
leftyfbtomreyn: ptah is a troll ... that was probably their alt that you banned00:17
tomreynleftyfb: i cannot know. how do you know they're a troll?00:19
tomreynor what makes them (other then asking about a stone age ubuntu version)00:19
leftyfbtomreyn: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/YjKqVtVZ49/00:20
leftyfbI've got some stuff from 2016 along the same lines ... they're part of the "efnet news" troll group. They've been trolling channels on Efnet for years00:21
leftyfbcoming up with arcane questions is part of their game ... they half make it seem like they're legitimate questions00:21
leftyfbthis particular one was pinging me earlier asking me if I was the same one who wouldn't play their game on EFnet earlier today.00:22
tomreynthanks for the past chat (but io have no means to verify its the same user) - can we discuss this in #ubuntu-ops?00:22
leftyfband CTCP'ing random people00:22
tomreynyou know, io only gained +o on #ubuntu recently, my hopes are that someone else can identify them00:23
tomreynbut let me see the logs.00:23
tomreyni mean i'll check them00:23
pizzaiolotomreyn leftyfb https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/yWvz37Cgtr/ if it looks like a troll and acts like a troll...01:34
lotuspsychjegood morning03:42
ducassegood morning07:17
imrjdto install snap version of vlc 49 mins to install deb version of vlc 3 mins09:00
lotuspsychjeare you 56k modem imrjd ?11:39
imrjdno sir , FTH connection11:42
lotuspsychjehow can vlc snap be 49min install11:43
imrjdthats what it told me11:43
lotuspsychjeimrjd: https://imgur.com/a/zEHtsvP 6min11:51
lotuspsychje400kb/sec kinda slow indeed, maybe their repos have a hard time atm11:54
imrjdthats not acceptable when your life is on the line?12:00
lotuspsychjeyeah should be going faster indeed12:01
lotuspsychjeimrjd: feel free to file a bug; contact:   https://www.videolan.org/support/12:02
imrjdevery other distro has some issues or the other, thats why i am hanging out to ubuntu12:02
* ogra points to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/very-slow-download-speeds-while-installing-anything-from-the-store/7844 for debugging12:07
imrjdi installed the latest version of Libre Office has i had installed a bare system , so when the next LTS is released do i have to remove all PPA's and its installed software12:14
lotuspsychjeimrjd: normaly on upgrades, ubuntu disables external ppa's these days12:31
lotuspsychjeimrjd: but its surely wise to have a rather clean system/up to date before you upgrade/ltsupgrade12:38
imrjdyeah can't wait for the next release that's in 202212:41
lotuspsychjeimrjd: wayland by default probably12:43
lotuspsychjeas they are testing it on non-lts atm12:43
imrjdwayland will be enabled much earlier12:43
lotuspsychjeyeah next non lts will have it/test it12:44
imrjd:) hope nvidia get their act together and enable support for wayland12:44
lotuspsychjethere's been some work on that too12:45
lotuspsychjethere was a wiki about nvidia/wayland workaround12:45
imrjdwhat do u think of wayland12:46
lotuspsychjeits been a while since i tested it12:48
imrjddoes current 20.4 rele4ase has it?>12:49
lotuspsychjechoosable @ gdm12:49
lotuspsychjemaybe i should switch to wayland and see the bugs around to help12:50
imrjdwhat version are you on12:50
imrjdu like to stay on LTS releases12:51
lotuspsychjeim an LTS debugger12:51
lotuspsychjei need it for my customers12:51
imrjdlike ? customers12:52
lotuspsychjei got a small business selling clevo's with ubuntu/ssd's12:53
lotuspsychjebut also upgrades/second lifes of all brands12:53
imrjdare you based from germany12:53
liuyonghao156I upgraded my study rig to 20.10 this morning, only to find so many packages deprecated.12:54
liuyonghao156For the first time I felt the zfs implementation so useful12:54
lotuspsychjeliuyonghao156: what kind of packages12:55
imrjdso you switched to pervious snap shot?12:55
liuyonghao156imrjd: Definitely. I rolled right back after discovering that the cloud service that drives my day was removed, which explicitly depends on gvfs-bin12:57
liuyonghao156To be more specific, I use Nutstore, a Chinese based cloud service provider. The only thing that works both on Linux and in mainland China.13:00
liuyonghao156By the way, I don't think the zfs implementation would automatically clean up.13:01
imrjddo u keep a eye on the size of snapshots13:02
liuyonghao156I have to manually destroy history snapshots every once in a while13:02
liuyonghao156They easily take hundreds of gigs on my 500GB NVMe stick13:02
liuyonghao156I expected when I installed the system that it would only keep some reasonably new snapshots13:04
