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designbybeckAnyone use Boot Repair? It has been a long time since I've used it. I'm trying to help someone remotely with it, and it is asking for a password. I don't remember it ever asking for a username and password.01:39
mrjohnsoni did a couple days ago. i don't remember needing a password to do stuff with it :-/01:40
deltabsecure boot?01:40
deltabor the sudo password to install it?01:42
designbybeckit is just a login screen with Other01:44
designbybeckand then Login01:44
sarnold"Boot Repair - Teners Western Outfitters" heh01:45
mrjohnsonare you/they running it from live media? live a usb flash disk or something?01:47
pavlosharovali1: can you pastebin the vbox-connector.service file?02:17
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pavlosharovali1: you should create the service like, "sudo systemctl edit --force --full blink.service" ... the first line of the link you gave creates a dir and override02:38
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StupidDanboWell my next crash happened a lot sooner than I thought. only 3 days later. Alt-PrtScr S U B did not have any effect, nor did Alt-PrtScr R E I S U B. My audio was repeating a fraction of a second loop over and over again. Once again I had to hit the reset button on my case.03:16
StupidDanboso once again, there was nothing in /var/log/syslog during the time of the crash.03:17
StupidDanbo.... oh. I was supposed to hit alt-PrtScr-[and the letter] all at the same time? I thought it was Alt-PrtScr, release, then the letters.03:25
guivercStupidDanbo, the SysRq key varies on box/firmware/keyboard, eg. it's not always the printscreen; current dell keyboards for example use the Insert Key.   Are you using the correct key for your keyboard/box03:26
StupidDanboI don't know.03:27
StupidDanboSorry to bring it up. I should try figuring this out another day. I've been awake way too long.03:29
guivercyes on my keyboards it uses PrintScreen (but it says SysRq on the key itself on 6 keyboards within reach)03:29
sarnoldStupidDanbo: btw check the kernel.sysrq sysctl setting; /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf on ubuntu is the usual place to configure it, but perhaps it's been set to something else via a different tool03:30
StupidDanbo"prt sc" above "sys rq"03:30
StupidDanbokernel.sysrq = 17603:31
StupidDanboI think that means.... reboot/poweroff, remount read-only, and sync command.03:32
StupidDanboI'll write that down for later. but at least I'll know what keys to press properly this time.03:34
sarnoldcool cool, I did the math on mine, 176, and came to the same conclusion: reboot, remount, sync03:35
EtherManAnyone know if grml-rescueboot would boot the iso by loading into ram and booting from there or will the iso have to remain mounted in the same place? I'm looking for a way to resize the root partition on a VPS so don't have a way to boot off of external stuff :/04:44
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ckbhey guys, I'm having a hard time making mongo a service.05:15
ckbHow do I see why a service is failing to start?06:16
rfmckb, "systemctl status whatever.service" will show any log messages, plus I think if any conditions failed06:19
ckbrfm: System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.06:20
ckbFailed to connect to bus: Host is down06:21
rfmckb, is this WSL2?06:21
ckbyes :(06:21
ckbIt's definitely 20.x06:22
rfmckb, oh, then I can't help.  WSL2 although it says it's Ubuntu really isn't (you've hit one of the main differences, no systemd, it uses some Microsoft custom init)06:22
ckbrfm, mongod runs flawlessly06:24
rfmckb, I'm sure it does, it's all in the init scripts (instead of systemd units); I'm sure it could be made to work (probably by writing sysv-init style scripts) but I'm afraid I haven't done that in decades now, so can't help06:26
ckbrfm, I appreciate the insight06:26
rfmckb, there's another channel #ubuntu-on-windows which specializes in WSL, perhaps ppl there could help (if anybody's awake this late!)06:28
ckbrfm, perfect. thank you so much\06:29
ckbrfm, part of me just says to go with EC2 right now06:30
ckbrfm, is there anyway I can see the logs of this start up?06:31
ckbalways [fail]06:31
rfmckb, how is it starting?  If it's a sysv style init script (in /etc/init/?  been too long) you could just run it in a root shell.06:32
rfmckb, an alternative to EC2 (which isn't a bad idea, actually) you could install virtualbox and run a real Ubuntu distribution.  Mind, it's about a full day job figuring out how to turn off HyperV so VBox can run...)06:33
EriC^^ckb: 'cat /var/log/boot.log' might show something06:33
rfmckb, anyway we are dangerously offtopic for #ubuntu, and I'm quitting for the night.  Good luck.06:35
ckbVbox costs?06:41
EriC^^vbox is free06:41
ckbVBox is a free VMware?06:45
ckbthis makes this much easier then06:46
ckbThank you, fellas06:59
ckbWSL is the worst :X07:38
ograckb, for ESL questions you could try https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/wsl2/2707:40
ckbogra, I'm giving up on MS07:47
ograup to you 🙂07:48
