
callmepkgood morning01:39
dufluMorning callmepk 03:14
didrocksgood morning07:06
didrocksAm I the only one having alt+tab broken on https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/194#issuecomment-793143890? (only switching between the last 2 windows, no windows switcher)07:07
didrockssuper+tab has the same effect, only switching between the last 2 windows07:07
didrocksfrustating, I really can’t switch between apps :/ (forced to used the dock + click click or windows key + number)07:09
didrockswaow, even clicking on a windows doesn’t give the focus back to it, something is really broken (XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 as I am on nvidia)07:11
* didrocks reboots in case there is an issue between xorg/mutter07:11
didrocksrebooting and still broken, nothing in syslog…07:13
didrocksso, I can’t move windows either07:14
didrocks(nor resize)07:14
didrocksafk for a bit, I will try to revert mutter (which was upgraded), maybe the Shell and see07:15
didrocksor remove the desktop extension ng07:16
dufluMorning didrocks -> bug 191792607:19
ubot5bug 1917926 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Window focus issues for Xorg sessions in 3.38.3-3ubuntu1" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191792607:19
callmepkmorning didrocks 07:20
didrockshey duflu, callmepk 07:20
didrocksduflu: ack, so reverting mutter it seems then07:21
dufluYeah. I ran out of time yesterday to track it down further. Hopefully will have some insight today07:21
* didrocks logs out/back in07:23
jibelGood morning all07:29
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:32
jibelsalut oSoMoN 07:33
oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:46
didrocksreverting mutter only doesn’t help due to glibc or so I guess07:48
didrocksthen reverting failed because the rebase of zfs-linux that was done dropped and my system is all broken…07:52
didrocksnot a fun day07:52
dufluMorning jibel, oSoMoN, Nafallo 07:58
didrocksok. finally back to a working state and I only lost all my browser tabs…08:01
Nafallosalut bouncy didrocks :-D08:01
Nafalloyou missed my greeting, so you get your own special one ;-)08:01
didrocksahah, hey hey Nafallo :p08:03
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oSoMoNhey duflu, didrocks, Nafallo 08:37
jibelhi duflu 08:48
seb128lut didrocks, oSoMoN, jibel 08:52
seb128hey Nafallo 08:52
seb128hey duflu 08:52
didrockssalut oSoMoN, seb128 08:53
dufluHi seb128 08:59
dufluseb128, I don't want to step on Marco's toes but I think we need to revert the input thread from mutter (bug 1917926). It would be simple enough, but a massive diff. So I will leave it to one of you guys with Debian powers09:01
ubot5bug 1917926 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Window focus issues for Xorg sessions in 3.38.3-3ubuntu1" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191792609:01
seb128duflu, is that what creates the focus issue on x?09:01
dufluseb128, it's a 45k line patch and there's very little else09:01
seb128let's see what Trevinho and Laney say, I've no followed the details09:02
dufluThat would also mess with my head if I keep thinking about it till dinner time so I will context switch09:03
seb128but right, either we fix it or we revert09:03
dufluHi Laney09:04
Laneyhey duflu 09:04
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:05
Laneyhey seb128 09:05
Laneyyeah doing good, the sun is heeeerrrreeee09:06
Laneyalthough after tomorrow the rain & wind will be here https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcrjm8jf7#?date=2021-03-1309:07
didrockshey Laney 09:09
Laneymoin didrocks 09:10
seb128I'm alright, waiting to see if I get a normal work day, yesterday daycare called midday for us to pick up the little one because of her cold  (covid rules, even if they have no fever they send them back), it was better this morning but yesterday morning was fine as well so let's see09:13
Laneyour friends with a kid have had that a bit09:14
Laneyhave to get test, isolate until you hear back ...09:14
JanCif they send all kids home that are coughing this time of the year, not a lot of kids will be there...  ;)09:18
seb128oSoMoN also is having some similar fun...09:25
Laneythat's part of the service these places provide normally :p09:27
Laneylike an immune system booster zone09:27
oSoMoNyeah, when there's one positive case in a class here they confine them all for an entire week (and have them tested), so since returning from EOY holidays it's been one week on / one week off, and with a little bit of bad luck it could continue like that until the end of the school year :/09:58
