
=== vlm_ is now known as vlm
ASDXam getting following error when trying to configure 'apt' (to install some packages with the "packages:" stanza) with a pretty basic autoinstall (network is up and running on the install). are there any requirements for the apt sources to resolve?:     W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'05:18
daftykinssmells like no nameservers configured05:19
ASDXdaftykins: but DNS works on bootup. tried moving the "network:" stanza higher than the "apt:" one too05:20
daftykinswell, i can't say i've touched autoinstall, but the error seems quite clear05:24
JanCor the wrong nameservers...06:24
JanCor the network got reconfigured incorrectly at some point06:26
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questiE: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/certbot/certbot/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.15:24
questiN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.15:24
questido I have to add it manually?15:24
ThothCastelthanks qman__ !15:50
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
RoyKqman__: http is frowned upon over https, but then, the certificate points to18:03
RoyKoops - (s)he left - and qman__ was the wrong nick ;)18:04
teward*hands RoyK a cookie* you tried is what matters :)18:44
=== arooni_team_b is now known as arooni

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