
IrcsomeBotBill_Clinternet was added by: Bill_Clinternet01:19
=== terrence is now known as Guest95257
IrcsomeBotapplejuice27 was added by: applejuice2705:00
IrcsomeBot<applejuice27> Hey guys my online accounts is not working. … The Google drive sync05:01
IrcsomeBot<applejuice27> Hey guys my online accounts is not working. … The Google drive sync05:04
=== terrence is now known as Guest11373
IrcsomeBot<Bentota> Can you login to google drive or gmail from a web browser ?08:42
IrcsomeBot<applejuice27> @Bentota, Online accounts makes it very produy for me. … It sits in the file manager does makes moving things around easier10:17
IrcsomeBot<Bentota> Try to login to from the browser to check if everything is fine with your password10:19
BluesKajHowdy folks12:39
IrcsomeBot<applejuice27> @Bentota, It is12:53
user|41535Is it possible to assign different shortcuts for each language keyboard in Kubuntu similar to what is possible in Windows?14:30
user|41535The following post explains what I mean. Though the post is about Mint, but well, if another Linux distribution is capable of this option, then I guess I will move to it.14:31
user_20213Hi, I read that Kubuntu is driven by community, does it mean Canonical won't check the publish on Ubuntu repositories?17:33
user_20213Because Kubuntu still uses Ubuntu repos17:34
user_20213I'm wonder about the relation and security between them17:34
tomreynuser_20213: hi. kubuntu is an official ubuntu flavour, driven by an active community. all official ubuntu flavours build on the packages in the "main" apt repositoriy which Canonical manages for ubuntu, and the security team ensures security patches for.17:46
tomreynpackages which are not in 'main', which usually means flavour specific packages such as the kubuntu graphical desktop, may not receive patches from the ubuntu security team, but the kubuntu community (or other communities, depending on the package).17:48
tomreynSee also "What software is supported by the Ubuntu Security team?" at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Standard_Support17:51
tomreynfactually, though, the Ubuntu Security Team does not rarely fix security issues present in the 'universe' compoent, and in kubuntu / KDE specific packages, too17:58
user_20213tomreyn: thanks17:59
user_20213so will security team audit the KDE? not fixing, just auditing for any virus...18:00
user_20213sorry, security problems18:00
tomreyni wouldn'T expect them to audit kde packages, but you'd better ask this in #ubuntu-hardened18:01
user_20213Thanks, I'll do18:01
viewer|0hello... have version 20.10, trying to screen share, cant find in settings menu18:44
viewer|0does anyone know how it can be done?18:44
u0_a125I'm on my phone19:35
tomreynrimd2r: you're using a very outdated irc proxy software there, i would recommend upgrading to something recent and supported. consider znc, for example.20:11
tomreynhi pirate, do you have any kubuntu questions?20:12
pirateis it possible to get the latest kde version on kubuntu?20:12
piratethe backports thing only updates to 5.1920:13
tomreyn!latest | pirate20:15
ubottupirate: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:15
tomreynthis also applies to Kubuntu20:15
tomreyni.e. if you want something newer than what you have, either use backports,, or upgrade to a newer kubuntu release - but this may not provide the very, very latest also. which, to me, is a feature.20:17
pirateoriginally i was an ubuntu user then i installed the kubuntu-desktop package to try kde because gnome was getting really boring, so would it be any difference if i installed the package kde-full? will it be the up to date kde or still 5.19?20:19
tomreynit wont change the version20:20
piratethank you for clearing that out, tomreyn20:21
tomreynyou're welcome20:23
pirateanother question, does kde 5.18.5 or 5.19 support wayland? or is it only on the newer versions?20:26
mparilloI would not try wayland at all on 5.18 or 19. If you do not have Nvidia, you can probably put up with the little things on 5.2121:24
=== dilfridge is now known as honigkuchenpferd
=== honigkuchenpferd is now known as dilfridge

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