[01:18] knome: if someone were to want to redesign the installer slides, are there any specs you'd want followed? === jphilips_ is now known as jphilips [05:24] do translation updates get pulled in after the beta in released? [10:48] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Make Sound settings item translateable @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/beb03ffbaf25d4a462c958c8b03deb4ebf13d59d (by bluesabre) [10:50] jphilips: any time really. Just requires doing the package and upload, etc. I actually need to push our updated installer translations upstream. [10:51] jphilips: I never got around to asking wimpy about tlp and powertop [10:52] What about 'em? [10:53] to bundle them and have them installed when installing on a laptop [12:18] Submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/import-translations/+merge/399350 earlier to upstream our slideshow translations === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [13:19] have our slide translations not been regularly updated? [13:20] oh i see you are pushing them into launchpad from transifex [14:47] bluesabre, pleia2: please review when you get a chance https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZDIfV3X3pN0EWwmY_GaE6tCKfWCAmUrQxOm6NR6x3Qo/edit# [15:51] jphilips, i'm not claiming any ownership, maintainership or leadership in xubuntu, so anybody is free to redesign it as they wish as long as they get team approval