=== tomwardill changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: @tomwardill (09:00-18:00 UTC Mon-Fri) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad [11:13] juliank: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/405313 [11:13] Ubuntu bug 405313 in Launchpad itself "Code review should permit attachments via web." [Low,Triaged] [11:13] (I think it would be reasonable - another use would be screenshots of UI changes - but it's low-priority) [11:14] cjwatson: yeah, does the API accept attachments too or just the email layer? [11:14] could like write a script otherwise [11:14] :D [11:16] or well I could just email attachments I suppose [11:16] I don't think I ever used email support :D [11:27] juliank: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/562931 [11:27] Ubuntu bug 562931 in Launchpad itself "merge proposals do not permit attachments (via the API / model)" [Low,Triaged] [11:29] heh [11:29] juliank: I'm not sure it's true that it's possible to add attachments specifically to merge proposals by email, because I didn't think the DB model existed to support that. But feel free to try [11:30] I know that bug claims it's possible ... [15:23] morning, is this a good channel to ask about a PPA build that didn't fire off? [15:25] specifically, I'm looking at https://launchpad.net/~kisak/+archive/ubuntu/turtle/+packages and for some reason, the llvm i386 focal build is missing while the newer and older release targets have it [15:31] kisak: focal no longer supports i386 for most things [15:32] Maybe llvm-toolchain-11 was explicitly whitelisted for groovy [15:33] Yeah, looks like it [15:33] that's going to cause trouble here [15:33] I need matched builds for mesa [15:34] At present there's no way to override the general whitelist mechanism for PPAs (https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1855069), but you could ask the Ubuntu release team if they might be willing to whitelist llvm-toolchain-11 for focal as well [15:34] Ubuntu bug 1855069 in Launchpad itself "PPAs should be able to toggle using PRIMARY's arch-{white,black}lists" [Undecided,New] [15:39] happen to know what the appropriate medium is to make that request to the release team? [15:47] I guess it goes back to https://launchpad.net/~kisak/+archive/ubuntu/turtle/+packages [15:47] (sorry, old copy buffer) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-process-for-32-bit-compatibility/12598 [15:56] yeah, that feels like the right place. Will write something up. Thanks cjwatson [16:15] Yeah, I think that's probably the right place to start with [16:43] hello code.launchpad.net, you ok? [16:43] its friday, bad timing to die... [16:44] LocutusOfBorg: working for me? [16:45] LocutusOfBorg: works for me [16:45] can you reach https://code.launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+recipe/boinc-upstream-daily ? [16:45] both web and cloning a repo via git [16:45] let's see [16:45] yes, seems fine [16:45] ping code.launchpad.net [16:45] PING code.launchpad.net ( 56(84) bytes of data. [16:45] :/ [16:45] I can git pull and git push [16:46] LocutusOfBorg: Seems you have routing issues [16:46] LocutusOfBorg: maybe traceroute it [16:46] yes looks like routing issue [16:47] LocutusOfBorg: I can ping that server, as well as the 224 one just fine [16:47] I can ping it too from another connection [16:47] 14 SOURCE-MANA.ear2.London1.Level3.net ( 60.764 ms 61.166 ms 61.564 ms [16:47] stops here probably [16:47] Maybe ask #canonical-sysadmin if you want more help [16:48] nah its fine [16:48] but it's possible it's just a global hickup [16:48] will auto-heal [16:48] yeah [16:48] I can work from another connection, jut vpn it