
callmepkgood morning01:16
dufluMorning callmepk 01:29
callmepkmorning duflu 01:37
dufluHey pieq 02:58
pieqg'day duflu ! How is it going?03:02
dufluGoing ok. How about you, pieq ?03:02
pieqduflu, not too bad! No rain today, so I could bike to work :)03:14
callmepkhi duflu pieq 04:00
KGB-0mutter signed tags 1429ce6 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.3-3ubuntu2 * mutter Debian release 3.38.3-3ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/5iMs04:09
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master 6c19a03 Marco Trevisan * pushed 9 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3XSLU04:10
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master e8eb4d1 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series input-thread-backports/backends-x11-Iterate-button-modifiers-all-the-way.patch input-thread-backports/backends-x11-Use-XkbBuildCoreState-the-right-way-around.patch * d/p/input-thread: Cherry-pick upstream commit to properly handle key modifiers * https://deb.li/JSyA04:10
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master 7bbfe91 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ (21 files in 2 dirs) * d/p/input-thread: Cherry-pick more upstream input-related fixes * https://deb.li/3msZi04:10
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master d55a12e Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series input-thread-backports/backends-x11-Add-dummy-input-settings-x11-nested-implemen.patch input-thread-backports/clutter-Ensure-we-always-call-handle_event_post-for-proce.patch input-thread-backports/meta-seat-x11-fix-event-handling-for-x11-backend.patch * d/p/input-thre04:10
KGB-0GNOMEad: Ensure we handle device events in X11 * https://deb.li/3Ue4004:10
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master 4011010 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ (5 files in 2 dirs) * d/p/input-thread: Backport various X11 leak fixes * https://deb.li/itiq204:10
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master 10d72af Simon McVittie debian/patches/ series frame-Fix-crash-when-clicking-below-titlebar-with-broken-.patch window-actor-x11-Queue-full-actor-redraw-when-redraw-queu.patch * d/patches: Update to commit 3.38.3-26-g30c542ddc * https://deb.li/3cOi04:10
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:33
didrocksgood morning07:39
dufluHi oSoMoN and didrocks 07:40
didrockshey duflu 07:41
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 07:58
oSoMoNhey duflu 07:58
didrockshello oSoMoN 08:00
jibelGood morning08:06
Nafallosalut desktopers! (how do you say desktopers in french?)08:06
jibelposte de travailleurs ... if it even means something :D08:07
Nafallosalut poste de travailleurs! :-D08:09
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu pieq oSoMoN didrocks jibel Nafallo08:09
dufluHi jibel, Nafallo, marcustomlinson 08:10
didrockshey marcustomlinson, bonjour Nafallo :)08:11
jibelHi marcustomlinson duflu 08:17
seb128goood morning desktopers08:44
didrockshey seb128 08:44
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va ?08:45
didrocksça va, et toi ?08:46
jibelSalut seb128 08:47
seb128lut jibel, comment ça va ?08:47
jibeltrès bien et toi?08:47
seb128didrocks, ça va, léger rhume et j'aurais bien dormi d'avantage mais c'est habituel08:47
marcustomlinsonmorning seb12808:48
oSoMoNgood morning jibel, Nafallo, marcustomlinson seb128 08:48
callmepkmorning marcustomlinson oSoMoN didrocks jibel Nafallo seb128 08:56
oSoMoNhey callmepk 08:56
didrocksgood afternoon callmepk 08:58
jibelHi callmepk oSoMoN 08:58
pieqhey marcustomlinson !08:59
pieqSalut seb128 ! I just added a comment on https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/issues/32 after discussing with jibel about it.08:59
dufluHi seb128 08:59
jibelHi Trevinho, a requirement for enterprise desktop is to be able to customize the parts of the greeter like the background image, banner, logo, ...09:00
jibelTrevinho, after investigation, as the background is in St.Widget, there is currently no easy way to do this customization via BackgroundManager for instance09:01
jibelTrevinho, it would be a huge refactoring to add a BackgroundManager to the lockDialogGroup object, and difficult to port to LTSes09:02
jibelTrevinho, So we went another path by adding keys customizable through gsettings and override the default setyle with inline style when the gsettings keys are set09:03
didrocksTrevinho, the advantage here is that if the admin updates the "overridden" gsettings key, the default style is restored as kept on the St.Widget object09:03
didrocks(hey Laney)09:04
jibelTrevinho, here is the patch https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WCxB43qwhM/ for both gdm and gnome-shell 09:04
jibelTrevinho, what is your opinion on this?09:04
jibel{Hi laney}09:04
marcustomlinsonhey Laney09:12
