
reaVerhi, I'm trying to live boot from USB but the screen is stuck at "Booting a command list" and the only button that does something is the powerbutton00:16
samwilliamreaVer is there any other message? What application was used to create the live USB? Are you using UEFI or BIOS boot?00:41
reaVerI'm using BIOS boot00:42
reaVerI used dd00:42
samwilliamIs ``Booting a command list´´ the last output on screen?00:46
samwilliamIf your computer supports UEFI, could you try that method disabling the legacy option?00:48
reaVersamwilliam: yes00:49
reaVerI don't think the laptop I'm using has UEFI support00:49
samwilliamno problem00:59
samwilliamI suggest you try to boot this USB in another computer or rerun the dd command01:01
samwilliamsudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=sync01:01
samwilliammaybe some error occurred while coping the iso.01:02
mattflycan someone help me. Trying to apt upgrade a vps with 20.04 lts but this error: http://ix.io/2SCs01:04
reaVersamwilliam: that was the command I initially used and i got no errors01:09
reaVerI'll try the LTS bootable01:15
Bashing-omreaVer: Verify the .ISO file download ?01:18
samwilliammattfly check the ``/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions´´ file, also verify any HOOK SCRIPTS01:19
samwilliam you created.01:19
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reaVersamwilliam: turns out the machine I was trying to install it on is a 32bits machine03:27
Bashing-omreaVer: Thanks for that honest feed back :D03:43
sybaritenis it easy to get some sort of plaintext list of what is actually started automatically when i start my machine? (in terms of services, i mean). My objective is to see if there are two apache instances that are started, independently03:50
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sarnoldsybariten: it depends upon how they are started. if there's sytemd units for them both, then systemctl list-units or systemd-analyze blame may be helpful03:57
sarnoldsybariten: but if one of them is started outside of systemd it'll be a lot harder to spot. pstree *might* help, if it was started by a service manager..03:58
sybaritenhm, i see03:58
sybariteni think first maybe i have to find out if two different apaches are _installed_03:59
qingIs there something like nautilus-extension-xterm ?04:00
sarnoldsybariten: why do you think there's multiple apaches running?04:01
sybaritensarnold: well.04:01
sarnoldqing: there's something like a thousand extensions at https://extensions.gnome.org/ .. I dunno if there'd be anything specific to nautilus or xterm there, but if not there might be something similar enough to steal from?04:03
sybaritenI installed this xampp package... and then after that had some trouble making apache actually running on port 8080 . So i tried some things and restarted the xampp (lampp?) service a coupla times, and noticed it had problems stopping and starting apache in the same way as the other services04:03
sybaritenSo i tried some other things and eventually made the ports work, but realized i could reach it both on 8080 and 80 - and getting different default server install pages, ya know?04:03
sybaritenso it just seems as maybe there was already an apache(2) installed there before i installed the xampp package04:04
sarnoldaha, so now the question is, is that via two apaches or via one apache with a more complex than usual config...04:04
sarnoldsybariten: try running sudo ss -tlpn and looking for the two ports in question04:05
sybaritensarnold:no i think thats two different apaches. Should be noted though that the xampp package isnt installed via apt-get but rather a wget and then a specific installer , so the "system" maybe less aware of the xampp apache if i try to list packages04:05
sybaritensarnold: ok i think first i'll reboot the machine to get the default current stage04:06
sybaritenHmmm yeah OK so directly upon boot i can only reach the web server on one port now actually, 80. But i suspect that xampp isnt running and if i (re)start it i will also be able to reach 808004:25
sybaritenps -aux shows at least one apache2 instance04:25