seb128to snap people here, I was checking a build log10:22
seb128the log has 'CVE-2020-27348: A potentially empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set for environment in 'quadrapassel'. The current working directory will be added to the library path if empty. This can cause unexpected libraries to be loaded.'10:22
seb128does it mean the snap needs to be fixed somehow? the error is not real clear to me10:22
seb128the yaml has10:22
seb128    environment:10:22
seb128      GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR: $SNAP/share/glib-2.0/schemas10:22
seb128      LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SNAP/lib/quadrapassel10:22
seb128how can it result in an empty env?10:23
Laneyif LD_LIBRARY_PATH is undset10:23
Laneyyou get ":$SNAP/lib/quadrapassel" in the variable10:23
Laneyand that's what the CVE is about10:23
seb128I guess my bash is lacking10:23
seb128that would be empty and no equivalent to $SNAP/lib/quadrapassel ?10:23
Laneyit's the :10:24
seb128I though it would split on ":"10:24
Laneyand one side being emptuy10:24
seb128I though the env was a list split on ':'10:24
Laneyempty means load from the current directory10:24
Laneywhich means you can inject random libraries10:24
seb128I see10:24
seb128so what's the fix?10:24
seb128I feel like that error could have a reference url that explains what to do for people like me!10:24
Laneydiddleda_n did a post about it https://diddledan.com/about-cve-2020-27348/10:25
Laneyyou don't need to append, drop the "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:" bit10:25
Laneyand yeah, a reference would be good there I think10:26
seb128where is sergiusens when you need him :p10:27
seb128I will report on github I guess10:27
seb128learning every day, I always did the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<extra> thing when I tweaked env10:28
seb128Laney, thanks!10:28
seb128now I need to google why is $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<value> not loosing the default directories10:28
seb128I guess it doesn't matter in a confined snap because there is no user tweaked paths which might have been added to that env, vs a classic system where it could be the case?10:30
oSoMoNseb128, there's some magic in the snapcraft-runner script that ends up in the command chain, that adds the current value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the export if it's not unset10:32
oSoMoN$ grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH /snap/chromium/current/snap/command-chain/snapcraft-runner 10:34
oSoMoNexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}$SNAP/lib:$SNAP/usr/lib:$SNAP/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$SNAP/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"10:34
seb128oSoMoN, thanks!10:36
seb128I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/191826710:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1918267 in Snapcraft "The warning for CVE-2020-27348 could include a reference to how to fix" [Undecided,New]10:36
WimpressMorning o/10:37
seb128hey Wimpress! how are you?10:44
WimpressWell very :-) Blue skies and sunshine. Great for the school walk. Yourself?10:45
oSoMoNgood morning Wimpress 10:50
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Nafallohmm. are the new desktop installer using launchpad for wishlist bugs? :-)11:25
Nafallo^-- marcustomlinson oSoMoN :-)11:29
Nafalloseb128: looks like you're involved as well ;-)11:31
seb128Nafallo, no, github, https://chat.canonical.com/canonical/channels/new-desktop-installer11:33
seb128shrug, sorry11:39
seb128firefox match error, I meant https://github.com/Canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer11:39
Nafalloah, I'm already there :-)11:39
Nafallothanks. I'll convert some of my old internal ubiquity issues then :-)11:43
jibelon hirsute since several days, my screen doesn't blank after a delay. Is it a known bug?12:43
seb128I haven't seen it mentioned but I didn't keep up with triaging incoming bugs recently, duflu would probably know bettr12:46
MirvTrevinho: Next laptop configured (Thinkpad L13 Gen 2), this time a supported fingerprint reader whee! :) 06cb:00bd Do you know if anyone has looked at the complete UX of it though? It seemed to work great otherwise but using fingerprint for logging in then asks manually to unlock GNOME's keychain with the normal password (a bit like when doing auto-login), so no logging in effort or not needing to 13:00
Mirvtype password saved as such.13:00