liuyonghao156but I later found it otherwise LOL13:04
imrjdthis is why i install Ext4 this time, and avoided ZFS filesystem13:05
liuyonghao156Amazingly I don't find anyone talking about this13:06
liuyonghao156I mean, literally!13:06
liuyonghao156I can only see how a charm the zfs file system works on a ubuntu fresh installation13:07
liuyonghao156But they all skip the point how those large amount of snapshots are managed13:08
tomreyni think the installer labels it as a development preview, doesnt it.13:10
imrjdis their a bug report filed somewhere on launchpad?13:11
tomreynthere are many bug reports files somewhere on launchpad, about very different things.13:11
imrjdthis specific issue?13:11
tomreynno idea :)13:11
tomreynit won't be that hard to find out, though, if you want it enough.13:12
tomreyndid http://www.fastly-debug.com/ seem to work the way it seems to be meant to work for any of you?13:13
tomreyni only get to the point where it says "Collecting data please w2ait" and spins the wheels13:13
tomreyneven after minutes, even with a new browser profile13:14
imrjdi avoid snaps at all cost13:22
lotuspsychjeyou said you installed vlc13:24
imrjddeb package13:24
lotuspsychjedid you cancel the snap13:24
imrjdi uninstalled it later on13:25
lotuspsychjeso you are curious at snaps eh :p13:26
imrjdthe command i copies from webiste specified snaps13:26
imrjdsudo snap install vlc13:26
lotuspsychjesudo snap remove vlc 5sec :p13:34
imrjddid just that :)13:34
imrjdsnap as a concept is very good i like it but performance and making others use it not cool13:34
lotuspsychjewe cant generalize that imrjd13:35
lotuspsychjesnaps have different maintainers13:35
lotuspsychjethey dont all work the same13:35
imrjdtoday i installed a outrun classic game as a snap13:35
imrjdcannonball snap from martimwimpress13:36
imrjdinitial launch took time13:36
imrjdthen its ok13:36
imrjdi like the game brings young memories13:36
lotuspsychjethe car race game outrun?13:37
imrjdit downloaded core20 first13:37
lotuspsychjethats cool13:38
lotuspsychjebut thats the opposite of your statement; <imrjd> i avoid snaps at all cost13:38
imrjdyes and maybe legal issue also as the game downloads a ROM13:44
imrjdsadly sometimes the pill is bitter but you have to swallow it13:49
imrjdbut hey i am njoying the ganme :)14:01
longxiaThis article (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/psa-linux-folks-stay-away-from-the-5-12-rc1-kernel/) mentions ubuntu using a swap file but all of my installs use a swap partition (LTS server and DE). Is this a recent change? Or is the article wrong?14:34
jeremy31longxia: Ubuntu will install with a swap partition if one already exists14:37
longxiaI know it's about an RC release. I was just wondering if a swap file has become a default during install, or maybe I subconsciously always choose a swap partition.14:38
longxiajeremy31: I mean clean installs.14:38
longxiaI do mostly use LVM. Maybe that defaults to using a swap partition?14:38
jeremy31longxia: I fresh install on a empty drive will get a swap file, if you use an ISO to install 20.04 over a 16.04 with a swap partition, the 20.04 should use the partition rather than a file14:39
jeremy31Unless you choose to delete the partition before installing14:40
jeremy3118.04 was the first to use a swap file14:41
longxiajeremy31: ah, thanks. Some of my Ubuntu installations were provided by a VPS hosting company so that may play a part.14:43
longxiajeremy31: Thanks!14:43
longxiathey provided the image, I mean, not pre-installed.14:44
jeremy31longxia: servers might still use a partition on an empty drive, I don't know.  They don't even mention what change causes the issue with swap file14:45
maxFlexGuestDo you recommend installing Kubuntu 20.04 LTS alongside Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS or installing KDE Plasma with APT from within Ubuntu Studio (not Xubuntu 20.04 LTS)?15:24
leftyfbmaxFlexGuest: why would you install an entirely new OS when you just want an additional DE?15:26
maxFlexGuestDoes installing the KDE Plasma desktop environment automatically unlock access to Kubuntu software?15:27
leftyfbmaxFlexGuest: I'm not sure. You might have to install some applications15:27
maxFlexGuestIs it true that if I am running one flavor of Ubuntu Focal Fossa, then the APT repositories will include repositories for desktop environments from other Focal Fossa flavors?16:02
lotuspsychjemaxFlexGuest: tomreyn already explained you that in -studio?16:03
imrjdi want a particular screen saver ?16:33

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