sybaritenHmmm yeah the xampp service-restarter actually says there already is another apache running04:33
qingHow to add a 'open xterm' to nautilus context menu?04:35
qihHi all, is Xubuntu, Ubuntu with XFCE DE or is it slightly different?04:36
Bashing-omqih: Ubder the hood is the same - difference is the Desktop environment and default installed apps.04:42
qihOK, good enough, thank you.04:43
qihIs OK, oddly enough, I worked that out 8-)04:43
qihIs OK, we know you meant that05:02
* qih runs to WHOIS, DIG, Finger etc05:02
ptahthats a dns ip05:03
qihWas going to say, is only a boring AT&T IP05:03
john_ramboHi, I am using Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 ... I am not familiar with the Budgie desktop ....How do I adjust the desktop wallpaper ? I mean SCALED/STRETCH/CENTER ?05:19
tomreyn/join #ubuntu-budgie    and read the channel    /topic05:23
john_rambo /join #ubuntu-budgie05:25
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
Hestonhi guys, i was trying out an older live usb (xubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64) and I made an aditional partition on the usb stick with the remaining space after I dd the image to the usb. I then formatted the linux partition as ext4, boot into ubuntu and it proceeds to tell me the partition is either already mounted or the mount point is in use when neither are true06:42
Hestonwhat do06:43
r0str0Hi, in a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 after just 2 days of little use, it does not open "Settings". The system reported the error the first time, after several reboots I still can't open the system settings.07:31
qwertuttytyubuntu-mate 18-21.04. do I understand correctly that I can't change the voltage to my own via cpufreq for the CPU? Just the frequency? cpufreq does not work properly for my processor it greatly overstates the voltage vcore. Compared to voltage in Windows. I'm not talking about that in the picture https://ibb.co/wggy6GZ. I mean, through editing a file or something?07:33
qwertuttytyAMD with windows driver for cpu, powersave for 1400hz vcore 0.912v. In ubuntu-mate poversave (1400) 1.200v. CPU max 3400Hz07:39
qwertuttytyhttps://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Athlon%20X4%20840%20-%20AD840XYBI44JA.html 3800Hz if turbo mode07:44
r0str0works for me after, service gdm restart, and some weird things in the login, but it's strange, it's a clean install.07:50
qwertuttytyhwinfo: core 0,1,2,3 vid 0,912v. Core voltage 0.925v. Still the difference with 1.200v08:13
qwertuttytylarge (mbmon)08:13
qwertuttyty Still the difference with 1.200v  large (mbmon)08:14
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qwertuttyty1500 hz core 0,1,2,3 vid 0.931v - ok08:30
qwertuttytyNB VID 0.975v (1400hz), NB VID 0.993v (1496hz)08:36
qwertuttytywindows hwinfo08:36
qwertuttytyNB VID 0.994v (1496hz)08:38
=== William is now known as Conna
unixbsd_1hello world09:28
unixbsd_1how to add PetMod MOD into .config/dhewm3    for doom3 (dhewm3)?  I try to use mods, because doom3(dhewm3) is fine but ok, quite boring.09:28
AndroUser10any command to check continuously if a wireless device is connected on local network?09:44
AndroUser10suppose wireless device is,how can i check if that device is still connected to the network continuously from command line from say (wired)09:48
catbeardping ?09:50
blaklistdGood idea09:50
blaklistdUnlimited ping should be a good09:50
AndroUser10one more thing, how to get mac address from ip address in the same setup?09:54
blaklistdAndroUser10: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-scan-for-ip-addresses-on-your-network-with-linux/09:57
AndroUser10catbeard, blacklistd, thank you10:02
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JoeLlamacan't open .URL in ubuntu using firefox.  can't understand hows to do from website instructions... what's the trick?11:12
unixbsd_1try maybe, pkill -9 firefo* ;  firefox $HOME/.URL    ;   or maybe cleanup your $HOME/.cache/  directory11:17
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JoeLlamanope I don't think that's it :(11:22
JoeLlamaah well11:22
