, i think this is good, not left to interpitation | 01:15 |
ubptgbot | JimmyAguilar was added by: JimmyAguilar | 01:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [Uhhh not sure about a app installing things like that, readonly rootfs and all t …], true | 01:15 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [as twemoji made it clear where exactly they want to be attribited, i think this …], Cool! 👀 | 01:16 |
ubptgbot | Bill Ghauri was added by: Bill Ghauri | 01:50 |
ubptgbot | Yash5643 was added by: Yash5643 | 02:30 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [Uhhh not sure about a app installing things like that, readonly rootfs and all t …], that kind of fits into the argument to splitting out language/keboard packs to installable more and more we are running into language fonts missing - do we add everything to the base, or find a way that these can be user made | 03:34 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> or modular for space | 03:35 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [that kind of fits into the argument to splitting out language/keboard packs to …], actually there is a way an user could install and retain depending on where it installs | 04:15 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> and i do believe its ultimately the goal to have layout be "installable" | 04:16 |
ubptgbot | .PROGRAMMER was added by: .PROGRAMMER | 04:16 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> (Photo, 786x533) https://irc.ubports.com/Ek0P6GsX.png Can anyone help me on this one ? | 04:24 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> Please do not cross post, and keep porting stuff in the porting group | 04:25 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @dohbee [Please do not cross post, and keep porting stuff in the porting group], Why wouldn't I? No solution is coming up. | 04:30 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> Then be patient. | 04:31 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @dohbee [Then be patient.], I don't have time to be patient. | 04:47 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> Then you are in wrong business | 04:57 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> Porting is a slow process, posting questions to 5 different places won't automagically speed things up | 04:58 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @HackerShohag [I don't have time to be patient.], But this is not the board you will receive answers on this from. | 04:58 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @bhushanshah [Then you are in wrong business], And why is that? | 04:59 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> @bhushanshah [Porting is a slow process, posting questions to 5 different places won't automag …], See this | 04:59 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @bhushanshah [See this], I thought that ubports groups might have different people. But as you are replying why don't give a solution to the problem. Let's not waste more time. | 05:01 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> Do you really not see a problem here? | 05:02 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> This group is NOT related to porting | 05:02 |
ubptgbot | <bhushanshah> Asking here will NOT help | 05:02 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @bhushanshah [Do you really not see a problem here?], Well, I didn't knew that one. | 05:04 |
ubptgbot | <HackerShohag> @bhushanshah [Do you really not see a problem here?], [Edit] Well, I didn't know that one. | 05:05 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> So I guess it's all sorted now? Scalable arm apps on mobile and pc both. More like iOS and MacOS(swift) … https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/03/ubuntu-building-apps-with-flutter-in-future/amp | 05:23 |
ubptgbot | nayan1247 was added by: nayan1247 | 05:56 |
ubptgbot | Nautilus was added by: Nautilus | 06:03 |
ubptgbot | <Nautilus> Will the Samsung Note 10+ N9750 ever be supported? | 06:04 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @arplusplus [So I guess it's all sorted now? Scalable arm apps on mobile and pc both. More li …], on desktop so far | 06:06 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> and remember canonical isnt ubports | 06:06 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @Nautilus [Will the Samsung Note 10+ N9750 ever be supported?], I don't think so. They will only support limited devices | 06:06 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [and remember canonical isnt ubports], I know but QT and cpp is not very productive for making apps | 06:06 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> You need abstraction for kids to make apps | 06:07 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Kids friendly languages like JS, python, Java | 06:07 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it's what we have, but yeah in theory their work will make it easier to do flutter apps on ut | 06:08 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Hmm that is what I was thinking | 06:08 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Nautilus [Will the Samsung Note 10+ N9750 ever be supported?], Someone that owns the device would need to port it. Likely the Qualcomm version would be easier to port than the Exynos one would be. | 06:08 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> We need some cross platform dev environment like web. So Ubuntu apps can scale down to Uports | 06:09 |