jibelTrevinho, can you just revert mutter to something that is working? currently hirsute is just unusable13:02
Trevinhojibel: I could, but i'm trying to handle it better, can't you use wayland meanwhile?13:03
jibelno I cannot13:03
jibelcannot you revert, then you have all the time you need to handle it better?13:03
jibelat least it won't break those using hirsute13:04
seb128+on nvidia (or deciding to opt in to the non default session)13:04
seb128it's mischaracterized to say hirsute is broken by default...13:05
seb128+1 from me on reverting though13:05
didrockswell, if you want to be picky, this is hirsute by default for me with my nvidia card though…13:06
didrocksI have no other options :/13:06
seb128didrocks, I started with '+on nvidia'13:10
seb128so yes, I realize that and didn't deny it...13:10
Mirvah, LP: #1875845 and the related upstream bug seems that, nevermind trenvinho13:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1875845 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "keyring cannot be unlocked if used fingerprint to login gnome session" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187584513:10
didrockswell, this is broken for my default, then, let’s say :p13:12
jibelIMHO, an upload introduces a major issue then there is no question, a revert should be done ASAP.13:13
didrocksI was sure this would led to this kind of discussion on picking on words, this is why I reverted for me (discovering another regression by the kernel team on our zfs patch though), signalled it and go back to productive work13:13
seb128didrocks, smart move :-)13:15
seb128it's true that the confrontational tone is usually a recipe for arguments like we are having now...13:15
didrocksunsure if I said anything confrontational?13:15
seb128not you, jibel 13:16
seb128I agree with you, nvidia is broken and we should revert13:16
jibelwhat is confrontational, is it a critical issue or not?13:17
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seb128jibel, it is but stating 'currently hirsute is just unusable' is a mischaracterization13:24
seb128it is maybe for you13:24
seb128and on a class or hardware13:24
seb128but the default session is working fine13:25
seb128I don't think it helps to exagerate the issue, describing accurently is enough13:25
jibelI cannot use wayland because I cannot do screen sharing and do demo to customers13:25
seb128it's broken on xorg sessions, which includes nvidia13:25
seb128it's broken for you13:26
seb128that's different from just being broken13:26
seb128anyway, feel free to ignore my feedback13:26
jibelI don't understand the point of your feedback, it's a critical bug for a class of users and should be reverted13:27
seb128yes, I agree with that13:27
jibelthen it releases the pressure to fix it properly13:27
seb128I just don't think that claiming that it's plainly broken (= for everyone) is helping13:27
jibelokay, maybe my initial statement was too broad13:27
seb128if you had stated 'it's a critical bug for a class of users' we wouldn't even be having that discussion13:28
seb128and for the record I'm not nitpicking to make an argument, Marco didn't upload something just broken and I don't think it's fair to him when that's what is said13:32
seb128anyway, back to the issue, let's do the revert13:32
seb128Trevinho, also let's try to ensure we test xorg and wayland sessions before any upload13:32
seb128to at least catch the obvious breakage cases13:32
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, onestly I didn't notice it... indeed I spent more time on wayland13:33
Trevinhosince it was the only part really affected by big changes13:33
Trevinhowhile xorg ones were just side effects (which apparently mattered)13:33
Trevinhojibel: as per screensharing, how is it that it doesn't work for you?13:33
Trevinhoon wayland I mean13:34
seb128Trevinho, you probably didn't test xorg much, the issue is rather noticable when you try to use the desktop13:34
jibelTrevinho, in Chrome, I don't see other windows than Chrome, and if I share the entire screen it's all black13:35
TrevinhoMirv: unfortunately that's not something we can easily fix: to unlock the keyring we need an actual token, which is normally unlocked via password, but there's no way we can do it via fingerprint because there's no secret in there. 13:36
Trevinhojibel: there's an experimental option but I think that's not working great (give it a look in the flags though)13:36
Trevinhojibel: but it does work well in firefox (if you run with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND)13:36