JoeLlamagunna be a pain to fix I think.ll  there used to be a quick fix online dunno where it is now11:23
JoeLlamaURL files from windows11:23
JoeLlamacan't stomach windows anymore11:23
JoeLlamakept thinking I had a virus in windows until I realized..l windows is the virus11:24
JoeLlamaI need to open a windows .url on firefox in ubuntu11:25
JoeLlamawhat's the trick?11:25
unixbsd_1JoeLlama: Linux will freedom your world and life !! welcome to free, santa freedom cruz life ;)!  !!!11:40
unixbsd_1JoeLlama: rm -rf ~/.cache ~/.config/firefo*  and give a try, maybe your cache or seomthing. otherwise, get a try : apt-get install -y dillo ;   dillo ~/.URL11:41
JoeLlamaHow do you open a .url file from firefox running under windows in firefox running under ubuntu?11:47
unixbsd_1  I dont uunderstand much, but maybe this :    firefox "$( cat ~/.URL )"11:48
JoeLlamahrm...  I think I am looking for a well known solution on a website someplace...  I just can't understand how to set it all up unixbsd_1 ...  thanks for the input though...11:50
JoeLlamaI did find this and I am trying to understand it: bash -c "cat %f | grep -e 'URL\([[].*[]]\)\{0,1\}=' | cut -d= -f 2| xargs opera &"11:50
JoeLlamathat opens it in opera11:50
unixbsd_1maybe post a screenshot ... I have not much clues your situation.11:50
unixbsd_1ah ... ok.11:51
unixbsd_1I can do it in C for you if you want. C will work.11:51
JoeLlamahrm thanks unixbsd_111:51
unixbsd_1give me the file, I can decode it.11:51
JoeLlamawell I want it to auto-open without modding them...11:52
JoeLlamaI can do that in C also :)11:52
JoeLlamathanks unixbsd_1  though11:52
unixbsd_1When I hack I use C language, it is way stronger11:52
JoeLlamayeah I like C11:52
unixbsd_1if you use bash, you will sooon or later go to dead end with happy hacking. C is master for hacks11:52
JoeLlamaokay I keep researching this online...11:52
JoeLlamayears ago I found the fix but I dunno where that is11:52
unixbsd_1Do you want  a startup kit to learn C hacking?11:52
JoeLlamaum...  no thanks unixbsd_111:53
JoeLlamamostly when I use C I am creating embedded systems...  I don't hack much11:53
JoeLlamawell not these days11:53
unixbsd_1what about a grep in C, in 25 lines only?  this pipe grep works better than grep from default linux...11:53
unixbsd_1with that startup kit you can hack maybe your file: https://termbin.com/0xpe11:54
JoeLlamahrm...  maybe later...  link looks scary (:11:55
unixbsd_1ahh keep it precious... soon or later. you will need this file.11:56
SPFHow can I run slack from crontab? It doesn't start because of snap? I tried /usr/bin/snap run slack. It doesn't generate any output12:29
unixbsd_1what is slack?12:29
SPFunixbsd_1: slack is a snap application based on Electron12:30
unixbsd_1never heard12:31
unixbsd_1even electron, never heard.12:31
SPFunixbsd_1: doesn't really matter, I generally want to know how to start snap applications from crontab, unless you haven't heard of snap?12:33
BluesKajHowdy folks12:39
unixbsd_1i cant help with snap. no idea, i use apt-get.12:43
willerany blue light filter that I can control by using the mouse scrollwheel on a widget to set the colour temp?14:00
lintro[m]1How can I change the default Secret Service provider defined in /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service as gnome-keyring?14:06
lintro[m]1They are telling me I can't edit /usr/share directly and it will be overwritten by the next upgrade to gnome-keyring14:06
lintro[m]1PROBLEM: change Secret Service default provider from gnome-keyring to something else14:06
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goddarddoes the nvidia-smi settings affect windows?16:26
oerheks"windows" as in ms windows?16:28
oerheksnever heard of such idea16:30
goddardwell it happened to me16:31
leftyfbgoddard: what did you do?16:32
goddardi set the pm mode to 116:32
goddardto persist16:32
goddardnow some cuda programs aren't working16:32
leftyfbgoddard: negative16:32
leftyfb"Set the persistence mode for the target GPUs. See the (GPU ATTRIBUTES)16:33
leftyfb section for a description of persistence mode. Requires root. Will16:33
