=== Fire-Dragon-DoL- is now known as Fire-Dragon-DoL === alejandro is now known as Guest63617 === Guest63617 is now known as Alejandro3112197 === smack is now known as JHMmmm [01:11] I don't have an adm password [01:12] ?? [01:23] helllo [02:02] !root [02:02] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo === wuseman is now known as Guest57052 === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [03:11] Evening! Urgent problem. Trying to run the 20.10 installer. Create a logical volume, New Volume Group, List of Physical Volumes area is blank. Any idea why? [03:14] NVMe drives === rebecca is now known as Guest68115 === leaftype is now known as leaftype2 [04:38] If anyone's around I would greatly appreciate a little help with this. [04:39] Kraus, if you don't get an answer here, you can always try #ubuntu [04:40] No one seems to be active there either.. plus I think this is something specific to the KDE installer. I'm actually confused about it. Not sure if this is a new thing for all distros, or if it's specific to KDE. [04:41] The default gnome ubuntu installer screens are different looking. Different options. [04:41] Kubuntu uses ubiquity (same installer as most flavors; except lubuntu, ubuntu-studio & ubuntu-server) - kubuntu use only a skin over ubiquity [04:41] Any idea why all my physical drives aren't showing up? [04:41] err physical volumes [04:42] If I just install to a volume, it's there, but if I try to make an LVM volume group, none show up. [04:42] sorry, I don't think I've installed kubuntu since 18.04.5 (aug-2020) which was too long ago so unwilling to guess [04:43] It's fine.. maybe someone else here will see what we're saying :) I've been searching online for answers in the meantime [04:43] yeah I see you in #Ubuntu now (I'd not looked), Ubuntu Studio in 20.10 use calamares (same as lubuntu) === smack is now known as JHMnop [04:52] Yeah.. [04:53] I think I'm just gonna go to Mint with XFCE.. === eon is now known as Guest27940 === TsynkVoin_ is now known as TsynkVoin [06:08] gun4real was added by: gun4real === eduardo is now known as Guest92505 === wuseman is now known as Guest9297 [12:11] Hi folks === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === zorael^ is now known as zorael === marco_ is now known as marco === marco is now known as ppcc [15:10] ciao a tt === marco is now known as pptt [15:11] Peng Min was added by: Peng Min [15:11] ciao a tt [15:12] /ctcp SEcT|MuSiC|01 xdcc send #786 [16:49] techtommey was added by: techtommey [18:16] Hi every one, i have qeustion in kubuntu battery health working currctly because i buy new battery for my laptop in first battery healthy is 100% after full charge become 97% [18:21] Or my laptop problem [18:38] probably your hardware, my laptop battery is a few months old and displays 100% health [18:47] Is it just me, or is spellcheck royally messed up in Kde 5 Plasma? [19:08] JonyPooh: which exact Plasma and what language are you talking about? Works perfectly fine for me in English, French and German [19:08] and it's Plasma 5, not KDE 5 [19:19] Mamarok: Spell seems to be working now. Not sure what I did. === JHMnop is now known as blackbelt_jones [20:15] @Mamarok, Now its on 98%,can you explain me how i know its my hardware or battery because my battery has warranty if had problem i can replace that [20:18] I dont have any problem with saving charge i test it can save around two hours when play movie === aiworm is now known as aiworm_ === aiworm_ is now known as aiworm === aiworm is now known as noodle21 === noodle21 is now known as aiworm === aiworm is now known as aiworm__ === aiworm_ is now known as aiworm [21:48] 玮 张 was added by: 玮 张