
Sigyn** Warning: if there is any bot in #ubuntu-server which should be exempted from Sigyn, contact staffers before it gets caught **00:39
mybalzitchI for one, welcome our new bot overlord00:42
tewarddaftykins: RE: your messages hours ago, COVID has made door-to-door sort of untenable.  Not to mention the problem with crazies and such.  SO, door to door doesn't work anymore.  But yes, I bypass the small selling stands and such and can go straight to the source xD  She can give me the case of cookies and spread the payment to which ever of the girlscout troops she wants XD  Either way I get a ton of cookies xD02:55
daftykinsonly ever heard of them from TV + folks stateside, i was quite disappointed when i first learnt it's just a corporate machine and not homemade by local troops xD02:57
sarnoldas corporate cookies go they're above average02:58
daftykinsmaybe one day i will be able to sample them02:59
tewarddaftykins: where're you again?  I might be able to faciliate shipping a sample overseas xD03:04
tewardsarnold: "above average"?  Compared to the other hugely produced cookies, they're pretty substantially tastier :P03:05
daftykinsah that's good of you, but it'd cost an arm and a leg - i'm on the Channel Island of Guernsey, between England and France03:05
tewardyeowch yes it would.  even by bare minimum shipping it'd take an eon.03:07
daftykinsit would have to be a full pallet to justify the rates! *cough* ;D03:10
ASDXdo many people use cobbler to deploy ubuntu VMs? i don't want to deploy a centos VM just for cobbler so was looking for alternatives03:13
tewardfirst time i'm hearing of 'cobbler' as a deployment tool for Ubuntu VMs...03:13
tewardmy 2 cents ;)03:13
ASDXyeh, i had only used it for centos/RHEL but it's an option!03:17
ducassei think i found a bug in netplan08:15
ducassecan anyone test if 'netplan try' works when pointing it to a specific config file and setting a timeout? for me it still takes the default config and ignores the timeout i set08:17
ducasse18.04, btw08:32
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