leftyfb impact all GPUs unless a single GPU is specified using the -i argument.16:33
leftyfb The effect of this operation is immediate. However, it does not per-16:33
leftyfb sist across reboots. After each reboot persistence mode will default16:33
leftyfb to "Disabled". Available on Linux only."16:33
goddardstrange it seems to have had an effect16:33
leftyfbgoddard: it doesn't16:34
goddardwell i need some explaination16:35
goddardso far that is all i have changed16:35
gnUserHow can I identify programs that might be phoning home from Ubuntu 20.04?16:36
oerheksgnUser, AFAIK none of them do, only update gives a bleep, monitor your network traffic?16:38
agvantiboDoes file-roller unpack split 7-zip archives?16:47
oerheksagvantibo, if you install p7zip-full, it could?16:48
agvantiboThanks, oerheks. Already done this. I am SMB-ing a giant split archive from a Windows PC, and want to know beforehand. I know that `7zr x first-file.7z.001` will do the trick anyway, but...16:53
agvantiboOkaay... I'll try and let you guys (and girls???) know16:56
ewomerStaying at a friends house and after rebooting Ubuntu(kubuntu) wont connect to router/modem, I have to run ' sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart' and then 'sudo dhclient' to get it to connect16:59
oerhekssudo snap install rigs-of-rods17:36
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remlineI added this to /etc/udev/rules.d: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", GROUP="video", MODE="0664". /sys/class/backlight is still in the "root" group. Shouldn't it have changed to the "video" group?17:44
aleksei-hashHello everyone! So I'm new on ubuntu OS and I'm in trouble. When I'm trying to install or update something on the terminal, it says me: Updates from such a repository cannot be done securely, and are therefore disabled by default. I found none fixes on the net so could somebody help me please?17:53
aleksei-hashPS: I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 OS17:53
leibniz[m]Is there a way to make "drag tab to create window" of firefox LESS sensitive?18:03
unixbsd_1i use groovy, it works ok18:08
tomreynaleksei-hash: the apt repository which this warning is about is probably not maintained anymore, nor the software you have installed from there. we'd need to see the full output, on paste.ubuntu.com, to provide a better answer.18:08
unixbsd_1aleksei-hash: I give you my sources.list18:08
unixbsd_1you need a good /etc/apt/sources.list  ... this one works: https://termbin.com/82hr18:09
aleksei-hashThank's! But how could I install that18:16
tomreynunixbsd_1: this is for grooxy, aleksei-hash is on 20.04 LTS (focal)18:17
unixbsd_1to install on debian (ubuntu), you need : sudo   apt-get install  libreoffice18:18
unixbsd_1sudo apt-get update18:18
tomreynaleksei-hash: if you can post the URLs returned by      sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999    and    apt-cache policy 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999    i think we will be able to help you fix this problem.18:20
unixbsd_1to search for a name of a package, do (for instance we search "vim" ):     apt-cache search vim18:21
aleksei-hashI installed libreoffice but I have the same error message18:21
tomreynright, that's unrelated18:22
tomreyni'm not sure why unixbsd_1 even brought this up18:23
aleksei-hashThis is this URL18:24
aleksei-hashAnd for the second one, I  have https://termbin.com/wf7918:25
unixbsd_1so try another source list, maybe be is offline18:25
unixbsd_1us. is usually slow, but more stable18:25
tomreynaleksei-hash: so yuo have a PPA configured, which does not (no longer) exist18:25
aleksei-hashOh, how can I remove it?18:26
unixbsd_1in used in be, they were sometiimes offlines. a stable one is sometimes cool to have.18:26
tomreynunixbsd_1: editing or replacing the sources.list file is not going to help here, this PPA is most likely configured in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/18:26
unixbsd_1ah ok.18:26
tomreynaleksei-hash: you will probably need to manually identify the apt source configuration in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ which points to this PPA18:27