Trevinhooh, actually also without that option should work as it uses the gtk portal to get the windows13:37
Trevinhoso, should go any method you use with ff13:37
jibelI don't use firefox, I've no sound with Zoom13:37
MirvTrevinho: ack, not an easy problem to solve. if I some day get a laptop of my own with a fingerprint reader (looking at XPS 13 9310 development edition availability around here with sadness in eyes), I'd love to tinker around though13:38
TrevinhoMirv: yeah, we've to figure out a secure way... But unfortunately it's not easy... Other OSes make it work by making the user not to access to the data, but not sure it's easy enough for us, because unless there's disk encryption all data could be read in some way...13:40
TrevinhoMirv: Maybe an option would be to make gnome keyring to make the user to add it's fingerprint, so when it can verify the fingerprint it generates a token to use to unlock the keyring and so reuse it, but it would be still saved around in your home.... 13:42
NafalloTrevinho: hmm. it's only unlocked on first login right? do what google does and require password on first login and use the fingerprint to unlock a locked session?13:46
NafalloI reckon people should be used to that workflow.13:46
TrevinhoNafallo: yeah, that's another option indeed.13:46
TrevinhoI think that security team was ok with logging in but also not to unlock without fingerprint13:47
TrevinhoI mean not to be able to use fingerprint to unlock the keyring13:48
TrevinhoI've to check again but I think windows allows to login with fingerprint as well, but not sure it should be our comparison here13:48
Nafallowell, if we ever want to land encrypted home directory again now that we have the one in the filesystem I can't remember the name of right now we want password at first login anyway.13:50
Nafallooh, and coincentally, that's why Android do what they do I think :-D13:53
Nafallofull circle13:54
Nafallokind of like the Ubuntu we know and love13:54
luna_Hello, having time to attend the meeting today for the first time in a while, been sick and deppresed, but starting to feel a bit better and have some energy again now14:25
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:27
luna_good afternoon14:27
seb128hey Heather, how are you?14:28
seb128hey luna!14:28
hellsworthhi seb128, i'm good and you?14:28
seb128I'm alright thanks!14:29
luna_hey seb128 and hellsworth, was getting some food but here now14:29
hellsworthwelcome luna_ , nice to see you again :)14:30
seb128#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2021-03-0914:30
meetingologyMeeting started at 14:30:11 UTC.  The chair is seb128.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology14:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick14:30
seb128Roll call:  didrocks, duflu (out), jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out), hellsworth14:30
seb128alright, let's get started14:31
seb128#topic rls-hh-bugs14:32
seb128why isn't the bot responding to this anymore?14:32
seb128oh, I guess the channel topic is locked?14:32
* didrocks can act like the bot is needed14:32
seb128thanks but let's not bother :)14:33
seb128the first one is the revert Trevinho is working on now14:33
seb128bug #191688114:33
ubot5bug 1916881 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Thunderbird unable to access external pgp keys" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191688114:33
seb128that one needs some debugging but without understanding it better and confirming the issue it doesn't sound like a rls issue14:34
seb128oSoMoN, wdyt?14:34
oSoMoNI need to triage that one, but essentially I think it's working as intended, i.e. upstream made the informed decision to not use the system GPG keyring14:35
oSoMoNI'll dig deeper and will comment on the bug14:35
luna_says its on Lubuntu in the log14:35
seb128the desktop probably doesn't make much of a difference there14:35
seb128oSoMoN, thanks14:35
seb128things are assigned there14:36
seb128#topic rls-gg-bug14:36
seb128the libreoffice one was already reviewed just not properly triaged14:36
luna_same Thunderbird one, and one about Libreoffice calc14:36
seb128the thunderbird one we just discussed14:37
seb128bug #1880258 14:37
ubot5bug 1880258 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "Add trailing dot to make connectivity-check.ubuntu.com. absolute and reduce NXDOMAIN warning noise" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188025814:37
seb128I'm going to remove the network-manager target line, the systemd fix is what got targetted14:38
seb128those just got added as a side effect14:38
