[15:09] Luke Marsden: i've created https://github.com/canonical/mlflow-operators and invited you to it [15:10] thanks knkski! any idea why juju isn't working for me on minikube as of 2.9-rc7? screenshots above if you can see them.. [15:11] Luke Marsden: that looks like a juju rbac bug, maybe jam knows more [15:11] you could try disabling rbac to see if that fixes it short-term [21:39] any ins"> If this is edge breaking you, you should be able to "snap install juju --channel=2.9/candidate" instead of the latest development tip, but we appreciate getting feedback so we know if we need to make improvements. Ideally in the form of a Launchpad bug, but I can run this across to the team this afternoon. [21:45] We might also have a fix in the pipeline for this error, we're working on getting edge updated.