unixbsd_1I use to install using deboostrap, so I do all manually.18:27
tomreynand delete the file18:27
aleksei-hashWhat command should I use?18:28
tomreynaleksei-hash: sudo grep -rF 'gnome3-team/gnome3' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999918:29
tomreynaleksei-hash: this is just a command to identify the file we need to remove18:29
tomreynit doesn't actually do it, yet18:29
aleksei-hashOk, I have this18:30
aleksei-hashapt-cache policy 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999918:30
tomreynsudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-ubuntu-gnome3-focal.list18:31
tomreynthis will delete the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-ubuntu-gnome3-focal.list which so far configures the apt source, which no longer exists, and causes the error message18:31
tomreynonce this is done, do    sudo apt update    it should no longer report this error message then.18:32
tomreynaleksei-hash: before you decide to use any PPA, which is generally not supported here, and can break things badly, make sure you read the PPAs web page - every PPA has one.18:34
tomreynthis ones' is at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome318:34
tomreynon these web pages, read the "PPA description" to learn what its support status is and whether it explicitly says that you cannot or should not use it.18:36
aleksei-hashOh, it's fixed! Thank you bro))18:36
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tomreynthen scroll down to "overview of published packages", and use tehe "any series" drop down to see whether this PPA actually provides packages for your Ubuntu release.18:36
tomreynyour Ubuntu release is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, codename "focal"18:37
tomreynyou will notice that "focal" is not on the drop down list, so this PPA does not provide packages for your ubuntu release, and thus cannot be used with it.18:38
tomreynaleksei-hash: you're welcome, and please read and trey to follow the above, you'll keep running into this situation so it's really good to understand this soon.18:38
unixbsd_1what is a PPA by the way?18:39
aleksei-hashOk ok thank's!18:40
tomreyn!PPA | unixbsd_118:40
ubottuunixbsd_1: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:40
tomreynaleksei-hash: do you remember why you tried to add this PPA in the first place? maybe we can find a better solution?18:42
aleksei-hashYes, I wanted to install komorebi18:43
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tomreynaleksei-hash: this, right? https://github.com/cheesecakeufo/komorebi18:49
unixbsd_1ah ppa is like non-free and contrib, thx18:49
tomreynaleksei-hash: this software does not seem to be packaged for ubuntu or debian (which a relevant part of the community maintained packages in ubuntu are based on)18:52
tomreyni see how this web page points to the PPA you tried to use - but your ubuntu release is too new for it to work. it seems like this software is not well supported anymore.18:53
aleksei-hashOkk, I understand better now tnx!18:55
tomreynaleksei-hash: there are so-called "gnome (shell)  extensionsgnome extensions" which can add more functionality to gnome. on the other hand, if incompatible or badly done, they can also break your graphical desktop. which is why most of them are not supported in ubuntu or here. but if you want to give it a try nevertheless, you can try this one: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1131/desk-changer/18:56
tomreyn(it is reported to work on your ubuntu release, 20.04, in the comments)18:57
tomreyngenerally, the basic functionality to change the wallpaper is also available from the "gnome tweaks" application which you can install using    sudo apt install gnome-tweaks   and run by looking for "tweaks" on the desktop menu19:00
tomreynaleksei-hash: ^19:00
=== agvantibo_ is now known as agvantibo
aleksei-hashYeah but I would like a live wallpaper19:02
unixbsd_1the wallpaper is powered by the desktop app, that you use like xfdesktop, kde desktop, ... and so on. Or, if you use a wm,  feh --bg-tile wallpaper.png  gives it on root of x11.19:07