ogranote that there is a team insde canonical actually working on WSL with MS ... i'm sure they would be interested in any issues you hit with it07:48
fubHi. How do I find all symlinks where the destination contains a specific word?08:03
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geirhafub: matching the target filename, or the target's content?08:07
fubtarget filename08:08
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geirhafind . -type l -exec sh -c 'case $(readlink "$1") in *word*) exit 0 ;; esac; exit 1' _ {} \; -print08:10
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raffaem2what is a good software with GUI to manage compressed archives?11:13
raffaem2File roller is too simple for my use case11:13
raffaem2doesn't allow me to specify level of compression nor encryption nor option to encrypt headers11:13
raffaem2What is a good software with GUI for file compression?11:41
raffaem2File Roller is too simple for my usecase11:41
raffaem2doesn't allow me to specify compression options, or encrypt11:41
stemidI just realized I have two ubuntu 18.04 virtual machines on the same hypervisor, same network driver, different NIC device names. one was upgraded from ubuntu 14 and the other was a fresh 18 install. how can I fix this? the older VM uses eth0 and the newer uses ens16011:43
JaredCEi have multiple id_rsa keys... i want to do a git clone with a specific one, but can't work out the syntax.... like: ssh -i /home/jared/.ssh/abc_id_rsa git clone git@bitbucket.org:11:43
stemidthis must be a known issue11:43
JaredCEahh got it11:46
=== Guest59215 is now known as LouWestin
ahrihi, I'm trying to configure a docker image to use an apt proxy (so I've replaced /etc/apt/sources.list), but the proxy forces https. because of this I can't even "apt update" as I'm told to install ca-certificates, which I can't, because apt won't work :) how can I bootstrap my ubuntu image? I do not have direct internet access12:25
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:31
jpdsahri: scp the required stuff onto the box and install it with dpkg12:37
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stemidwhat sort of weirdness is happening here? I'm doing mysql -h from and I get this error "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'netadmin'@'::ffff:' (using password: YES)"13:39
CarlFKstemid: some sort of ipv6... not sure if that helps, bout all I got.13:44
stemidyes, but it's ipv6 and ipv413:45
stemidit doesn't make sense13:45
cbreakipv6 addresses can contain ipv4 addresses13:52
stemidhad to re-create all the old mysql grants with ::ffff: prefixing the old IP13:59
stemidweird. maybe there is some setting that can solve that.13:59
stemidbut short term I'll just re-create the grants.13:59
stemidsince these ubuntu servers have ipv6 addresses that are not used I thought this was something with ubuntu ipv6 disrupting mysql.14:00
stemidbut I have no idea14:00
stemidI tried disabling ipv6 completely, the ipv6 addresses disappeared, same issue though.14:00
stemidso it's probably something about mysql.14:00
cbreakyou disabled ipv6 on the server?14:12
cbreakbecause it seems that the server is the one doing the rejecting14:12
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ahrijpds: I ended up doing `echo 'Acquire::https::Verify-Peer "false";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80disable-tls` while installing ca-certificates and removing it thereafter14:39
DJ-ArcAngelwhy can tcpdump only write in /tmp as root? https://pastebin.com/ffSbWN3V (ubuntu 18)14:55
DJ-ArcAngelaah.. apparmor14:57
stemidcbreak: yes but the workaround for now is just to create new grants with ::ffff: prefixing every old IP.15:42
stemidso I will ignore the ipv6 in the OS15:42
RoseBushello, i'm trying to run gunicorn with systemd, it seems to be loaded & active but I dont see the .sock file in my project dir15:54
thyriaenI have created my own icon for an application and configured the desktop file to load it. However i get a default icon, which gets loaded when it has problems displaying mine - for example when i give a wrong filename - is there a way to debug what the actual problem is ? I might have saved it in a wrong format ( although i tried png and svg ) - any pointers would be appriciated16:11
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impermanenceI have an ubuntu box that has possibly been compromised.  My secops guy is saying that his IDS is seeing strange calls coming from the box.  syslog seems normal...16:28
leftyfbimpermanence: turn it off, replace the storage device, or take an image of it. Then wipe it and re-install. That should be your 1 and only option.16:29
cbreakwhy do you think it's compromised?16:30
leftyfbimpermanence: getting more information from your secops guy might help you. "strange calls" is very unhelpful16:31
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impermanenceleftyfb: it is indeed.16:33
pavlosimpermanence: take the box off the network, then do forensics on it.16:34
impermanencepavlos: good idea.16:36
thyriaen I have created my own icon for an application and configured the desktop file to load it. However i get a default icon, which gets loaded when it has problems displaying mine - for example when i give a wrong filename - is there a way to debug what the actual problem is ? I might have saved it in a wrong format ( although i tried png and svg ) - any pointers would be appriciated16:37