oSoMoNgood morning (Laney)09:18
oSoMoNpieq, good feedback on that installer screen, thanks!09:19
seb128hey marcustomlinson oSoMoN pieq duflu Laney 09:20
pieqoSoMoN, hope this helps! 09:21
pieq(et bonjour :))09:21
* Laney replies to the nice people only :p09:30
Laneymorning marcustomlinson and seb12809:30
duflu¡Hi Laney!09:36
Laneyahoy duflu~~~~09:46
popeySomething weird is going on with latest hirsute. I can't drag my terminal window around, clicks go straight through to windows underneath. Other windows are draggable.no10:41
popeymouse clicks are landing in the wrong place. i click on one part of the screen and it's clicking somewhere else!10:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1917926 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Window focus/clicking/moving failures for Xorg sessions in 3.38.3-3ubuntu1" [Critical,Fix committed]10:43
popey<3 thanks Laney10:44
LaneyI think there's an upload in proposed for that10:44
popeyhahah proposed ;)10:45
LaneyI don't suggest you get it from there10:46
Laneybut that you will have it available to you once the requisite checks have passed10:46
popeycan I downgrade something in the meantime?10:46
seb128popey, you are on nvidia? if not switch to a wayland session10:48
popeyi am not using wayland10:48
seb128well, I suggest you do as a workaround10:48
seb128unless you can't (nvidia)10:48
popeymy box has multiple GPUs, one of which is nvidia :)10:48
seb128if you can log into a wayland session it should work fine10:49
seb128otherwise you can probably grab the update from proposed without risk10:49
popeysadly the wayland session for me is super laggy10:49
seb128just don't forget to check what else is installed and turn if off after10:49
popeyOk, I'll give wayland a go until that lands, thanks! :D10:52
popeyIs there any chance we could remove the gnome-software / snap-store autostart for 21.04? It is too memory hungry.10:53
seb128not without a functional regression, it's needed to warn you about firmware updates 10:54
popeyAh. Bummer.10:55
popeyDoes the snap actually warn you about firmware updates?10:55
popeyI must admit, I don't own any devices capable of that10:55
seb128we would have turned it off from being active all the time a long time ago otherwise10:56
seb128yes, it does10:56
* popey dreams of gnome-software with *everything* *except* firmware updates stripped out :)10:56
seb128we were talking with kenvandine about adding the firmware check as a standalone service or something10:57
seb128but that requires a bit of work10:57
seb128popey, just curious, what laptop do you own? I though any recent enough lenovo or dell would get firmware updates you can apply with gnome-software10:58
popeyT450, over 5 years old10:58
tjaaltonseb128: hi, should I file a FFE bug for new src:xwayland, or just upload? works fine for me11:00
seb128tjaalton, checking on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze you do yes11:01
seb128'At this point we stop introducing new features, packages, and APIs'11:01
seb128though I'm unsure why new packages are an issue, they can't regress anything11:01
tjaaltonI'll file one anyway, it's cheap11:02
jameshtkamppeter: Does my suggestion about fixing the "bad file descriptor" problem you mentioned help?11:02
seb128also we might want to pull that in by default if it brings improvements?11:02
seb128in which case we need the ffe11:03
seb128also a MIR I guess (though it's a split from existing main code right?)11:03
popeyOn wayland, I get a delay and flicker when opening the applications grid. Is this known? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXNnYHKfVCo11:10
ahayzenFrom the discussion of standalone fwupd checks, FWIW i have a simple python script which shows me a notification when they are available which i just run as a systemd user timer.11:10
seb128duflu would be the one to ask but he's eod now11:10
ahayzenit's available here if it helps https://gitlab.com/ahayzen/ansible-playbook-desktop/-/blob/master/roles/base-session/files/fwupd-notifier-gui.py11:10
seb128ahayzen, ah, thanks11:11
seb128kenvandine, ^11:11
tjaaltonseb128: yes, needs mir too11:16
ricotzhello desktopers11:22
oSoMoNhello ricotz 11:47
marcustomlinsonhey ricotz11:54
ricotzoSoMoN, marcustomlinson, hey11:54
ricotzwould it possible to have autopkgtests running on libreoffice - 1:6.4.7-0ubuntu0.20.04.1~lo3 ? - https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=focal11:55
oSoMoNthe queues are nice and empty, let me trigger those tests11:57
ricotzoSoMoN, thank you!11:57
seb128hey ricotz12:22
ricotzhey seb128 12:32
KGB-1mutter ubuntu/master 2705a76 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/tests/control * debian/tests/control: Update references to libmutter-7-dev * https://deb.li/3mf3V14:18
Trevinhojibel: sorry, I didn't see your pings :(14:59