tomreynaleksei-hash: someone has made a copy of komorebi and developed it further, providing a package they say is compatible with ubuntu 20.04 now. https://github.com/Komorebi-Fork/komorebi - but I cannot tell whether this actually works, or does bad to your computer or data, and it's certianly not supported here.19:08
unixbsd_1sheep wallpaper something is live wallpaper19:08
dg1727I might be affected by https://github.com/gwsw/less/issues/108 and someone on ##linux suggested I might look for Ubuntu support about this19:35
cart_manHey I have a request that I think will work really cool. For a release of ubuntu but first I just want to find out if it isn't already possible19:44
cart_manSoo... when you set virtual screens. I have 4 on my PC and I love it19:44
cart_manI have three screens and sometimes people want to watch stuff on the third screen which for obv reason doesn't work well because I switch quite intensively.19:45
cart_manSo is there a feature that can make one screen static ?19:45
cart_manso that it doesn't swap with the rest of the Desktop selections?>19:45
tomreyndg1727: if you run a supported ubuntu release (see /topic ) you can report a bug:19:50
tomreyn!bug | dg172719:50
ubottudg1727: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:50
tomreyncart_man: i don't know the immediate answer to your question, but if it refers to a recent ubuntu release, and its default gnome3 based desktop, your best option will be to look for a gnome (shell) extension which provides this functionality. note, however, that those can also break basic functionality of your graphical desktop, and (other than those packaged in ubuntu'm "main" apt repository component) aren't supported here.19:54
dg1727tomreyn: Thanks.19:54
cart_mantomreyn: I thought Virtual Desktops come standard with Ubuntu though?19:55
unixbsd_1vritual desktops are in all the X11 and in all window manager19:58
unixbsd_1kde hide the virtual desktop with newest version19:58
unixbsd_1in the past kde had virtual desktop by default, but it was way tooooo complicated for beginners19:59
unixbsd_1so in kde, go to settinggs and add 4 virtual desktops.19:59
cart_manah so in kde you have to switch it on19:59
unixbsd_1you can also run a scrolling in Linux ;) cool effect !!19:59
cart_manunixbsd_1: I have it on yea. But I was wondering if you could choose a screen or a desktop that doesn't switch19:59
cart_manunixbsd_1: Hmmm whats scrolling?20:00
unixbsd_1you can have 1024x768 pan, and have a large desktop larger, by going on edge and it does scrolling like command commander. that's the power of linux20:00
unixbsd_1like strategic games, scrolling on edge.20:00
cart_manunixbsd_1: Ohhh I see.... Hmmm interesting20:00
tomreyncart_man: yes, ubuntu's gnome-shell desktop supports virtual desktops by default. i don't know / think it supports the very functionality specific to virtual desktops that you are looking for outof the box.20:01
unixbsd_1in ubuntu, they have no clue how to configure it... it is possible with a regular window manager, kde blocks all those Fun's20:01
unixbsd_1cart_man: scrolling or 3d rotating, almmost anything is possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QokOwvPxrE20:23
cart_manunixbsd_1: Holy shit that is insane !20:27
oerheksbut compiz is no more, grinn20:28
oerheksno wobbly windows20:28
KrausHello! Is there a PPA I can add to grab a Gnome package for the application Glade? The default package dates back to 2018 (3.22), but the current version is 3.38.120:28
unixbsd_1that's nothing, we invented many things. we could also rotate the window or move them, or making them destroy in just fire to close...20:28
oerheksunixbsd_1, that is history20:29
unixbsd_1wayland will bring the success ...20:29
oerheksKraus, use the snap https://snapcraft.io/glade20:30
oerheksunixbsd_1, i hope so, i will support wobbly wayland windows20:30
unixbsd_1end of X11, hurra.20:30
cart_manunixbsd_1: When is Wayland officialy the new display driver20:36
cart_manSW Display drive r20:36
cart_manI guess20:36
oerheks21.04 will be default wayland20:37