ubptgbot | <Nautilus> Yes, I have the Qualcomm version | 06:09 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @Nautilus [Will the Samsung Note 10+ N9750 ever be supported?], If you want to give it a try - info on porting is at - http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html … and … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.html … Also http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/halium_9/Halium_9_GSI_porting.html | 06:09 |
ubptgbot | <Nautilus> Sweet | 06:09 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Something like view ports. If this size viewport look like this. If PC then this | 06:09 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> While functioning remain same(logic). But a scalable UI | 06:10 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> This is the only way Linux can compete with Android, iOS | 06:10 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @mateosalta [it's what we have, but yeah in theory their work will make it easier to do flutt …], Flutter on ubports would make my work also easy😛. It is easy to design. Guess I have to use qt itself for now | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> DEVELOPMENT processes need to be simplified | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @nahnah7 [Flutter on ubports would make my work also easy😛. It is easy to design. Guess I …], I'm making an app with flutter. It's darn eazy | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Easy | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @arplusplus [I'm making an app with flutter. It's darn eazy], But on ubports?😞 | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @nahnah7 [But on ubports?😞], Not on uports | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Android | 06:11 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Uports need to fork flutter | 06:12 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> Since ubports doesn't support snap it is impossible | 06:12 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Oh yaa | 06:12 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Anyway snap is not adopted by linux communities | 06:12 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> It's just canonical | 06:13 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @arplusplus [Anyway snap is not adopted by linux communities], Yes true | 06:13 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @arplusplus [I'm making an app with flutter. It's darn eazy], well, I stopped when I got the the part that said it needed the android sdk... | 06:13 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @mateosalta [well, I stopped when I got the the part that said it needed the android sdk...], Lol | 06:13 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> but, if you want an app on all platforms, it sounds cool | 06:13 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @mateosalta [well, I stopped when I got the the part that said it needed the android sdk...], Once flutter is independent they will surely split with Android studio | 06:14 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @mateosalta [but, if you want an app on all platforms, it sounds cool], It's not just that, dart is an easy language | 06:14 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> UBports core team is not going to fork Flutter anytime soon. Just moving the base up to 20.04 is going to consume tons of the time for the next few months at least. | 06:14 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> But from my understanding cpp is not an ideal language for mobile apps … Linux community have to come on a common agreement for developing of apps | 06:14 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> qml is rather nice for mobile apps | 06:14 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [qml is rather nice for mobile apps], I haven't tried it yet | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @arplusplus [But from my understanding cpp is not an ideal language for mobile apps … Linux co …], Linux community is never going to completely unify over anything. Embrace the options ;) | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <nahnah7> @TotalSonic [UBports core team is not going to fork Flutter anytime soon. Just moving the ba …], Maybe from the community itself who isn't busy with base can try | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [qml is rather nice for mobile apps], Do you think I can teach QML to 10 yr old kid | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it is similar to javascript I think? | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Like python | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @nahnah7 [Maybe from the community itself who isn't busy with base can try], Yes, if someone steps up to the task that is capable of it, then it could happen | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> maybe easier than python to me | 06:15 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [maybe easier than python to me], Interesting | 06:16 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it doesn't care about spaces as much :) | 06:16 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @TotalSonic [Yes, if someone steps up to the task that is capable of it, then it could happen], Yaa | 06:16 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @TotalSonic [Yes, if someone steps up to the task that is capable of it, then it could happen], it might have to wait for the wayland transition - but I'm sure people will be experimenting with it on the pinephone first | 06:17 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> since that is already there on wayland | 06:18 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> i mean, there was this awesome bit, https://github.com/lupyuen/lvgl-wayland | 06:18 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> someone did lvgl on the pinephone | 06:19 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> then