
ItzSwirlzIs it normal for debug symbols from ddebs.ubuntu.com to not match with what is in hirsute?00:24
ItzSwirlzI guess anything synced to hirsute hasn't been synced to the ddebs yet?00:25
cjwatsonItzSwirlz: Ah, the retriever is crashing, bleh00:29
ItzSwirlzOkay. Was creating a QA script for Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix to install debug symbols.00:29
cjwatsonItzSwirlz: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/ddeb-retriever/trunk/revision/186 had been sitting around uncommitted on my disk for ages.  I've deployed it and killed the current doomed run, so it should actually be able to catch up now.00:34
cjwatsonBeen crashing for a week unnoticed apparently :(00:36
cjwatsonItzSwirlz: Thanks for the report00:36
cjwatsonIt's likely to take a few hours to catch up, but I'll check in on it in my morning00:39
ItzSwirlzyw, thanks02:22
mwhudsoni wouldn't say it's "normal" to be behind, but it's not unusual sadly02:50
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mwhudsonararargh my rustc build ran out of disk07:13
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utkarsh2102mwhudson: oh no, I didn't try the switch yet, but I'll do so now! and yeah, it's definitely not a long-term solution, I've filed the bug upstream already; cf: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/dhcp/-/issues/170.10:14
utkarsh2102mwhudson: as for enjoying chasing toolchain bugs, not much but it depends, really. At the end, I mostly tend to do it (since what needs to be done, needs to be done) :)10:16
cjwatsonItzSwirlz: Took a while, but looks like it caught up about 5-6 hours ago10:22
cjwatson(and its processing is a bit faster now due to that fix, as expected)10:23
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seb128hum, what's the right way to get a source version using python-apt?11:41
seb128$ python3 -c 'import apt; cache=apt.Cache(rootdir="./apt"); cache.update(); print(cache["nautilus"].versions)'11:41
seb128that gives the binary version (which is different when looking a Debian version for a package which has a binNMU)11:41
rbasakI'm not sure about python-apt. But thinking about apt's data model, is there _any_ way of getting a source version from a binary version if they're not assumed to be the same? I'm not sure there is.11:45
Laneye.g. package.candidate.source_version should do it; for binNMUs the source version is in the Source: field11:47
Laneylaney@nightingale> GET https://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz | xzcat | grep-dctrl -FPackage -sPackage,Version,Source -X znc                                                                       ~11:47
LaneyPackage: znc11:47
LaneyVersion: 1.8.2-2+b111:47
LaneySource: znc (1.8.2-2)11:47
rbasakAh. Good to know - thanks.11:48
Laneyroot@tough-lacewing:~# python3 -c 'import apt; cache = apt.Cache(); print(cache["znc"].candidate.source_version)'11:48
seb128Laney, that works, thanks11:48
seb128$ python3 -c 'import apt; cache=apt.Cache(rootdir="./apt"); cache.update(); print(cache["gnome-recipes"].candidate.source_version)'11:48
Laneythis is where julian_k arrives to tell me that's wrong :p11:49
xnox$ apt-cache show grub-efi-amd64-signed | grep -e Package: -e Version: -e Source:12:06
xnoxPackage: grub-efi-amd64-signed12:06
xnoxVersion: 1.155.4+2.04-1ubuntu35.412:06
xnoxSource: grub2-signed (1.155.4)12:06
rbasakYeah L_aney pointed that out above - thanks12:06
xnoxnote that binary version != source version for a few packages, because they assemble magic versions.12:06
utkarsh2102mwhudson: hiya, the switch to -O2/-O3 succeeded, which is awesome!12:06
xnoxrbasak:  ok cool!12:06
rbasakInteresting that it's an edge case where an exact match on the Source header will fail.12:07
rbasak(which is what I usually do)12:07
xnoxrbasak:  also checkout gcc-defaults12:11
rbasakI'm aware that there are many examples. mysql-defaults too, for example :)12:13
rbasakI just couldn't accurately recall how it manifested in metadata, that's all :)12:14
xnoxrbasak:  i think the worst thing is actually nvidia drivers, as they have binary packages taking over debs from previous sources. and sometimes all of them are still published in launchpad.12:25