oerheksbut x11 session will be installed too20:37
unixbsd_1not long, the goal is to put wayland and to remove x11. bsd will keep x11, they fork it already.20:37
cart_manoerheks: unixbsd_1 WELL if that means my Desktop can stop breaking if I have CRHOME open and switch to another desktop then I am all for it20:51
cart_mandoes the X11 take advantage of you GPU?20:51
cart_mansilly question perhaps20:51
unixbsd_1wayland will be better for gaming20:53
cart_manunixbsd_1: does Vulkan run on it?20:53
unixbsd_1Vulkan should be ... on #linux they talk a lot about promises of vulkan20:54
=== Disco is now known as Disconsented
_z_poophole is a funny word21:10
_z_freenode is in danger of dying because of topics, im taking it to strange new places21:11
oerheks_z_ please spread your facts elsewhere. this is ubuntu support only21:11
_z_good advice21:11
_z_this channel and all of the 1104 afk useres in it21:15
_z_good luck with them channel rules and topics tho21:16
oerheksThanks, have fun!21:16
jayjowhen using VMs on ubuntu with virt-manager, are there negatives to oversubscribing CPUs? For example, my machine has 4 cores. i notice a VM with 2 vCPUs performs much better than 1 vCPU. Can I allocate more vCPUs than I have available? Is there any positives to doing so?21:20
oerheksjayjo, i think you can, but it is limited to the number of vcpu during install?21:28
oerheksqemu would give the max number available, AFAIK21:28
tomreynjayjo: if the total of vcpus assigned to *running* VMs is the same or higher than actual cpu cores (or threads, i.e. AMD SMT / Intel HT) then the need to do context switching is increased, which involves somewhat costly interrupt calls, i..e VMs and the host system will start slowing each other down a bit.21:29
tomreynbut in the end, what really matters most is that every guest (and the host) system you run will run with acceptable performance (you are the measure!), so if a guest system seems to perform much better with multiple VCPUs assigned, then it's probably a good idea to assign those.21:30
oerheksredhat docs show they can hot-add a vcpu.21:34
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
leftyfbDell XPS 13 with Ubuntu 20.04.2. I can't seem to get the screen to lock when closing the lid. I've tried setting in gnome with https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CXfzhWtBYn/ . I've tried setting in logind.conf with https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zHx3CxZp2F/ . Here is the systemd-logind log when closing and opening the lid: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WjmkNR5KSz/     After opening the lid, I'm just back at my desktop without logging in.21:59
aleksei-hashHello! Which free antivirus do you advise me for an ubuntu 20.04 OS??22:10
tomreynleftyfb: login manager is gdm3, desktop is gnome-shell? X or wayland?22:11
oerheksThere are anti virus product, clamav, rootkithunter and such22:12
ubottuAn "antivirus" is primarily a concept from the Windows ecosystem and usually a program like that is not needed on Linux because the threat model is different. Malware on Linux does exist, however. Google up "rkhunter" and "linux intrusion detection systems". Also look up !clamav22:12
leftyfbtomreyn: all defaults.22:12
leftyfbaleksei-hash: I don't recommend any anti-virus for Ubuntu. It's a false sense of security22:12
tomreynleftyfb: have you tried the same configuration on another system?22:12
oerheksaleksei-hash, you might better invesigate howto protect my browser22:13
leftyfbtomreyn: no, I don't have another laptop I can throw 20.04 onto22:13
tomreynhmm maybe a VM could work, too, if you can simulate the lid switch22:13
tomreynloginctl lock-sessions22:14
tomreynthough that's not really simulating a lid switch22:15
leftyfbtomreyn: I have a previous gen XPS 13 with 18.04 on it. All of the logind.conf settings are hardcoded and the dconf settings for it actually say suspend but that one locks just fine. So I assume those settings are getting ignored22:15
leftyfbtomreyn: sorry, mistyped, NONE of the logind.conf settings are hardcoded. It's left default22:16
tomreyni see. maybe this is being inhibited there.22:16
