=== thedac_ is now known as thedac [07:35] Permasat [07:35] 177, 84 [07:35] To [07:35] Zona [07:35] Mosha [07:36] ????? [07:37] Don Bosco [07:38] 60 [07:38] Ti? === Hybrid51222 is now known as Hybrid512 [09:20] achilleasa, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/12736 this brings in the charm dep === icey_ is now known as icey [19:26] Je aktive [19:26] Jam 30 vjec pasive [19:26] Hey [19:26] eri nga je [19:27] Ti Nga je [19:27] me ty folA ma heret [19:45] Ckm [19:45] C KEMI [19:46] Hey [19:46] Ckem m shyri [19:46] Mir [19:46] Sa vj Je [19:46] Ak a pas [19:47] Akt [19:47] To [19:47] Pas. Czon je [21:03] Greetings. Generally we prefer to keep the chat here in English. If you do have any questions feel free to ask