xnoxhence i had weird queries where nvidia-drivers-XXX exists from both src:nvidia-XXX and src:nvidia-YYY at the same time, with both binaries published, but obviously only one winning.12:26
xnoxi find it odd that we do that.12:26
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tsimonq2Laney: I love you for this: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/revision/145513:41
tsimonq2That problem has caused so many headaches. Thanks.13:41
seb128hum, why is that not reliable / working? :-(14:08
seb128$ python3 -c 'import apt; cache=apt.Cache(rootdir="./apt"); cache.update(); print(cache["nautilus"].candidate)'14:08
seb128where apt/etc/apt/sources.list has an unstable source entry14:09
seb128doing the same command again and it works14:09
seb128the first time it gave a 'KeyError: "The cache has no package named 'nautilus'"'14:09
Laneytsimonq2: heh, thanks for the thanks14:23
juliankseb128: rootdir is a weird option14:31
juliankseb128: it can't work twice in a row, correctly, as it reads the options from that dir14:32
juliankand it can't clear the config space first because then all hell breaks loose14:33
juliankChances are you want to clear apt_pkg.config, set Dir option to target dir, call apt_pkg.init_config(), and then create the Cache object14:34
juliankGlobal state woohoo14:36
seb128juliank, I will try that, thanks14:45
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seb128juliank, should that work?15:13
seb128$ python3 -c 'import apt_pkg; apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourcelist", "aptconfigs/unstable/etc/apt/sources.list");  apt_pkg.init(); cache=apt_pkg.Cache(); print(cache["nautilus"].version_list)'15:13
seb128juliank, it's not downloading the cache corresponding to the sources.list but seems to just query from the host15:14
juliankyes the init() call overrides that option15:14
juliankyou gotta call init() first, and then set the sources.list file15:15
juliankand also you gotta clear("Dir::Etc::sourceparts")15:15
juliankBut you could15:15
juliankimport apt_pkg, apt_pkg.config.set("Dir", "aptconfigs/unstable/"); apt_pkg.init()15:15
juliankOr not15:16
juliankNo that should work15:16
juliankThat avoids reading _any_ config from the host15:16
juliankwhich may or may not be what you want15:16
seb128it is what I want15:17
seb128well, it's just a script where I want to collect package versions from Debian15:17
seb128the script is run from an ubuntu host15:17
julianksounds right15:17
juliankseb128: You heard about apt-venv?15:18
juliankseb128: It sounds like you're trying to rewrite it, it's packaged, and manages virtual apt environments for inspecting other distros15:19
seb128but basically that works15:19
seb128python3 -c 'import apt; cache=apt.Cache(rootdir="./apt"); cache.update(); print(cache["nautilus"].candidate)'15:19
seb128I don't need more, just a reliable version of that :p15:19
seb128I still don't understand why it's unreliable15:20
seb128should the cache.update() do the equivalent of an apt update15:20
seb128then we can query things?15:20
seb128it does create the indexes etc15:20
juliankI guess actually I misread things and thought you called apt.Cache() twice in one process15:21
juliankCalling that python script twice should IMO produce the same results15:22
seb128no, I just have that apt/etc/apt/sources.list and do ^15:22
seb128juliank, the issue is that when called for the first time it creates the cache & co15:23
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 283, in __getitem__15:23
seb128    raise KeyError('The cache has no package named %r' % key)15:23
seb128KeyError: "The cache has no package named 'nautilus'"15:23
seb128then if I call it again it works15:24
juliankseb128: Ah right, you gotta call cache.open() after cache.update()15:24
seb128does it fork apt or something which means the index is not done by the time I query?15:24
seb128juliank, and, that fixes it indeed, thanks!15:24
seb128k, the documentation cover that15:26
seb128'You probably want to call open() afterwards, in order to utilise the new cache. Otherwise, the old cache will be used which can lead to strange bugs.'15:26
seb128juliank, thanks again for the help!15:26
dokoseb128: are you still working on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/auto-libzip.html ?16:01
