
cactus123hello. i hope i'm the right place22:12
cactus123i'm trying to remove snap but i'm not sure how will it affect my system22:13
gnrpcactus123: It depends on whether you have packages installed that require snap22:14
gnrpcactus123: If you just try uninstalling it, you will see a list of packages that depend on it and would also get removed. You can still decide to cancel the action, then22:14
Unit193Can you run `snap list` or `snap info` to see what's installed?22:14
cactus123i have gnome-3-28-1804 and gtk-common-themes listed there. does removing them have negative impact22:14
Unit193If you are using Xubuntu, then not really no.22:15
Unit193If you're using GNOME or something like that, I have no idea.  That first one seems a bit odd to me.22:15
cactus123so if i remove them, i can still access my DE as usual?22:15
gnrpcactus123: It is in Xubuntu only required for few certain packages, like the chromium browser22:16
cactus123i did install chromium22:16
cactus123with snap22:16
Unit193Xubuntu doesn't actually ship with any snaps in and of itself, on upgrades software-center tries to convert itself to a snap though.22:17
cactus123ahhhh no wonder. so it got into my system because i install chromium through ubuntu apt?22:18
gnrpcactus123: Pretty likely22:18
* gnrp got so fed up with snap not being able to use a different directory than ~/snap that I uninstalled it as well22:18
cactus123ok i thing i start to understand. i'm a very new user. not familiar with command line and all22:19
cactus123using ubuntu as my laptop is aging22:19
cactus123ok. i'm gonna try. worst thing is i just had to reinstall with liveusb22:20
cactus123thank for the help both of you :)22:20
gnrpcactus123: removign snap is safe to the xubuntu system itself22:20
cactus123i will follow the instruction online22:20
cactus123oh before i get to that, i was wondering about snap auto-update. specifically how large is the update file is. as i understand, the regular installation file for any snap package is very large, is the auto-update large too? my concern since i'm on limited data connection22:24
gnrpcan't help you with that, sorry. But indeed, the principle of snap is that the packages are bigger22:26
cactus123ok thanks :)22:29
xu-help29wHi - any suggestions for an easy way to install a new xubuntu version alongside my existing install, without having to make a boot disk?22:29
Unit193Depends on how much ram you have.22:31
xu-help29wi started googling ram disks, but it looked more complicated than digging a usb key out of a drawer somewhere22:42
xu-help29wthank you though :)22:42
Unit193Actually I was just going with: install grub-rescueboot, pop the iso into /boot/grml/ and run update-grub, reboot and select the new ISO at the grub menu, but ensure 'toram' is passed as an option.22:43
cactus123successfully removing snap without ill effect after reboot :)22:48
gnrpcactus123: Congrats! ;)22:48
cactus123yeah i see it now22:58
cactus123when i want to install chromium through apt, it also want to install snapd22:58
Unit193Because chromium no longer exists in the repo, yep.22:59

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