manjaro + lomiri is already using libhandy apps | 06:20 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> the future is bright writing an app just about however you want - almost (soon tm) | 06:20 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [the future is bright writing an app just about however you want - almost (soon t …], Interesting | 06:21 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> Having fun with my (new to me, 6 year old mint in open box) LG G Watch R, running Asteroid OS and synced to my Volla Phone running UT :) | 06:21 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> (Photo, 1920x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/XbUInXo8.png | 06:21 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @TotalSonic [Having fun with my (new to me, 6 year old mint in open box) LG G Watch R, runnin …], oh, awesom | 06:21 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @TotalSonic [<reply to media>], ❤️👍 | 06:22 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> How do you buy PinePhone in Europe? | 06:24 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> Is it available in Europe or just US | 06:25 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> almost anywhere | 06:25 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://pine64.com/product-category/pinephone/?v=0446c16e2e66 | 06:25 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> but out of stock now, soon I think they will make avaible sometime the default os one | 06:26 |
ubptgbot | <nayan1247> Does the convergence feature work on Op3t? | 06:26 |
ubptgbot | <arplusplus> @mateosalta [https://pine64.com/product-category/pinephone/?v=0446c16e2e66], Yes all out of stock | 06:27 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @nayan1247 [Does the convergence feature work on Op3t?], not through usb | 06:27 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I would have to check the miricast | 06:27 |
ubptgbot | <nayan1247> Thanks mateo. | 06:28 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @mateosalta [I would have to check the miricast], The devices page says Wireless External Monitor support is "untested" https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/oneplus3/ | 06:28 |
ubptgbot | <nayan1247> So convergence through USB doesn't work for most devices except the 2-3 flagship phones right. | 06:29 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> nexus 4, nexus 5, bq m10 tablet | 06:30 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> pinephone no driver installed yet | 06:31 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> there might be some in the new batch of ports? | 06:32 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 2560x1182) https://irc.ubports.com/tyK8khGw.png | 06:32 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> testing time :) | 06:32 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @nayan1247 [So convergence through USB doesn't work for most devices except the 2-3 flagship …], It works for the Nexus 5 through Slimport. I don't know about others. I was able to send to external displays via Microsoft Wireless Disply Adapter v2 with my Meizu Pro 5 and OnePlus One, but my current daily driver of the Volla Phone doe | 06:33 |
ubptgbot | s not have support for this unfortunately | 06:33 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @TotalSonic [It works for the Nexus 5 through Slimport. I don't know about others. I was ab …], maybe i have the wrong adapter "msdisplayadapter_c1" v2.0.835 on software | 06:40 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> unfortunatly needs win app to update firmware... | 06:41 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @mateosalta [maybe i have the wrong adapter "msdisplayadapter_c1" v2.0.835 on software], hmmm, I thought version 1 was supposed to work ok as well. | 06:41 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> one of them either the tv builtin, or the adapter i know used to work on my pro 5 | 06:42 |
=== lovetolearn is now known as ltl2 | ||
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> well, rip opo 3t, my powerbutton is broken | 07:11 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> ahh, I still have the blame popey app on my mx4, there might be hope to bring it back | 07:16 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> oh, maybe that was a webapp... | 07:23 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> woah there was a tracker in the font browser | 07:46 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> cool app, I think i will maintain and strip out the tracker | 07:47 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1152x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/rAswsupp.png | 07:50 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> Will there be a time when software updates won't wipe additional software package installs such as python-pip or is that expected with this operating system. | 08:07 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> with ut? | 08:24 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> the clicks don't get wiped | 08:25 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> Oh, this might actually find out which font is overiding emoji | 08:36 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1152x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/LdcAHky2.png | 08:36 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> oh, stuart had some cool articles way bakc | 09:02 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://www.kryogenix.org/days/2015/08/20/using-the-content-hub-on-ubuntu/#sf-using-the-content-hub-on-ubuntu-1-back | 09:02 |