tomreynsystemd-inhibit --list22:16
leftyfbgnome-tweak-tool-lid-inhibitor 1000 leftyfb 3717 python3        handle-lid-switch         user preference       block22:18
leftyfbtomreyn: within tweaks I have the "Suspend when laptop lid closed" and disabled22:19
tomreynyou have LidSwitchIgnoreInhibited=no   If "no", the inhibitor locks taken by applications are respected.22:19
leftyfbtomreyn: I tried it with LidSwitchIgnoreInhibit=yes as well, no change22:19
tomreynand you restarted the session, not just logged out and in again?22:20
tomreynok, that's all i could think of :-/22:21
leftyfbgnome-tweak-tool-lid-inhibitor is listed on my 18.04 laptop as well, so it's not that22:21
leftyfbI just set everything back to default including the gsettings back to "suspend" for everything. Closing the lid still triggers logind to output "lid closed" and "lid opened" in the log. But the laptop doesn't lock nor suspend22:26
leftyfbso apparently the gsettings and logind are both being ignored22:27
ptahleftyfb, setting them to default doesnt the problem22:29
oerheksleftyfb, do you have autologin enabled?22:29
leftyfboerheks: negative22:30
oerheksoh, then it is curious22:30
leftyfbyeah. I never get the easy ones22:30
ptahleftyfb, setting them to default doesnt the fix problem22:30
johnfghi guys22:31
johnfgI believe that the fix was done, or it's in, for firefox, but it's still not showing up in my updates.  Any idea when it's going to be released?22:32
ptahleftyfb, but im not sure what it is22:32
tomreynjohnfg: what fix, which firefox, which updates?22:33
leftyfbjohnfg: what fix are you referring to? Also, maybe just wait. You will unlikely find the developers for Firefox nor the maintainers of the packages here in this chat22:33
johnfgAnother - I'm in #chromium (using it because firefox won't run) asking this question as well: is there a keyboard shortcut to go either backwards or forwards on a webpage?22:33
oerheksmaybe in the 87.0b9-1*now* beta https://snapcraft.io/firefox  ??22:33
leftyfbjohnfg: ALT+left and ALT+right  same as in every browser on the planet22:34
johnfgtomreyn: leftyfb: I won't bother to give the bug number, but the one we discussed a while ago, and seems to be fairly prevalent.  The devs got it fixed pretty quickly, and said it would be here, but it hasn't made it.22:35
oerheksoh, and what firefox version is that fix, johnfg ?22:36
leftyfbjohnfg: sorry, if you want help, you'll need to give the bug number or a link. We help a lot of people here and can't be expected to remember every detail of every problem every user has ever had22:36
tomreynjohnfg: please don't take it personal, i don't remember all the details from all the previous chats i've had here22:36
johnfgleftyfb: Thanks!  I guess chromium help with the listing of keyboard shortcuts must have figured everyone knew them (except me) :-)22:36
johnfgtomreyn: Np, I didn't mean that I would *not* show it, but since the bug is fixed (so I was told), we don't need to rehash the specifics.  Does that make sense?22:37
tomreynjohnfg: to me it makes a lot of sense to discuss which fix you expect to happen, on which ubuntu release, to be shipped, when you say it hasn't been.22:38
tomreynjohnfg: generally, make sure to provide the very basic system details when you ask support questions, otherwise it's hardly possible to help.22:39
tomreyn!details | johnfg22:39
ubottujohnfg: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.22:39
=== veegee_ is now known as veegee
quadrathoch2is there a specific snapd help channel?23:39
Bashing-om!snap | quadrathoch2 There is a forum:23:43
ubottuquadrathoch2 There is a forum:: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io23:43
quadrathoch2thanks Bashing-om :)23:46
quadrathoch2but I was rather looking for an irc channel :/23:46
leftyfbquadrathoch2: #snappy23:49
Bashing-omquadrathoch2: "alis" may have a listing. try on this server ' /msg alis list *snap* ' - ' /msg alis help list ' for help.23:49
quadrathoch2thanks to you both :) leftyfb Bashing-om23:56
=== hacxman is now known as hexo

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