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Revan343Hey all06:29
Revan343Anybody happen to know the command to start the application menu from the command line? Google's not being helpful06:30
Revan343(I want to run an instance of it over xpra, so I can easily start whatever other programs I want)06:31
Revan343(Might be the whole taskbar I'm looking to run, now that I think about it)06:41
guivercRevan343, /etc/xdg/menus/lxqt-applications.menu contains the menu, lxqt-panel runs it, pcmanfm-qt is both the desktop.manager & file.manager for lxqt, lxqt-runner maybe easier to start programs06:43
Revan343guiverc: Sweet, thank you07:02
Revan343Hm. lxqt-runner doesn't want to actually show up07:04
Revan343(lxqt-panel sorta worked-- it just showed as a black bar, though the menu still worked fine)07:05
Revan343Still, this is progress, thanks for the help :)07:05
guivercI may have added lxqt-runner to my system, yeah I don't see it in https://packages.ubuntu.com/groovy/lubuntu-desktop07:05
Revan343Oh it's installed07:06
Revan343It's just not displaying right07:06
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> hu07:07
Revan343Nothing's displaying quite right, I definitely need to work out some bugs with xpra, but runner isn't displaying at all :(07:07
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> i installed ubuntu minimal07:07
guiverci have no experience with xpra so cannot help there (I was ignoring that detail as I know zip about it)07:08
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> but some programs are not working properly07:08
Revan343guiverc: I figured, I'm just thinking out loud at this point07:10
Revan343(xpra is basically screen for GUI programs, the idea is to simplify X11 forwarding, because x11 forwarding is a pain in general, and keep things running during disconnects)07:11
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> it says "application data not found" : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/fae99ec3/file_2036.jpg07:12
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> but i type sudo -H gnome-software and it works fine07:12
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> I don't want to enter these commands every time I want to open the program07:13
lubot[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> looks like this and doesnt let me install any programs : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/fb2ef889/file_2037.jpg07:16
guiverc@alamutfedaisi, you may be better suited using #ubuntu, as gnome-software & ubuntu-minimal are not Lubuntu products07:21
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