impermanencehere's another question; I have an Ubuntu 16.04 box; and the openssh version on it is like 7.2 and I'm being asked to install 8.3 or greater.  Is this going to be possible?16:40
impermanenceone of the other devops engineers on my team is saying he couldn't find a package for such a version on xenial...?16:40
leftyfbimpermanence: 16.04 will be EOL next month16:40
impermanenceleftyfb: indeed.16:41
leftyfbimpermanence: and no, 8.3 is not supported on xenial16:41
impermanenceleftyfb: okay.  so would we have to build this from source or?16:41
leftyfbimpermanence: you should upgrade your OS16:42
impermanenceleftyfb: we should.16:43
leftyfbimpermanence: or just leave the OS that will become EOL in a month with a patched together remote access. It's not like it'll get compromised or anything.....16:43
cbreakyou could upgrade, or just migrate :)16:46
leftyfbI'm building a couple new servers that will be running all my main stuff in LXD containers. That way I can move them between the 2 servers if need be and easily set snapshots and migrate accounts and services to other containers if I need to upgrade the underlying OS of the container16:47
V|Ai got a question for ubuntu 2004 i think, this variant is called studio16:50
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 2004 could not be found16:50
V|Adesktop manager is kfc something :}16:50
V|Ahow do i change the taskbar size?16:50
V|Aand im getting some peristant oddities witrh soundcard stuffs but might be the mobo16:51
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oerheksV|A, shalow!, you might want to join #ubuntustudio for that? dedicated help16:59
V|Aoki oki thx oerheks17:00
ptahis it better to install ubuntu linux on a pc with windows system already installed for dual boot, or to install ubuntu first17:04
ptahor does it not matter17:04
lotuspsychjeptah: its easy when you create a new partition on windows first, then let ubuntu setup fill it for you17:05
ptahlotuspsychje i have windows 8 on a laptop, and im thinking of getting ubuntu17:06
ptahfor dual boot17:06
lotuspsychjeptah: did you already test ubuntu, and like it?17:06
ptahi never had it on this laptop, but i have an old version on another mini dell laptop17:07
van777it's pretty enough for me to have Ubuntu in VMware. I even ssh to it with cygwin. This way terminal is available after ALT+TAB, no need to click on VMware window.17:09
ptahlotuspsychje so i should make partion for linux in windows 8?17:10
johnfgHi folks!17:10
ptahcause i dont want to delete my files in windows 817:10
johnfgI received an email from ubuntu bugs, that the problem/bug with firefox has been fixed.  What I didn't see is what plan and when to bring it into updates.17:11
johnfgI guess I could go the root of adding the ppa for it, but would rather not.  At present, I've been using Chrome.17:11
ham5urgWhen I attach a laptop to a hifi-receiver via hdmi, audio is played via the receiver as expected. But everytime the laptop shuts off the monitor (e.g. 5 min. without mouse/keyboard-input) the audio via hdmi is stopped and the laptop starts to continue the audio-output.17:40
ham5urgI guess the screen-off-process expects hdmi to be a video-only-with-optional-audio-connection and not a audio-only-connection.17:41
ham5urgIs this fixable?17:41
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GM_Haoyo o/18:46
lotuspsychjewelcome GM_Hao18:46
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GM_HaoThanks a lot18:53
GM_HaoI am newbie and I am starting by 0 so please be patient with me xD18:53
GM_Haosomeone know a good code engine to write codes like html for ubuntu18:53
white_magichi, can someone tell me how i can force Ubuntu to automatically connect to wifi after a reboot, but before login? I'm running Ubuntu 20.10 and the wifi is through a USB adapter. It connects automatically after login, but I'd like it to be connecting before login18:58
leaftype2white_magic: the internet brought me here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/16376/connect-to-network-before-user-login19:00
leaftype2looks like you may have to edit a file in your /etc/network directory19:01
leaftype2out of curiosity... why do you want to connect to the internet before logging in?19:01
white_magicbecause I .. am going to use it as a server of sorts19:03
white_magicit's not a very serious type of server19:03
white_magicif it was, I would never rely on wifi19:03
petruswhat is the command to show the installed glibc with version numbers, preferably in one line only.19:04
leaftype2petrus: ldd --version19:05
leaftype2it is on the first line after that19:05
sarnoldGM_Hao: I've used vim for years19:05
petrusleaftype2: thanks!19:06
sarnoldGM_Hao: but vim is a lot to handle.. newer folks seem to prefer something like https://snapcraft.io/code19:06
leaftype2Visual studio got the name "code"? wow, that nice for them19:07
petrusleaftype2: it is the same as in archlinux :-), explanation: I am distributing python binary wheels19:09
