[02:50] good morning [06:55] Hello! [07:30] good morning [09:16] hrmm, no focal builds of Landscape on-prem lead me to think it's not long for this world [09:26] open to suggestions for alternatives, i've been playing with cockpit so far today [10:06] a lot seem to like cockpit === Ussat-1 is now known as Usssat === Usssat is now known as Ussat [17:49] daftykins: um... that's normal for Landscape? They don't support $latestLTS they're usually $previousLTS [17:51] ok, well that's useless to me then - i wouldn't create a bionic VM this late in its' life just so i can use it :) [17:52] Cockpit is ok but you don't get a single view of updates of all your hosts as with Landscape [17:52] bionic still has plenty of life in it [17:53] i'm good [17:53] nobody uses anything along those lines for those tasks, then? [18:35] daftykins: I just use apticron and get emails when things need updating :) [18:37] daftykins: i mean, there's a lot of platforms we use for spinning VMs at FT job but they're all Templates in VMware :P [18:37] and Landscape SaaS is the primary Landscape, that's usually more up to date than on-prem [18:37] (I use SaaS as central for all servers I deploy on my own infra, even via Template, there's a startup task to see if Landscape is configured and if it isn't deploy a config that goes to LSaaS and integrate there) [18:38] 'course i had to prod Canonical hard-core mode to get them to fix a bug in the SaaS platform (and had to loop Mark in since I don't have a direct tech PoC for Landscape SaaS) but they fixed that bug :P [21:01] that goofball was in #debian on oftc a few minutes ago being told the exact same set of things. sigh. === rfm_ is now known as rfm