ubptgbot | Ravens3and4 was added by: Ravens3and4 | 09:07 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @mateosalta [the clicks don't get wiped], Anything that's not a click does , so if packages are installed with cli. They are cleared everytime you update. | 09:08 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> yeah, that will always happen it is a image based system, anything in the system is the system | 09:09 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> apt is not supported or recomended | 09:09 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @mateosalta [apt is not supported or recomended], Please don't take my next comment as rude or offensive. But what then would be the point of having it be based on linux . Also why are we not updating it the same way as desktop Linux or debian in this case. | 09:10 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> because of the nature of a phone, apt performing intensive writes, the state of upgrades when maintainer scripts are used, the ability to roll back the system without affecting user data, security, | 09:12 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> download size | 09:12 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> dependancy confilcts, just imaging not being able to boot because you apt installed a package that brought in a new gcc or something | 09:13 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> is fine on desktops, you can drop to shell, use a keyboard at a low level and fix no problem | 09:14 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> but then a touch screen that depends on a working os to function? | 09:14 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> maybe adb on a laptop... but most phone users don't want to deal with that | 09:15 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @mateosalta [but then a touch screen that depends on a working os to function?], Fair , just sucks that everything is blowen away each time that's all | 09:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> yeah a bit | 09:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I remember there was an idea to auto mount a libertine container for terminal usage, and mount a interactive folder in the user space | 09:16 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> Is this unique to ubports or are all mobile linux OS's doing this | 09:16 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> then the stuff you install is in the container, and not touched by the update | 09:17 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @mateosalta [then the stuff you install is in the container, and not touched by the update], This would be good | 09:17 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @WelcomePlayerOne [Is this unique to ubports or are all mobile linux OS's doing this], Its unique to Ubuntu Touch unless the others find out they will need something similar ;) | 09:17 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @WelcomePlayerOne [This would be good], shell access on this page | 09:18 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html | 09:18 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> Also, thE OS is called Ubuntu Touch please dont call it UBports, thats the name of the organization | 09:18 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> DISPLAY= libertine-launch -i CONTAINER-IDENTIFIER /bin/bash | 09:18 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @WelcomePlayerOne [Please don't take my next comment as rude or offensive. But what then would be …], The idea is to spread it to people that are not tech nerds. A normal user will never have to use apt indeally | 09:18 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @WelcomePlayerOne [Please don't take my next comment as rude or offensive. But what then would be …], [Edit] The idea is to spread it to people that are not tech nerds. A normal user will never have to use apt ideally | 09:19 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it is slightly more advanced, but for setting up a bunch of command line tools it might be a nice thing | 09:19 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @Flohack [Also, thE OS is called Ubuntu Touch please dont call it UBports, thats the name …], My bad I always assumed you guys ditched the ub touch name when you guys diverted from Ubuntu | 09:19 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it is awesome that we can just do it anyway for some testing though ;) | 09:19 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> [Edit] it is awesome that we can just do it anyway for some testing though ;) (using apt) | 09:20 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @mateosalta [it is awesome that we can just do it anyway for some testing though ;) (using ap …], I like the way you think my man | 09:20 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @WelcomePlayerOne [My bad I always assumed you guys ditched the ub touch name when you guys diverte …], Oh even the opposite, we got a licensing agreement with Canonical and we can use their trademark basically ^^ | 09:20 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html#files oh it does have access to some home dir's | 09:25 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> so would be easy to setup some tools, say some video converting command line tools, or other things to bulk convert pictures | 09:26 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> woah, this is cool, it still works | 09:39 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> https://caxton.herokuapp.com/ | 09:42 |
ubptgbot | <nsensfel> Does anyone here use UT on a Pro1? … Last time I tried, there seemed to be no support for MMS, GPS, mobile data, flashlight, or keyboard backlight, though I am not discarding the possibility of me having messed up the install. … Has this changed? | 09:45 |