jaffachiefis there a vim colorscheme that matches the ubuntu gnome-terminal colours?19:26
jaffachiefor is the default scheme supposed to be that?19:26
GM_Haothanks a lot19:35
GM_HaoI installed sublime  text19:35
GM_Haois there way to create text document with right click of mouse?19:38
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WeeDowuse /netsplit19:50
petrusCould somebody post the first line of the output of command `ldd --version`?19:57
sarnold$ ldd --version19:59
sarnoldldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.31-0ubuntu9.2) 2.3119:59
petrussarnold: thank you!19:59
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UbuntivityHi. How can I display a white window fullscreen using bash?20:45
oerheksUbuntivity, create a white photo, the size of your screen, open it , hit f11 full screen20:46
oerheks.. why bash?20:46
Ubuntivityoerheks: I need it to happen automatically20:47
leftyfboerheks: you're better off drawing with python20:47
Ubuntivityoerheks: I'm making a light-alarm clock with bash20:47
UbuntivityI made the script of waking up using rtc, and prepared the script to gradually raise the brightness over 15 minutes20:47
oerheksleftyfb, python?20:47
UbuntivityAll I need now is to display white window fullscreen during the gradual brightness-up20:48
oerheksoh, you already got answers in -offtopic20:48
leftyfbUbuntivity: you can do eog --fullscreen picture-of-white.png20:49
Ubuntivityleftyfb: This is interesting. I'll go give it a try. and maybe I'll put a bright photo of the sun instead20:50
plujonavdmanager # ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.20:51
plujonWhat should my JAVA_HOME be ?20:52
Ubuntivityleftyfb: Thanks! Your idea just did it.. I appreciate it...20:53
pavlosV|A: your window manager is probably ... xfce21:04
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AutoMatrixwhere do I go to get help for a VP380 camera ?23:13
oerhekshi AutoMatrix, a quick search gives me no clue23:15
oerheksoh wait, i see a ugly dotnet solution23:16
oerhekslet us know if it works23:16
AutoMatrixthanks oerheks ;)23:17
AutoMatrixseems like a Dutch name to me ;)23:18
oerheksindeed, i am a dutch ubuntu member23:18
AutoMatrixniemand is perfect :p (I'm flemish)23:19
AutoMatrixthanks for the info, I'm going to have a look23:19
oerheksdo some search, maybe the version numbers mentioned are higher now..23:20
oerheksbut it seems pretty recent.23:20
oerheks> focal23:20
meandrainhi, my ubuntu 20.04 freezes with AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core Processor. Any tips how can I see what the problem is?23:21
meandrainI had no video card driver, it is a headless server23:22
meandrainsometimes it freezes once per day, other times after 4-5 days23:22
meandrainmotherboard is:  ASRock B450D4U-V1L23:23
meandrainthe machine also uses nvme samsung drives23:24
sarnoldmeandrain: does it have a bmc with serial or emulated serial port?23:24
meandrainI don't think so23:24
meandrainI've disabled S6 from bios, but it still freezes23:25
oerheksany heat problems?23:25
oerheksthat is what comes in mind first23:25
meandrainalso ram is ok23:25
meandrainwhat commands should I run to look for errors ? I am new to linux :)23:26
oerhekss6 = cstates?23:26
meandrainI have docker running, with this errors, but I don't think that is the problem:   https://dpaste.org/9YqC23:27
meandrainalso this:  https://dpaste.org/bzA023:28
meandrainI've found this thread: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196683      so I tried disabling that23:29
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 196683 in Spam "Random Soft Lockup on new Ryzen build" [Normal,Closed: obsolete]23:29
oerhekseth0 is the old naming scheme23:29
meandrainalso my network card is not eth023:30
oerheksthe new naming is a breeze, certainly for cloud and vm works23:30
meandrainenp35s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 150023:30
meandrainthat is my network card23:30
meandrainis there a way to enable some kind of kernel dump ?23:31
meandrainso when it crashes to save some debug info23:31
sarnoldmeandrain: oh good idea, try installing linux-crashdump23:34
oerhekswhat kernel is the host running?23:35
meandrainafter I tried many times with the one from 20.04.02, I've upgraded an hour ago to 20.1023:36
meandrainLinux 5.8.0-44-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP23:37
meandrainit did not crashed yet, but it is too soon23:37
sarnoldthat 5.8 kernel is kinda default on 20.04 for many users, depending upon how they installed it23:37
oerheksyes, that is oke23:40
meandrainI just checked, with 20.04.2 I had kernel23:43
oerheksi would stay on 20.04 LTS, with !hwe enabled23:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:44
oerheksthat , or a fresh install of 20.04 would give 5.823:44
oerheksbut i like to see what you find, not that many ryzen 9 users23:45
meandrainI would prefer 20.04 but I don't know how to solve the freeze problem23:45
oerhekshttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/kernel-crash-dump as sarnold suggested23:46
sarnoldoh sweet23:47
meandrainthank you guys for directions, I'll try that23:47

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