
dmtarmeyI need help iv corrupted my ubuntu os and need help pls ?09:45
guivercdmtarmey, what you have done, provide details & what release/flavor of ubuntu?10:46
dmtarmeyI installed Ubuntu 20.04.1 and then updated to 20.10 then i tried to add more desktops and then the hole system started to become un stable10:56
dmtarmeyThe following packages will be REMOVED10:57
dmtarmey  edubuntu-artwork10:57
dmtarmey0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 1 to remove and 5 not to upgrade.10:57
dmtarmey1 not fully installed or removed.10:57
dmtarmeyAfter this operation, 1,489 kB disk space will be freed.10:57
dmtarmeyDo you want to continue? [Y/n] y10:57
dmtarmey(Reading database ... 400874 files and directories currently installed.)10:57
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit10:58
guivercwhat desktops were added?10:59
dmtarmeymate - gnome - budie and others11:05
guivercdmtarmey, so ask in #ubuntu, this is Lubuntu support.   In my experience once you've added 3 desktops, the 4th will bring problems...11:06
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wastl[m]Hm i have 4 virtual desktops on my lubuntu lap and they work fine. I just consider adding some compiz stuff xD14:07
wastl[m]I do love that compiz rotating 3d cube desktop switcher14:08
Pepe98Hello. Where I can download lubuntu with Lxde?14:44
lubot_[telegram] <Leokolb> https://lubuntu.me/downloads/  scroll down ver 18.04.5 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Pepe98> Hello. Where I can download lubuntu with Lxde?)14:48
Pepe98Thank you!!!14:49
lubot_[telegram] <aptghetto> And next month you want to download a supported Lubuntu?14:49
Pepe98I want an Lxde for my very old laptop of 1 GB of ram and a atom of 1.6 Ghz14:50
Pepe98So I went with lxqt but it gets warm and slow. So i'm going to try with Lxde14:51
Pepe98I went*14:52
lubot_[telegram] <aptghetto> You should install directly Debian with LXDE instead of Lubuntu 18.04, which reaches its end of life next month.14:54
lubot_[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> what14:58
kc2bez[m]Lubuntu 18.04 is end of support from the Lubuntu team next month. Is that what your question is about?15:04
lubot_[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> yes.15:04
kc2bez[m]LTS releases are only supported for 3 years by the flavors.15:05
fsociety[00]dathi all, i know lubuntu uses calamares installer so i want to know it uses ubuntu style layout ( @ and @home ) when choosing btrfs?15:25
lubot_[telegram] <cemunal> ^ this is my Q. from irc channel. any answer? ^17:28
lubot_[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> obaaa17:28
lubot_[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> türk17:28
lubot_[telegram] <cemunal> eng. please :)17:28
lubot_[telegram] <alamutfedaisi> xd17:28
lubot_[telegram] <cemunal> ?17:30
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> what question is yours? (re @cemunal: ^ this is my Q. from irc channel. any answer? ^)17:34
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> the BTRFS one?17:34
lubot_[telegram] <teward001> I don't think Lubuntu officially supports BTRFS, so a BTRFS setup would require you to manually set up your partition schemes, etc.17:34
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