ubptgbot | <NotKit> some annoying things like mobile network instability got fixed, but nothing regarding keyboard support | 09:55 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @nayan1247 [Thanks mateo.], doesn't seem to work with lg tv, or with v1 of microsoft adapter | 10:03 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it does bring up displays to try to connect | 10:03 |
ubptgbot | Onex_GRG_67 was added by: Onex_GRG_67 | 10:51 |
ubptgbot | Cnr was added by: Cnr | 11:11 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> yes, archive org to the rescue! | 11:33 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 982x718) https://irc.ubports.com/jipVVT8T.png | 11:33 |
ubptgbot | <Edegardo> Hi guys, is there a way to have 4G/LTE on Nexus 4? | 11:53 |
ubptgbot | <mrsjob01> Nexus4 have a LTE kernel,but the driver don”t suppore the harddriver。 | 11:55 |
ubptgbot | <mrsjob01> [Edit] Nexus4 have a LTE kernel,but the driver don”t support the harddriver。 | 11:56 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @popeydc permission to revive the blame popey app? :) | 11:56 |
ubptgbot | <popeydc> pretty sure the website went down | 11:59 |
ubptgbot | <popeydc> dunno if the app relied on that | 11:59 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I found the source of the website | 12:00 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], :) | 12:00 |
ubptgbot | <ruditimmer> Guy's to install UT do i need to downgrade my xiaomi redmi note 7 from android 10 to android 9 or can i just keep the default installed one when i buy the device ? | 12:03 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I think you might need to downgrade? I could be wrong though | 12:03 |
ubptgbot | <ruditimmer> @mateosalta [I think you might need to downgrade? I could be wrong though], Ok thanks Mateo | 12:04 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> but at least you need to unlock the bootloader, and enable usb debuging | 12:05 |
ubptgbot | <ruditimmer> @mateosalta [but at least you need to unlock the bootloader, and enable usb debuging], Yes that's already done | 12:06 |
ubptgbot | <popeydc> @mateosalta [:)], oh, i missed the reference. Feel free, you don't need my permission. Frecel didn't when he made the site in the first place :D | 12:07 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @popeydc [oh, i missed the reference. Feel free, you don't need my permission. Frecel didn …], Thank you, I just didn't know if you remember it as fondly or was something to bury :) | 12:08 |
ubptgbot | <popeydc> nah, i don't mind :) | 12:08 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @popeydc [nah, i don't mind :)], https://web.archive.org/web/20180415155148im_/https://blamepopey.com/tptm/popey7dd2a.wav | 12:14 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> some of the audio of your mycroft voice is still there | 12:15 |
ubptgbot | <popeydc> @mateosalta [some of the audio of your mycroft voice is still there], maybe ping @frecel who made the site in the first place and ask if he still has the source somewhere | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> ah, maybe with the audio part still working, that would be cool | 12:17 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> i didn't find the rickroll version either | 12:17 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> I did get the orginal first version that just puts random text | 12:17 |
ubptgbot | <amyosx> @mateosalta [do you have the app, i can relink], I was joking lmao | 12:34 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> well, we do have a desktop like app :) | 12:34 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> it really just shows your background as an app, but the icon is the show desktop icon, and the drawer moves :) | 12:35 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @arplusplus [Do you think I can teach QML to 10 yr old kid], yes you can qml is darn easy once you get to know it | 12:39 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @WelcomePlayerOne [Will there be a time when software updates won't wipe additional software packag …], click package don't get wiped, apt packages do, for apt packages we have libertine | 12:42 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> :) | 12:43 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @Fuseteam [click package don't get wiped, apt packages do, for apt packages we have liberti …], Is there a way to download my required packages via libertine to ensure they are not wiped, sorry if this is a noob question. | 12:44 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> like off of the phone as a backup? | 12:45 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @WelcomePlayerOne [Is there a way to download my required packages via libertine to ensure they are …], if they are install in libertine they won't be wiped | 12:46 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> but there another secret way actually, if an apt package is packaged for ubuntu touch it might not get wiped either xD | 12:47 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> oh, like a deb that installs to opt? | 12:48 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @Fuseteam [if they are install in libertine they won't be wiped], Ow fantastic ty | 12:48 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> some managed to install the nix package manager because it only needs write access to `/nix` and `/etc/nix` | 12:48 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [oh, like a deb that installs to opt?], yes! exactly xD | 12:48 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [oh, like a deb that installs to opt?], [Edit] yes! exactly! xD | 12:49 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> @Fuseteam [yes! exactly! xD], Wait so with libertine how can one enter a terminal mode with it given I want it to be a python container | 12:49 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> "prefix" installs could be supported on ut :3 | 12:49 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @WelcomePlayerOne [Wait so with libertine how can one enter a terminal mode with it given I want it …], check out the shell access section on the docs ;) | 12:50 |