luna_backport if needed?14:38
seb128systemd has been SRUed14:39
seb128I don't think we will change n-m14:39
seb128bug 189092414:39
ubot5bug 1890924 in geoclue-2.0 (Ubuntu Focal) "Location services work with location services off, 20.04" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189092414:39
seb128I've assigned myself since I uploaded that one14:39
seb128bug #1914374 needs triaging14:40
ubot5bug 1914374 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Multiple issues on HP ZBook 15 G7 after installing 20.04.2 image" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191437414:40
seb128that's it for G14:40
seb128#topic rls-ff-bug14:40
seb128the thunderbird one we already reviewed14:41
seb128the unassigned ones are fix commited14:41
seb128#topic rls-bb-bug14:41
seb128no desktop14:42
seb128the n-m one we discussed and that's it14:42
seb128#topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages14:42
seb128we unblocked some migration which is making the list easier to read14:42
seb128we should probably check the java-atk-wrapper build failure14:43
seb128tiff is an ongoing MIR review14:43
seb128gjs got a fixed revision uploaded to Debian now, we will see once it's synced14:43
seb128oSoMoN, Trevinho , ^ one of you is syncing it?14:43
Trevinhoseb128: already done14:43
seb128I will check the n-m one14:43
seb128ah, thanks14:44
oSoMoNI can take a look at java-atk-wrapper14:44
seb128oSoMoN, thanks!14:44
seb128I'm poking at the webkit2gtk one, reported to Debian, I will also try upstream14:44
seb128and that's it for proposed, nice to be able to review the section again ;-)14:44
seb128#topic AOB14:44
seb128any other topic?14:44
Trevinhonot sure if discussed the email about this meeting itself...14:45
TrevinhoLaney's one I mean14:45
seb128people should reply to the email :)14:46
luna_not sure i have seen it 14:46
seb128I don't think IRC is going to be the right format for that discussion14:46
Trevinhoyeah, ok...14:46
seb128it was a private team email14:46
luna_ah 14:46
seb128but basically he's questionning how useful the meeting is with the current format14:46
seb128with some valid points14:46
seb128it feels like only some people stick around14:47
seb128and the bug reviews and deciding could be taken outside the meeting14:47
luna_makes sense i did not get it as an occisional contributor then 14:47
Laneyyeah I just sent it to the Canonical team right now14:47
luna_but good to know14:47
LaneySHAKIN IT UP14:47
Laneywell, nobody replied, so tremoring it up14:47
seb128anything else?14:48
seb128seems not, it's a wrap then14:49
seb128thanks everyong!14:49
meetingologyMeeting ended at 14:49:23 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2021/ubuntu-desktop.2021-03-09-14.30.moin.txt14:49
luna_thx, cyas14:49
Nafalloseb is faster than the bot anyway :-P14:49
NafalloI've been holding that one in ;-)14:50
Nafalloseb128: btw, I haven't checked up on you... feeling better?14:51
seb128Nafallo, I do, thanks!15:01
Nafalloglad to hear it :-)15:02
didrocksseb128: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg libnotify -> R sugar, but I don’t find that in debian/control, am I mislooking?15:41
seb128didrocks, sorry, it's a merge error it seems, I'm fixing it15:45
didrocksseb128: thanks15:45
didrocksseb128: I got pressured in the MIR team again for libdeflate and abseil, asked to get them cleared out of c-m by next week15:48
* didrocks tired of being the messenger15:48
RikMillswhen did we start getting openjdk/jre on ISOs :(15:53
jibelit's apparently pulled to satisfy ure-java15:57
jibelhellsworth, ^ is it expected?15:57
hellsworthwhat distro?15:59
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jibelUbuntu I suppose15:59
hellsworthi mean which animal :)15:59
seb128ricotz, ^15:59
jibeland hirsute :)15:59
jibelbuild log ^16:00
hellsworthk thanks. looking now16:00
RikMillsupgrading liblibreoffice-java (7.0.4 -> 7.1.1) in my VM drags in the ure-jave/jdk/jre16:04
ricotzhmm afaics this caused due to recommending libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb16:07
hellsworthok i opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1918308. Please feel free to add info to it.16:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1918308 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Upgrading liblibreoffice-java pulls openjdk/jre on ISOs" [Undecided,New]16:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1916786 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "weak dependency to libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:07
