[11:26] how to in stall winwasio in studio ? [16:54] Elo [17:40] Hello everyone! I am 100% newbie with Ubuntu, trying to install UbuntuStudio on my Toshiba Satellite C850d-11c through USB pendrive installation. while testing the live install, the Wifi was not found (wireless is deactivated). While installing Ubuntustudio (last issue, I guess 20.10), around 45% the installation interrupts with a long messasge I [17:40] cannot understand at all. [17:40] command 'apt-get purge -y remove ^live-* calamares-settings-ubuntustudio calamares hunspell-en-us zramconfig cifs-utils' returned non-zero exit status 10 [17:42] reading package lists...Building dependancy tree....readingĀ  state information...Package "live-intramfs" is not installed so notremovedE: unable to locate package zram-config [17:43] can anyone help? I am looking to install ubuntustudio for homerecording with a USB audio interface (Audient EVO 8). [17:43] thanks! [18:03] Lol, that was patient