ubptgbot | <WelcomePlayerOne> Ty | 12:50 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> yeah, that one command puts you inside the container, and for terminal stuff you can't tell you are in a container | 12:51 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> mhm | 12:52 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> oooo, this is going to be awesome | 12:57 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/pmUrH004.png | 12:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/WfV7dAm6.png | 12:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/UwgdLaog.png | 12:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> qt has a lot of nice examples in qtwidgets | 12:58 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> this is going to make nice tablet apps | 13:17 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [oooo, this is going to be awesome], ooooh | 14:12 |
ubptgbot | Alex Cruden was added by: Alex Cruden | 14:23 |
ubptgbot | mika was added by: mika | 16:15 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> @mateosalta [qt has a lot of nice examples in qtwidgets], package them! 😄 | 16:24 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> Mateo The Packager xD | 16:33 |
ubptgbot | <Javacookies> Mateo The Reviver | 16:34 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], This would really useful! Please get this to the Open Store if you can! | 17:06 |
ubptgbot | <TotalSonic> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], [Edit] This would be really useful! Please get this to the Open Store if you can! | 17:37 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> My GPS seems to have stopped working since 4th March. I'm on Stable Version 13. My BQ Aquaris M10 normally gets a fix, even indoors, within 3 or 4 mins. Has anyone else noticed a problem? … Today is the one time I really needed to calculate a route. I'm indoors at present. I've tried UNav, Pure Maps and SensorsStatus and none them get a | 19:08 |
ubptgbot | fix, even after 10 mins. … Could the update to qt have caused the problem? | 19:08 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> If you're on stable, there have been no changes since December | 19:09 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you the best chance. | 19:10 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> @UniversalSuperBox [Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you …], Thank Dalton. I'll try that. I'll even take it outdoors if necessary. … I thought qt had been upgraded to 5.14. | 19:14 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> It has been updated to 5.12, but not until OTA-16, which is currently unreleased. | 19:15 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> The stable channel has not received an update since December | 19:15 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> @UniversalSuperBox [Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you …], [Edit] Thank Dalton. I'll try that. I'll even take it outdoors if necessary. … I thought qt had been upgraded to 5.12. | 19:20 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> I was on RC last week and checked thd qt version with a command Rodney gave me. That's what confused me. | 19:24 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> [Edit] I was on RC last week and checked the qt version with a command Rodney gave me. That's what confused me. | 19:24 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> well RC is more updated then stable so | 20:17 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> @UniversalSuperBox [Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you …], Took it outside under the stars and it worked fine. The map was slow to update as I was at the limit kf my wifi range. Anyhow, thanks for you help Dalton. | 21:04 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Cool | 21:05 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> @UniversalSuperBox [Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you …], [Edit] Took it outside under the stars and it worked fine. The map was slow to update as I was at the limit of my wifi range. Anyhow, thanks for your help Dalton. | 21:05 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> It was cool out there :) | 21:06 |
ubptgbot | <dtarrant> @UniversalSuperBox [Reboot it, put it near a window, and leave it to grab a fix. That will give you …], Just tried it indoors again and it got a fix within a couple of minutes. Must have been a shortage of satellites earlier. | 21:11 |
ubptgbot | <qtrit> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], Juegazo!!! | 21:15 |
ubptgbot | <mateosalta> @TotalSonic [This would be really useful! Please get this to the Open Store if you can!], would be cool, might not be the best one, as the open and save options would need exemptions, or reworking | 23:33 |
ubptgbot | Atti was added by: Atti | 23:43 |
ubptgbot | <Atti> Hey! Anyone in here to have ubuntu touch on TCL phone? | 23:45 |
ubptgbot | <Fuseteam> @Atti [Hey! Anyone in here to have ubuntu touch on TCL phone?], please refer to the devices.ubuntu-touch.io page it has a search function | 23:57 |
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