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seb128doko, no, I'm not on +1 rotation anymore this week16:30
dokoseb128: starting a transition as a desktop engineer, and then not completing the no-change uploads is at least odd ...16:37
seb128doko, I don't understand that 'starting a transition as a desktop engineer', it's an universe package which was failing to build due to Bsymbolic for a while which I fixed during my +1 rotation16:38
seb128is there yet another rule that on +1 if you fix a build you become in charge of dealing with the rdepends of the package you fixed?16:39
seb128also 'no-change uploads' I don't know, could be, it requires test building things first to see if they still build...16:39
dokoahh, confused with libdeflate16:41
dokoanyway, doing the no-change uploads. I'm not doing +1 this week either16:42
seb128good luck, hopefully things still build :)16:42
RikMillsseb128: with respect, you force-synced libzip 1.7.3-1 at the beginning of February. I recall asking you about it https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/02/04/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t12:2416:48
RikMillssorry. that sounds nitpicky. not intended to be. I just remembered that is all16:49
seb128RikMills, I know that, unsure it's helpful outside of trying to fuel a bit more IRC arguing though :/16:51
seb128I will step away from it16:51
seb128I happened to merge that one, or rather drop an Ubuntu delta which wasn't needed anymore16:51
seb128we could as well have it autosynced16:51
RikMillsseb128: sorry. certainly not trying to argue.16:52
seb128what was the purpose of that comment?16:52
seb128I'm not sure to follow where you are going there16:52
RikMillsjust adding extra info. did not come out with the right tone. which is why I immediately added "sorry. that sounds nitpicky. not intended to be. I just remembered that is all"16:54
seb128RikMills, no worry!16:58
seb128bah, in that python-apt calls I forgot that it was checking binaries and not sources :-(16:59
mwhudsonutkarsh2102: hooray for spidey senses18:59
mwhudson(things you learn by reading the changes mailing list for several years)18:59
utkarsh2102mwhudson: yay, indeed! and now I know who to contact whenever I run into weird bugs ;)19:16
seb128LocutusOfBorg, hey, what's the point of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/527034392/vala_0.48.14-1~fakesync_0.48.14-1.diff.gz ? it feels like burning resources for nothing...19:19
seb128LocutusOfBorg, that's going to eat cpu cycles from builders and trigger a bunch of autopkgtests for 0 content...19:20
seb128juliank, is there a python-apt cache of source packages rather than binary ones?19:30
seb128juliank, unping, found apt.apt_pkg.SourceRecords19:39
juliankonly saw the unping :D19:40
juliankmaking cinnamon rolls19:40
seb128sounds nice, enjoy!19:40
mwhudsonutkarsh2102: wait, isc dhcp has a bugtracker now?20:23
LocutusOfBorgseb128, it was bothering me because I look usually for "fakesyncs" or auto-sync log (because they need to be manually done). and that package was "12 references" in the auto-sync.log20:24
LocutusOfBorgin any case hopefully we avoided the tests on next opening20:24
mwhudsonutkarsh2102: 50/50 on whether it's a isc-dhcp bug or a gcc bug though20:29
sarnoldvorlon: do I remember that you were trying to interact with bug reporters on grub updates that trip efi firmware bugs? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2-signed/+bug/1918270  has some "warning: efivarfs_set_variable: writing to fd 8 failed: Invalid argument" errors in the terminal log22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1918270 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "package grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.164+2.04-1ubuntu42 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]22:39
LocutusOfBorgsarnold, he is on vac22:49
sarnoldLocutusOfBorg: oh :) thanks, good for him :D22:50
LocutusOfBorg(cfr what somebody answered me 24h ago on -release)22:50
sarnold(now I'm all the more glad that the whole thing fit in one irc message, so /lastlog will actually be useful if he cares :)22:51

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