hellsworthmaybe adding libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb wasn't the right solution afterall16:09
RikMillshellsworth: thx :)16:09
ricotzhellsworth, maybe :(16:11
ricotzno that is something different16:13
Nafallo(I'll just point out that the animal is Hippo, the adjective is hirsute ;-))16:14
hellsworthoh well then idk ricotz :)16:14
hellsworthha yes so it is :)16:14
Nafallohad to unconfuse myself :-)16:15
hellsworthsince it's a hairy hippo, we should just call him hippy. covers both bases :)16:15
hellsworthi like it :)16:16
hellsworthhe was running ubuntu before it was cool..16:17
Nafallohairy hippo!?16:17
hellsworthhirsute == hairy16:17
Nafallohaha. this is starting to sound like me ;-)16:17
Nafalloah. yeah, true :-P16:17
oSoMoNseb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/java-atk-wrapper/0.38.0-2ubuntu1, and I just realized I forgot to file a FTBFS bug and reference it in the changelog :/16:18
Nafalloman... I'm starting to loose track of the h's... hoary, [:blank:], hirsute16:20
seb128oSoMoN, great, thanks!16:21
seb128oSoMoN, would be best if forwarded to Debian I guess?16:23
seb128oSoMoN, ah, probably fixed with https://salsa.debian.org/a11y-team/java-atk-wrapper/-/commit/a17c14e9 there?16:23
oSoMoNhuh, how did I miss that commit? I'd swear I checked salsa, maybe I didn't…16:26
oSoMoNthat's probably better than my patch, let me check whether it works16:27
oSoMoN(I didn't forward my patch to Debian because I saw that the package didn't fail to build on s390x there)16:27
RikMillshellsworth ricotz16:31
RikMills'pass' on what is going on there16:32
oSoMoNseb128, indeed the patch in salsa also fixes the build on s390x, much better than my approach16:33
oSoMoNre-uploading in a moment16:36
hellsworthRikMills: please add that to #191830816:36
RikMillshellsworth: just did :)16:37
hellsworthah ok thanks :)16:37
hellsworthi'm going to focus on something else and i think ricotz is going to look at 1918308 later..16:37
RikMillsno problem. thank you16:38
ricotzRikMills, thanks for the pointer!16:41
oSoMoNseb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/java-atk-wrapper/0.38.0-2ubuntu216:42
seb128oSoMoN, :+1:16:42
oSoMoNinterestingly, the errors listed in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=984069 are not the ones we're seeing in Ubuntu, but the patch works anyway16:43
ubot5Debian bug 984069 in src:java-atk-wrapper "java-atk-wrapper: ftbfs with GCC-11" [Normal,Open]16:43
ricotzRikMills, is this problem serious enough to spin a new libreoffice build asap?16:54
seb128Laney, didrocks, just as a follow up, I pushed changed for that change-override merge request (unsure if you are subscribed so I'm mentioning it in case not, not hurry for the review)16:57
didrocksseb128: thanks, I hadn’t notice it, will have a look16:58
RikMillsricotz: How big an issue it is, is probably outside my ability comment on. I simply seem to recall discussions in the past saying that people REALLY did not want to have all the jdk/jre things on ISOs. 16:58
seb128do we have that iso kpi yet? ;-)16:59
ricotzRikMills, I see, I would hope for some relation if this is worth a round of a 24hour build + autopkgtest runs17:00
seb128we probably want to fix that before release if it's only about ISO space, no hurry to do an upload now17:01
Laneyno KPIs, they would be very welcome though17:02
Laneyideally we would collect on every image we produce17:03
Laneyand then the graphs can be created per flavour or whatever17:03
ricotzseb128, RikMills. ok, I won't rush preparing a new package17:04
ricotzlibreoffice 7.1.2 RC1 will be tagged this week which would be a candidate for an upload17:07
RikMillssounds good. to be fair, I probably would not have noticed if I hadn't been doing a test upgrade for a completely separate thing ;)17:09
RikMillsor not noticed any time soon17:09
hellsworthwell thanks anyways :)17:11
KGB-1gnome-shell debian/master Simon McVittie * [open] merge request !45: WIP: Update from 3.38 branch * https://deb.li/3B1Fv20:39
KGB-1mutter debian/master Simon McVittie * [open] merge request !68: WIP: Update from 3.38 branch * https://deb.li/Z1vE20:39
KGB-1gnome-shell debian/master Simon McVittie * [update] merge request !45: WIP: Update from 3.38 branch * https://deb.li/3B1Fv20:39
KGB-2mutter debian/master Simon McVittie * [merge] merge request !68: WIP: Update from 3.38 branch * https://deb.li/Z1vE23:09
KGB-2gnome-shell debian/master Simon McVittie * [merge] merge request !45: WIP: Update from 3.38 branch * https://deb.li/3B1Fv23:09

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