
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Ah alright I think it would be good then.03:07
valorie@ahoneybun the #ubuntu-flavors chan has been very useful03:15
valoriePopOS! people would be welcome there03:15
valorieI think the actual testing coordination was done in #ubuntu-testing03:16
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> It's not a flavor though03:16
valoriejphilips: correct me if that's wrong03:16
valoriebut others who are not official are in there too03:16
jphilipsits #ubuntu-quality03:17
valorieoh thank you03:17
jphilipsor the ubuntu testers telegram group03:17
valorieI'll rejoin thaat03:17
valorieaha, that's why I got confused03:17
jphilipsi did as well :D03:18
jphilipsthere is a flavors and derivatives channels on telegram03:19
valorie@ahoneybun ^^^03:20
jphilipsits not bridged with IRC though03:21
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Thanks!03:21
jphilipsif they'd like to have it bridged, we can ask popey03:21
jphilipsnon-flavors are welcome to join the UTW, as they will benefit from the changes and popularize it amongst their users03:22
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
jphilipsvalorie: i've prepared the xubuntu announcement text, so you team is welcome to add their kubuntu version - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZDIfV3X3pN0EWwmY_GaE6tCKfWCAmUrQxOm6NR6x3Qo/edit#07:37

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