Trevinhojibel: so... it seems something indeed upstreamable, even though there were some ideas upstream to allow some extensions to take over the login screen as well and that will indeed allow more customization15:03
Trevinhojibel: from my POV the patch is fine to carry over, but we should use different setting namespace if upstream isn't getting it 15:04
Trevinhoother thing, need to check, but that seems to handle only the lockscreen, isn't it?15:04
Trevinhocodewise there are few cleanups I see, like maybe using a list for inline_style's and then join them via `;` and see if in that file is possible to use verbatim strings15:07
Trevinhopopey: fixed mutter should have hit hirsute, if you dindn't update yet (and since jibel desn't blame anymore I guess it's solved :P)15:11
popeyTrevinho super15:12
Trevinhopopey: as for that flicker, yes I saw it... I suppose it's due to the dock, or are you also getting during on super-a?15:13
popeyI can't super-a on wayland15:13
popeymy keyboard has no super key. On x I map capslock to super. don't know how to do that on wayland15:13
Trevinhooh, well you can change the super key in mutter15:14
Nafallopopey: bah. you're super enough to not need a key for it ;-)15:14
Trevinhoas for mapping... let me see15:14
popeyNafallo <3 15:14
Trevinhopopey: I guess you've to do the hard way https://realh.co.uk/wp/linux-keymap-hacking/15:14
Trevinhonot sure if something changed since then15:15
popeythat blog post isn't one line long, so no, not doing that :)15:15
popeysetxkbmap -option caps:super15:15
popeythat's what I do on x15:15
Nafallopopey: hmm. tried the dconf value?15:15
Trevinhoyeah, no you can't you've to edit the system mappings afaik15:15
Trevinhobut you can indeed change the mutter gsettings key15:16
Trevinhonot sure how well that works though15:16
popeyi don't see it in org / gnome / mutter / keybindings15:17
Nafallosources=[('xkb', 'gb')]15:17
Nafalloshould be able to populate the xkb-options list.15:18
popeywoohoo, that worked thanks15:18
Nafallono problem :)15:18
popeyTrevinho no, super+a doesn't show the flicker, I guess because there is no animation from the app grid icon to do, because I didn't hit i15:19
popeyGoogle Chrome under Wayland is *painful*. Input takes seconds to take effect15:24
popeyBah! gnome-shell crash takes out everything, still?16:53
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seb128kenvandine, tweak of the day, after yesterday discussion about the LD_LIBRARIES_PATH snapcraft CVE discussed here I hacked the report to add a comment in the corresponding columns for packages that has that CVE warning in the build log, https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/snaps.html19:13
seb128e.g eog on the first line of the report19:13
oSoMoNseb128, I wouldn't mind adding chromium to that report, I'll look into it later19:16
seb128oSoMoN, let me do that for you19:18
seb128oSoMoN, what are the builds you are interested in?19:20
seb128https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+snap/chromium-snap-stable hasn't build since 2018 so I guess not that one19:21
seb128https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+snap/chromium-snap-from-source-stable ?19:21
seb128and https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+snap/chromium-snap-from-source-dev ?19:21
oSoMoNseb128, yeah, and there's also https://launchpad.net/~chromium-team/+snap/chromium-snap-from-source-beta20:02
seb128oSoMoN, alright, the beta case is for later, it requires a bit more work20:03
seb128I started the snap report around our GNOME snaps where we do stable-to-candidate and master-to-edge builds20:03
seb128adding handling of beta channel shouldn't be difficult but a bit more work20:04
oSoMoNseb128, ack, having stable and dev is already a very good start20:05
seb128oSoMoN, https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/snaps.html 20:07
seb128(locally hacked edit of the code for today because I'm working on another commit)20:07
seb128which is showing something to improve, the edge arm builds are currently a version behind, that should probably be reflected20:08
seb128hum, who is handling the KGB bot?20:09
seb128Laney, Trevinho, is that one of you, I don't remember now20:09
Trevinhoseb128: Laney is20:09
seb128unsure that's the right syntax or anything but let's see20:13
oSoMoNseb128, I'm not seeing chromium on that page, should I ?20:47
seb128oSoMoN, refresh20:48
seb128oSoMoN, that's because there was an update which overwrote my locally tweaked one20:48
oSoMoNah, now I do, thanks20:48
seb128hum, I need to fix also the title in the first column to be the snap name20:49
oSoMoNare the i386 builds intentionally ignored?20:50
seb128yes, same reason as the beta channel, our GNOME snaps don't build for 386 since the gnome platform is missing there, but I will add it because it's trivial20:55
=== popey3 is now known as popey

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